pieces of us



A one-shot collection dedicated to my favourite babies: Singji.


[WARNING: Updates might come once in every 1234567 billions years because this author here has a very short attention span.
Thank you for your kind understanding in advance.]





1. nothing but sunlight (part i, ii, iii): 

Genre: Angst
    Summary: Minji hated how her smiles were never enough to make Siyeon stay.


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Manenkodete #1
Chapter 1: Wow this is beautiful. I loved it
Somnia_jiu #2
Chapter 1: It's kinda sad though, thus story but I like how u write it similar to poems, and it reminded me a little of a love poem I once read. Can you also do a fabric for jiyoo?
Chapter 1: How great and wonderfully angsty touchingly poignant and perhaps increasingly sad this story. The love scenes between JiU and Siyeon is languidly poetic and strong and gallant and pretty tragic as heck, god you write great angst and the kisses especially the ones JiU gives to Siyeon is heartbreakingly potent and dramatic and shows like a sweet eternal love for Sinji, like FOERVER, the romance between JiU and Siyeon is TIMELESS AF, please continue with this wonderfully explosive and tragic love story in Dreamcatcher history!!