Fixing your Friendship

The Missing Piece of The Puzzle


[Chani's POV]

You:Jaein ah,what are you doing right now?
Jaein:Just finish grocery shopping, on my way home. Why?
You:Just missing you ㅇㅅㅇ
Jaein:Yah...You wanna die! Stop teasing me. 

Soojin look at you as you were smiling while teasing Jaein "What did she say ?" you stop and look at her "Oh nothing, we're just talking." She smirk "more like flirty..Also Yah, why did you call me out today ? This is weird. " she added 

"Yah we need to fix their friendship, I don't like hanging out with one person and don't hang out with the other." Jaechan added. Kuanlin agree "Me too, Soojin noona keep texting me to hang out. But I can't because of work." Jaechan sighed "If Daehwi didn't say anything, we wouldn't have to deal with this" You look at him "What if we get them into one area and they don't have a choice, but to talk it out." you suggested. 

Jaechan nod "I like that idea, but who is brave enough to talk to Soojin?" Kuanlin shake his head "Not me, she'll kill me." Jaechan look over to you "I guess you're it, Chani. Good Luck! " 

[End of flashback]
"Oh, I was just bored that's it and everyone else is busy." You added trying to lies. Suddenly a couple of girls came up to you guys "Oppa, annyeonghaseyo" you look at them and bow "Oh annyeonghaseyo" One girl added "Oppa, you are so handsome can we get your number?" You look at her "Oh..sorry, Im kinda busy." You added decide to walk away "Yah, Mr.Popular. I didn't know." Soojin added. "So which one?" You look at her "What are you talking about?"She chuckled "So, is it the left one or right one?" she added "I think the one on the right is your type." You sighed "I literally just rejected them..." you added shaking your head.

She added "You will have hard time finding a girl, if you always be nice to them for no reason. It would be misleading." You stop and look at her "Does it look like when Im at school?" She nod "yeah.." You sighed *thinking back to yesterday* "I didn't mean to.."Soojin smirk "People don't change easily. So wanna eat something together?" You nodded "yeah let's go" 

"Game on!" You added as while you were texting in the groupchat with the guys. 

[Your's POV]
You unload all the groceries and put it in the fridge *RING RING* you pull out your phone to answer it "Oh Kuanlin ah, what's up?" on the other end "Noona, are you busy?" you reply "No, why?" Kuanlin "let's go eat somewhere, I'm hungry." You nodded "Okay, I'll be there. Just send me the address." Kuanlin yelled "Call" 

[Chani's POV]
Kuanlin:Got Jaein Noona 
Jaechan: Good
You:Soojin and I are ordering right now, hurry ! 

"Yah! Can you quickly order instead of going on your phone the whole entire time?" Soojin added. You look at her and at the menu "You can order anything, I don't mind." You added going back to your phone and texting. "What the.." Soojin added as she look at the menu and call over the waiter. "Can we..." as she quickly point at the menu each items one by one. "Okay, your order will be out shortly." the waiter added as he grab the menu. "Kang Chani!" Soojin yelled. "Sorry." you added in shocked and put down your phone.She shake her head at you "You're really something..." 

[Your's POV]
As you were waiting on your bus, Kuanlin texted you "the same restaurant as last time! " You texted back with the "Okay sign" and wait for your bus. (20 minutes later) You walk to the restaurant and walk for Kuanlin inside "Oh annyeonghaseyo" you bow to the waiter and saw Chani. You walk over to him and question "What are you doing here?" He look at you and added "Oh I-" Before you knew it Soojin walk out of the restroom. 

"Yah Kang Chani, did the foods comes out yet?" She added and then stop as she saw you. "Soojin..." She look at him and smirk "What its she doing here?" Chani didn't say anything and stay quiet. You turn around to him and the rest of the guy walk in. "You guys need to make up, I don't care what situation it is." Jaechan added. You look at her and she look back at you "this is a joke.." she added trying to walk away. 

*Thinking to yourself* "Do it , you got it !" You yelled "Kim Soojin!" She stop "Im sorry..." you added "before I don't know what you misunderstood but, I didn't tell Jinyoung that you like him...-I's all my fault.." You continue "What I've done for you wasn't what I want to happened...I shouldn't have ask you first. Before doing something you didn't like, I was a bad friend for that..." you added. She sighed "I'm even more sorry.." she turn around to you "I thought for a long time I know how Jinyoung felt about me, but I decided to ignore that. Because I thought there was hopes...But turn out I play myself, instead of accepting the reject. I put it on the only person I trust the most, which I know I'm wrong for... Including everything I said to you.. I didn't mean it.I'm sorry for treating you badly and not realizing how much you were hurting...I'm sorry." 

After hearing that you began having tears fall down your face, she saw you and ran up to you "Yah you idiot, don't cry." she added hugging you and wiping your tears.

- 20 Minutes Later -
"Yah, why did you order so much?" Jaechan added as he was holding on to his stomach. Soojin laugh "yah! It's not my fault, I'm just hungry that's all." Everyone laughed at them as they bicker.

Kuanlin stood "I gotta go in for work , so I'm leaving early." Everyone look at each other and Jaechan suggest "Yah, let's all go together then." Everyone nodded and head straight to the coffeeshop.

[Jinyoung's POV]
"Hyung what time it is?" you questioned. Minhyun look at his clock and back at you "6:00, why?" You turn your head and mumbled "Where is Kuanlin? He was suppose to come by now..." *DING DONG* someone enter "Hyung, I'm here." Kuanlin say as he enter the coffeeshop. Daehwi came out of the kitchen screaming "Yah! I call you multiple time, why didn't you pick up!" Kuanlin bow to everyone and added "Because I was busy bringing us more customers." Daehwi cross his arms "Who?" 

The rest of the group come in and Jaechan yelled "I'm here!" which make you laugh, until you saw Soojin,Jaein and Chani walk in behind him. You saw Jaein and ran straight back to the kitchen "Aish, why is she here?" Jisung look at you "Yah, what are you doing here? Didn't your shift end already?" You look at him and start hushing him "Hyung, can you be any louder ...?"  Daehwi saw Jaein and ran back to you. Jisung look at him "You too..." He added shaking his head by his weird dongsaengs and left. 

"Hyung, why are you hiding?" Daehwi look at you. You look at him in disbelief and show your hand at him "Oh.." he added as you both were looking outside at them. "Why are they here all of the sudden, this isn't okay." He added. 

[Your's POV]
You walk in the store with Soojin around your arms and seat down. Chani look at you and added "Jaein ah, what do you want?" Soojin look at him "I want mango smoothies!" Chani look at her in disbelief. You chuckled at them "anything is fine, thanks" you added and Chani walk away to call your order. As you guys were waiting, Soojin look at Chani as he was staring at you. 

"Yah, It is just me or Chani have been staring at you the whole entire time?" She added as you turn to Chani and he turn his head away from you. "What do you mean, Hajima. Don't be weird." Soojin sighed "I'm serious, he likes you. What more do you want to know?" You quickly shake your head by her comments and start playing with your phone,instead of listening to her nonsense.

Jaechan came over with his drink and sat down in front of you guys "Oh I forgot, did you guys see Jinyoung?" he added looking around for him. Soojin and you both look at each other and shake your head "No, wait..He's working today?" Soojin added and Jaechan nodded. She stood up and gasp "What ? No i can't face him today. I gotta go, sorry Jaein ah." She added as she dash out the door, before you could say anything. 

"Where did she go ?" Chani added sitting down next to you with your drink. Jaechan look at him and chuckled "She heard Jinyoung is working that's why." He added shaking his head and enjoying his drink. " One strawberry smoothies" Chani added handing you your drink. You grab it and drank it "Oh thanks." 

As time goes by, everyone just stay on their phone playing game. Suddenly Chani pull out a camera app and took a picture of you *CLICK* You turn to him "Yah, what did you took ?" Chani started denying it and look at the picture "Nothing" he added as he began laughing to it. "Yah, delete it" you added started to fight for his phone. Jaechan stare at you both and sighed "yah, how about get a room. You guys should just date!" he added. You stop what you were doing "Yah..." you added as you were holding on to your red cheeks and faning yourself. 

[Jinyoung's POV]
"Are they gone yet?" Daehwi added looking outside to make sure, you guys left. Jisung saw Daehwi head popping out "Yah Bae Jinyoung! Lee Daehwi. You know we have customers right? I'm not letting you guys hiding here all day." Daehwi pouted "But hyung..." Jisung shake his head and point for you and Daehwi to stop hiding. 

You let out a deep breathe and walk outside. Minhyun came over to you and put his hand on your shoulder "You will be fine, calm down kid." You look up at the ceiling "Oh god, lets get it over already" you added putting your head down and began making orders."Orders up! Bae Jinyoung!" Minhyun yelled as he hands you the order list. 

[Your POV]
Jaechan turn around and saw Jinyoung walking out with Daehwi "Oh Jinyoung ah!" He added. You heard his name and your direct attention went to him instead. Chani look at you "Yah, he's working. Don't yell his name.." He added drinking his drink. Jaechan turn back around you and Chani and sigh "Yeah you're right." Suddenly he saw how focus you were with Jinyoung and smirk "At least I got someone else attention" he added hinting to Chani about you. Chani look at you "Jaein ah" he added "Lee Jaein" he added shaking you. "Oh? What?" You added snapping back to reality. Jaechan began laughing "Wow, someone was day dreaming about Jinyoung much?" You snap "No, what...NO" Chani look at you and at Jinyoung. He sigh "I'm gonna go, I'll see you guys tomorrow then." He added standing up and grabbing his bag. 

"Yah, Kang Chani!" You screamed. You quickly got up and grab your stuff "Sorry, Jaechan. I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow then." You added dashing out of the coffeeshop and catching up to Chani. Jaechan look at you both and mumbled "What the heck..." he added continue drinking his drink. 

You ran up to Chani and held on to his arm "Yah, wait..." you added letting out a deep breathe. You stood back up to your normal position and look at him, as he was staring down at where your hand was. "Oh sorry..." You added letting go of his arm, he look at you and turn towards you. "Why didn't you stay back with Jaechan?" He added. You look back at the coffeeshop and added "I saw you leaving, so I came along. Why did you leave?" 

"I just feel uncomfortable that's why I left." He added turning away from you. You look him "What's wrong now?" You began pouting. He turn to you and added "Maybe the fact that you're staring at Jinyoung like that make me uncomfortable..." You look at him "Chani ah..." He sighed "I'm gonna go, just go back to Jaechan. He can walk you home, I don't feel too good today." He added and left. 

You look at him as he walk away and sighed "I'm sorry..." you added walking back to the coffeeshop with Jaechan. "Oh, Jaein ah...You're back" Minhyun added as he saw you walking into the entrance, you nodded and walk back to your seat from before. You groaned and put your head down on the table "What the heck?" Jaechan added as he saw you. Kuanlin quickly came over and sat down "Noona..Are you alright?" He added looking at Jaechan "I don't even know" he added while lifting his shoulders. 

Daehwi slowly walk over to you and Jaechan, you lift your head as you heard him "Lee DAEHWI!" He started getting scare and began begging for mercy "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My mouth just went somewhere else..." You look at him in death glares and shake your head "You're an idiot, I swear." He stand down next you and smile "Am I forgiven now?" You look at him and smile "yeah." He started smiling "yesss!" Kuanlin shake his head "You're lucky that Jaein noona is actually nice." Daehwi glares at Kuanlin. 

"So I guess everything works out now?" Jinyoung added as he sat down with you guys. You nodded at him "All because of me of course, you're welcome" Jaechan added started bragging about the fact that your friendship was fix, because of him. Everyone started laughing at him and shake their head "Oh yeah, guys Chani's birthday is coming up. What should we do?" Daehwi added. You were in shocked by the new and look at him "BIRTHDAY?WHAT?" Daehwi took out his phone and show you "Yeah, look it even say it on his profile..." You grab his phone and groaned "Oh god, I'm terrible..." Jinyoung look at you say you holding on to your hair. You sighed "I'm such a terrible friend..." Jaechan nods and mumble "Yeah talk about not asking how Jinyoung's hand is doing", you lift up your head and saw his hand in bandages "...Does it still hurt?" you asked, he look at you and shake his head "No..." 

A/N: EYE- I don't even know what I'm doing anymore, so like please be patience with me.

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