My One And Only

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They say God the creator of the world, also created mankind and the animals we know today. God created Adam and Eve, the first human beings to walk the Earth and enter the Garden of Eden. But then they betrayed God and did the one thing that God did not want them to do. They ate from the tree of life. They were tempted by the serpent, the devil. They did what they weren't supposed to and were casted out of the Garden by God himself. And from then on.....all of mankind's trouble began.

Is this really the creation story? Or just a tale passed down by storytellers or a fib by parents to get their children to behave? Maybe it's a fictional book created by one author, but was never finished and other authors found it and continued it? One thing was certain, not all of history is accurate, especially when passed by word of mouth. Because mistranslation is something that can always be the main cause of a misunderstanding.



"Miss. Tiffany Hwang?"

"Yes, right here", I got up as I heard my name called. I made a an appointment with a psychologist ever since I've noticed that my dreams continued to reaccure. I would wake up remembering a bit of what happened, but I know for sure that it was always that same castle. It has to mean something, and I need to find out what. I followed the secretary to the office. She left me there after knocking and announcing my arrival to the doctor inside.

"Come in", the voice was not what I expected it to be. It was fairly soft.

I pushed the door open, on the other side revealed a taller woman with dark hair and a baby face. She looked younger than me, and her eyes were looked....gentle.

"Please have a seat Miss. Hwang", she gestured me towards the chair on the side. It looked very homey and comfortable. I guess since it is part of her job to make people feel comfortable to speak their minds, the chair plays a part in it.

"Please, call me Tiffany", I made my way to the chair and sat down, my body sank right into the soft cushion. It was indeed relaxing.

"Then Tiffany, you may call me what ever you like", I smiled at her reply and peeked at the name tag on her desk.

"Can I call you Seohyun?", she gently giggled and nodded her head silently agreeing to my request.


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1089 streak #1
Chapter 18: Hahaha oh better tell her the truth Yul or she'll really do what she said... 😁😁😁
Chapter 17: Waiting for your update this great story...stay safe everyone
1089 streak #3
Chapter 16: Oh I almost forgot this ff hehehe but I'll re-read it again to refresh it and welcome back ^_^
1089 streak #4
Chapter 15: Oh so that's the story of Tae's parents...
tipco09 #5
Chapter 14: Wow good and evil, yin and yang. Both are Taeyeon’s parents, metaphorically speaking. She is the product of the marriage of good and evil and she has both in her.
Chapter 14: Ohhhhhh~~~ we are finally going To have a flashback!!! I want to know mooooore~~~~
Chapter 13: Omg everyone is confused o_O
tipco09 #8
Chapter 13: I guess every reincarnation ended sadly for Tiffany and Taeyeon. I hope this time it would be different. It seems that the beast is related to Taeyeon somehow. A sibling perhaps? Or an alter ego.
tipco09 #9
Chapter 12: Is the beast Taeyeon? Tiffany saw her with red eyes. Is it the red eyes of an immortal or a vampire, I wonder.
kimtaeny1110 #10
Chapter 12: Omg..., i'm getting more curiouuusss