
The Missing Piece of The Puzzle


[Jinyoung's POV] 
You look at Daehwi and push him away "Yah! stop it." Daehwi chuckled "Let's just say it complicated." Chani chuckled "So you guys not a thing?" You look at him and shake your head "No we're just friend." Guanlin and Daehwi look at each other "yeah "friends"...." You snap "We are!" Chani chuckled *RING RING* he took out his phone and notice the time "I gotta go, I'll see you guys tomorrow then?" We nodded as Chani walk away. 

[Back to you]
"I'm home" you added as you walk through the door. You took out your shoes and look around "Hmm..He's not home yet?" you added. You began moving towards the kitchen for some snacks. *Ding Ding* 
[Group Chat]
Jaechan: Where should we meet up tomorrow ?
Guanlin:Hmm, we have work tomorrow afterschool.. 
Daehwi:Oh yeah we do...What do we do ?
Soojin:Jinyoung ah.. What about you ?
Jinyoung: Work..Jaein ah?
You:I can meet at the library afterschool or at night..If anyone else can come. 
Soojin:Mian.. Guys.. I have to go to my academy tomorrow..So can't...
Guanlin&Daehwi:Work so can't...
Jaechan:...I have basketball..ooops..
Daehwi:It's not like you are any good..
Jaechan:Yahh..Oh btw where's chani? 

You quickly sighed as you saw how busy everyone else was but then *DING DING* "Huh?" you added checking your phone "Small Face". You look at your phone and scratch your head "Why the heck did he private message me?" 
[Private Chat]
Jinyoung: You want me to pick you up after you finish with studying ? 
You:I thought you had work ? 
Jinyoung: I can pick you up and walk you home after.
*Thinking to yourself* "It is bad that I wanna ask yes...Ughh...stupid emotions..." 
You:If you can, sure. If you can't it's totally fine too. 
Jinyoung:I'll call you tomorrow, if anything comes up. 

You smile by his text message then you snap back to reality "Oh god...no no no.." You screamed running in your room and lock yourself in there. You quickly jump into bed and scream into your pillow. "BAE JINYOUNG ..." *RING RING* You pick up your phone and saw the caller ID "Pabo(Stupid)". 
[On the phone]
Your brother: Yah, I'm buying food. What do you want?
Your brother:Okay chicken it is....But wait..aren't you on a diet...?

[Next Day]
"Lee Jaein" Jaechan yelled,walking up to you with his phone in your face."What the heck?" you pushing the phone out of your face. "Who are you messing with right now?" He sighed "You are no fun." You shake your head. "Oh I was meaning to ask you..What's up with you and Jinyoung?" He question. You look at him in shock "Huh..Um" started denying everything "We're just friend thats all..Why?" Jaechan added "No nothing, just curious..." You sighed "You are so annoying...Im heading to class.." 

[Library afterschool]
You walk into the library and found a table. You took quickly took out everything you needed to study. Suddenly, you remember that there was a book in the library that can help you. So you walk through each aisle to find the book to study on "Oh there it is" you added trying to catch for the book, which was on top of the book shelve. "Ah..almost..." As you were about to get the book, someone walk up behind you and grab it instead. You turn around and saw who it was "Oh..Chani.." He down at you. It was awkward silent for a bit, until "Are you going to take it or ?" He added handing you the book.You look down and took it out of his hand "Oh thanks.." you added and walk back to your table. 

"Wait..Why are you even here anyway?" He look at you and sat down. "Didn't you say to meet up here?" he added taking out his notebook and pens. You nodded "yeah..but I didn't expect you to come.." He smirk. You shake your head *thinking to yourself* "What is this?..Why hes being like this all of the sudden?" 

Throughout the whole entire study, it was pretty much awkward between you two. Not a single words was spoken and it pretty much what you expect to be, since you both doesn't know each other that well. *Thinking to yourself* "Come on say something, so the situation wouldn't be so awkward...". "You know staring at someone is rude right?" He added. You look at him and down at your book "Um..." He look at you and smile. He move his stuff next to you and sat next to you "Huh.." you added looking at him moving. "Im moving so we can make this less awkward then it need to be." You look at him and scratch your head "Oops.." 

*an hour later*
"Ughh break..." you added letting out a deep breath. Chani smirk and got up "where are you going?" you ask. He look down at you "Getting something to drinks, I'll be right back." You look at him as he walking away "hm.." you added picking up your phone to see if anyone texted you. 
[Group chat]
Jaechan:How's studying going?
You:Well actually, someone came. 
Jaechan:Not me 
Daehwi & Guanlin:Not us either.
You:It's Chani, he came.
Jaechan:Just you two?

[Jinyoung's POV]
As you were working and taking order *DING DING* You pull out your phone and notice it was the group chat. As you were reading through "Chani and Jaein is alone together...Hmm..." You turn off your phone and went back to what you were doing. Daehwi and Guanlin look at the chat "Is he okay?" Guanlin question. Daehwi look over to you and giggles "Someone jealous..." 

"Ughh..Let not think too much about it..." *Thinking to yourself* You continue on with work like usual to kill some times. Guanlin walk over to you and ask "Hyung...Are you okay ?" You look at him "huh?what you mean" He chuckled and scratch his head "Um..You put matcha power in a customer americano..." You look down at what you doing and shake your head "Ughh.." you added pouring the drink out and do it again."Yahh are you good?" Jaehwan ask as he saw you being frustrated over a drink. You nodded your head "yeah..I guess so.." 

[Back to you]
Chani walk back to the table with some drinks, he put a soda next to you "Oh..." you added as he handed to you. "I figure I should get you something also, so here." He added sitting down next to you. "Thanks" you smile, you took a sip and smile "Woah, so refreshing.." He chuckled. 

You guys began going back to study, as time went by. You and Chani slowly getting closer over time, you were helping him with english and he were helping you with korean lecturer. "You see where you got wrong now?" he asked as you were looking at the problem and nodded "yeah, it just different that's all." He added "As long as you remember this method, you will okay in the exam." You smile and nodded. He went back to what he was doing. 

"So I heard there something going between you and Jinyoung?" he question. You look at him for a bit and pause "Oh..Umm no..We're just friends that's all." He put down his pen and stare at you "You sure? Doesn't seem like it to me?" You look over to him, which cause you guys to make eyes contact with each other. "I'm sure, we're friend..." You shake your head and went back to doing your work. "Hmm okay then." He added picking up his pen and went back to work. 

Chani look at his watch and back to you "It's 7pm, we should get going before it turn dark." You look at your watch and outside through the window. "Yeah" you nodded, started packing up everything in your bag. Chani stood up and push in the chair behind him "ready to go ?" You look at him "huh?You can go first, Jinyoung is walking me home." Chani look at you in silent "Okay okay, I'll go" you added walking with him downstair to the main hall. 

[Jinyoung's POV]
"Hyung it's 7pm" Guanlin yelled. You look at your watch and take off your apron, "I'm leaving early, can you guys clean up for me ? Thanks!" You added running out the shop,like a crazy person. "Yah! Jinyoung ahhh!" Jisung scream as he trying to catch you, but couldn't. "What's up with him?" Jisung added. Daehwi chuckled "He's walking Jaein home that's why" Jaehwan look over to Daehwi "Jinyoung and Jaein? Woah...." 

You ran to catch the next bus and head to school to meet up with Jaein. You pull out your phone to call her, but she didn't pick up "Hmmm, maybe her phone die." [30 minutes later] you finally arrived at school, you quickly ran to the front entrance to the school. Until you saw Jaein and Chani, you stop and freeze. 

[Back to You] 
"Yah! Don't walk too fast" you added trying to catch up to him. When you say that he stop and suddenly you bump into him "yah!" you hit his back. He turn around you and chuckled "short legs" he added walking away. You ran up to him and scream "Kang chani!" He stop at the front entrance and turn around to look at you "Where's Jinyoung?" you look at him in surprise "Oh..Umm..idk. Let me call him." You took out your phone, but you notice it die. "Aish...there go my luck." He look at you "I'll wait for Jinyoung with you, until he gets here" you nodded "oh thanks" 

30 minutes have past and no sign of Jinyoung anywhere. Chani look over at you as he notice you were freezing, he sighed and hand you his bag "Here hold this for me" you look at him "Wait why..?" He took off his jacket and put it over you. "Because you are freezing to death, yet you didn't say anything. So here." You look at him in shock "oh thanks.." you added as he took his bag away from you. "Oh..I forgot to ask." he added. "What it is ?" he look at down at you "Let's have a private lessons sometimes, just the two of us. Just like today." You look at him in shocked "Huh?" *Thinking to yourself* "Why is he so straight forward..we literally just meant..." 

"I'll take huh as a yes then." As you were about to say something, Jinyoung walk up to you two "what are you guys doing?" 
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"Jinyoung ah..." you added. He walk up to you "You ready to go?" you look at Chani and back at him. "Hm..." Before you left, you took off Chani's jacket and hand it to him "Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow then.." Chani look at you and smile.
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He put on his jacket "I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Bye." he added walking away. Jinyoung look at you "How long did you waited ?" you chuckled "not long it's fine. Should we go ?" He nodded started walking you home. 

[On the way home]
It was so awkward between you two,that you didn't know what to do."How was studying with Chani?" he ask as he break the awkward silent "Oh..he's really nice and chill. I got a lot done though." Jinyoung sighed "Sorry, I didn't come." You shake you head "What is this? It's fine. Don't worry about it maybe next time." you smile. He look at you and smile "yeah next time." 

As you walking home, you received a text message from Chani "Remember our private lesson!" you look at the phone and at Jinyoung "Oh...god..." *thinking to yourself* Jinyoung look at you "Who was that?" You look at him "Oh Chani..." He look at you then stop "You guys got close in one day, I see" he added. You turn to him "We're just friends, that's all..." *Thinking to yourself* "wait why am I explaining this to him...Jaein..." He look at you and sighed then kept on walking "Okay...then..." 

[10 minutes late]
"We're here." he look up at your building "yeah we are" then back at you "Go inside, you must be tired. I'll go home, once you inside." You look at your watch at the time "yeah you're right...I'll see you tomorrow then?" He pat your head "Hmm goodnight" you walk inside and turn around to waves at him. "Go home, night"

You head upstair of your building until someone come out "Jaein ah?" you turn around to see the person "Oh Soojin ah." She came up to you "you just got home? how was studying with Chani?" You nervously laugh "good, actually" She smile at you "Must be nice to have all the cute guys around you" you shake your head "Not even, we just met. It's nothing." She smile and walk away "if you say so." You chuckled and walk inside your apartment. "Im home !" 

"Hmm..PIZZA" as you walk through the door and ran to the kitchen by the amazing smell of pizza "WOAH! OPPA, YOU'RE THE BEST!" Your brother look at you and chuckled "you only say that because I brought you food." You smile as you began devour the pizza "How was studying for exam?" You sighed "I want to quit..It's too much compare to America..." He chuckled "Chew before you talk aigoo..." He pour a glass of water for you and added "Study hard, by the time exam is over. You will be fine, it's hard. But I know you got this." You sighed "Hopefully..." 

A/N: Sorry for late update !! I will try to do it more often. 
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