iv. a cathartic virulence

Mated Love

A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Chapter 4

Fear is an interesting concept – no, emotion. We use it as a motivation that drives us wild – fuelling the expectations we have no control over. It’s truly incredible what such a thing does to our curious minds. We either avoid a situation altogether or we use the exhilaration to conquer it.

Fear created by our own kind, to invoke on our own kind, is what I call faux fear. It’s also what I call trashy, inferior and reprehensible. We use our own fears, weaponise it, and gun down the hearts of our kind into thinking there’s no hope left in the world. With this, people are forced to keep quiet, rebel or even worse – suicide.

The dreams of those that lose their life – declined with the sound of a gunshot. Nobody deserves their dreams crushed in such a cruel manner. Fear shouldn’t crush dreams in such an ugly way.

Dreams should be conquered – just like fears! Don’t doubt yourself over the one expectation you suppose may become a reality. The outcomes of anything are endless – all depending on how you think of it. If somebody tries to scare you, do the unforeseen – an act of bravery.

I don’t mean to say all fear is fruitless – fear tells us what happens when falling off a cliff, death or sufferable injuries.

Just don’t let fear hold you back from conquering your dreams, let it prompt you to try.

Jennie’s pov

I watched the human lady, clad in her nurses’ outfit, take y/ns’ bag through the hallways. It was after school hours – I used my spare time stalking the moving bag. It had moved teacher to teacher; to the janitor; to the nurse I follow now.

Why am I even following this stupid bag? I asked myself, though thoroughly reminded myself of the plan I’d set in mind.

I would use her bag as an excuse to go y/ns’ house.

I wanted to know where she lived, what her house looked like, her parents – anything about her. It would give me answers to lots of questions: What type of parents gave birth to a submissive? Was she part of a witch’s coven? What the hell did she do to me? And how do I stop it?

The nurse reached her office, sitting with her back to the door at the table with her computer.

Using my speed, I’d snuck in and crept around the room with light footsteps. y/ns’ bag was left by the bench on the right of the room. I had the urge to grab the bag – but I had no idea where y/n lived. With that, I found myself in a dilemma.

How do I get her address and- oh… I see.

A plan was formed, cleared and set in my head with the foolproof-ness.


“Oh Jesus!” The nurse shrieked before jumping in her seat, swivelling to face her intruder.

A small chuckle brewed from my throat, trying to ease the tension. “Sorry nurse. I just wanted to know if I could take y/ns’ bag for her.” The nurse simply squinted, eyes widening the next second in recognition.

“Jennie Kim? The Princess?” I nodded, continuing my plan. “Well… if you’re comfortable with doing so – y/n doesn’t have friends in her classes, so I’m glad you're asking.” The nurse seemed to smile at the thought. It’s not surprising y/n has no friends – I wouldn’t be caught dead with her.

“Great!” I flashed a smile, faking excitement as I stepped closer to the nurse. “Well then,” I chimed, “Can you tell me where she lives please?” The nurse frowned, shoulders hunching forwards at her disapproval.

“I’m afraid that’s confidential information, Jennie. Only the parent, guardian or carer has access to information like that.” No matter the hindrance this proved, I would get her address.

“But nurse…” I stepped closer, my hand reaching towards her shoulder while she tried to lean away. “You have access to it, right?” Her eyes were glued to my hand – unsure how to address the situation. “Y-Yes… I do.” She stuttered – and to that, I smirked.

I dragged my hand down her arm, relishing the way she gulped before I felt the goose bumps under my fingertips. “Then let’s have a little bit of fun.”

My eyes stung – thought it was delicious, as I let my mind drive through the nurses’ mind. Now satisfied with my dirty work, my eyes flashed as a sluggish nurse sat in front of me. My hand continued to rest on her arm to let the game begin.

Helloooo sir,” She slurred – like a wasted human teenager after a night in the bar. “The address? Forrrrr y/n Kang? Of courssse.” My smirk grew at the sight and let it flow till I knew what I needed.

Who is y/n Kang?

y/n’s pov

My eyes fluttered to the sounds of rhythmed beeps that irked my ears. The aromatic of a scent I couldn’t put my finger on flooded through my nose in a deep breath that ached my entire body. I tried to blink away the fatigue that covered my eyes – instead a blurry dark figure taking the right half of my vision. I was happy when it focused back.

Until I noticed the hulking man standing next to the bed, glaring me down.

I tried to move my arms, pulling the sheets away – only for a sting to appear.

Will my body ever stop hurting today? I asked myself, though I noticed the small tube that seemed to find its way under the blanket.

My left arm had been pierced with a needle – the tube leading from my arm off the bed and up to a bag of white liquid hooked on a stand.

IV drip. I thought precariously, then that means I’m in the hospital?! No!

The panic kicked in, my arms quickly flinging the comfortable blanket off my body. My legs struggled to move an inch – my body was in so much pain, it was draining.

‘It’s because you’re weak, a weak mess people can’t even sob over because of how useless you are and-’

A small shake of the bed shook me – literally, though it frightened me considering it was caused by a single heavy hand at the foot of the bed. The action forced me to lock eyes with the man, unaware it was okay to breathe.

“You leave and I’ll make sure you regret it.” The gravelly voice warned, and I knew to follow – but yet again I would defy a threat.

Before I could move, the chatter of two women could be heard before the door in front was opened.

One was wearing a white coat, her badge hanging on a lanyard atop of her blue doctors’ uniform. She held a clipboard in her hands, holding a thick load of paper I knew I wouldn’t escape.

The other lady was despotic. Her skin was pale as ivory – lips coloured a dark red that savoured her look. Her ears; neck; fingers; all glimmered with gold jewellery that held red or green stones on them. She oozed dominance from her aura – I looked away in respect of her.

“Miss y/n, do you know why you’re in this hospital room?” Without a sound, I shook my head and closed my eyes. The inhale of a breath could be heard before the doctor spoke.

“You’ve got major contusions on the top of your cranium, luckily none led to MTBI. A simple fracture and some contusions were found on the left side of your pelvic–”

“Doctor, the poor girl is confused and so are we. So repeat everything – but in English.” The other lady – though with an elegant tone, complained. The doctor sighed before speaking again, but in a simpler manner.

“You have bruises on your head and left hip. Your left hip is also fractured but it’s super tiny. You got some cuts on your neck which I’m guessing are from your nails and a few ribs on your right are broken. Also you haven’t been receiving enough nutrients or vitamins so we gave you an IV drip.”

Weird, but okay then. I thought, questioning where the bruised head and broken ribs came from. Though the bed was soft and comfy, I knew I couldn’t afford such treatment. I guess I can go now.

I continued to try leaving the bed – a gust of wind skimming me as I felt my shoulder being pressed gently.

“Where are you going, child? Did you not hear the doctor? You’re severely injured, you need rest.” The lady spoke – and this time I knew to look at her when I spoke.

“I’m leaving. I don’t mean to be a bother to you – to any of you.”

The lady simply smiled as the doctor frowned, unsure how to take the news. The lady then shook her head and pushed me softly so I would be lying in the middle of the bed again. “Don’t worry, dear. You’re not a bother.” She said.

“But I have no money, I can’t pay for this and-” “Don’t worry. I’ll be paying for your time in this hospital. If it weren’t for him,” She glared at the tall man – who only looked away in distaste or fear, before she smiled sweetly to me. “You wouldn’t have broken so much. Queen or not, I hold myself accountable for this situation.” Queen?

“You’re the-the Queen? Like… Jennies’ mother?” She perked at Jennies’ name though it only made me feel worse. “That’s right. Why?” She frowned briefly – as though my recognition disturbed her. “Has Jennie been okay at school? She hasn’t been harassing kids, has she?”

Harassing? What? Why would Jennies’ mum think she harasses other kids? My curiosity seemed to venture on with many thoughts, unsure how to cope with the idea of Jennie being known to harass kids. What would she do to me then?

“No, I sit next to her in maths. She’s settled in okay and made some friends.” The Queen seemed taken back – as though I’d been the bearer of erroneous news. But that made no sense, Jennie was praised and she didn’t hesitate to say thanks, polite.

“Well then. I’m glad to be of some service to you, y/n. I’ll say, it’s… an honour. ”

Glad to be of service? An honour? I’m a submissive – I bring nothing but shame to my pack. What is she talking about?

Jennie’s pov

So here it is. This small, cottage-like yet modern house is y/ns’.

I stood in front of the wooden door, eyes focused on the stained glass design that adorned the brown. I brought my fist up, knocking once; twice. I flinched at the sound of glass shattering inside – heavy footsteps heard right after till they stopped in front of the door. The locks on the door were aggressively handled – the chain shook undone before the door opened to an enraged werewolf.

He bared his canines as though I was nobody – a terrible choice to one of my prestige. His eyes were bloodshot red – a state hard to reach unless you were acclimatised to alcoholism.

“Who the hell are you – and what the do you want?” My nose burned at the wretched smell of his breath – but my eyes stung at the disrespect he held for me. Does he not who the hell I am? He squinted at the sight of my now-red eyes though he couldn’t discern who I was yet. My jaw simply clenched at the thought, I’ll make sure he never forgets.

“I’m the Princess. Surely I don’t need to remind you what that means.” I snarled, his eyes widening – but I kept talking. “And I’m here to drop y/ns’ bag off.” I lifted the black backpack in my hand, watching the way he studied y/ns’ bag like he’d never seen it before. What a confusing man.

He briefly bowed in respect – though I would think it was fear that forced him into the new position, before he opened the door wider and stepped to the side. “I give you permission into my home.” I heard the drunkard briefly mumble – allowing me to enter.

It’s funny how I could yank this man out his home and devour his neck – though I would rather not­, yet I can’t enter without his words. I suppose vampire folklore had too many origins – though most are true. The first vampire – my own ancestor, had been cursed from his insatiable hunger. To stop him from killing his town, the people had procured a trap so that a witch could prevent him from entering ‘where man lays’. Now with stores, schools, museums, they’re all public, invitation is already granted but with private property like a home or apartment unit – things change.

Entering the home, I notice the green beer bottle shattered in brittle pieces on the tiled floor. y/ns’ dad seemed to only ignore the mess, showing me the stairs. “Do you need me to-” “I’ve got it, I’ll take it to her room.”

The man stared at me, unsure before grunting and turning to the kitchen. I smirked inwardly as I started walking up, hearing the wooden floorboards thump softly underneath. Jackpot. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom from what I could tell – though one of them smelt heavenly.

My speed had involuntarily activated, guiding me to a room I supposed was y/ns’ before I was inside an en suite. In there, my mouth had salivated at the strong scent of blood that smelt divine.

Inside the pearl white sink, a long white gauze was smeared and stained in red – fangs bearing as my nose drowned in the redolence.  I don’t know where you came from, but you smell so good and I really want to keep you.

My hands trembled, reaching towards the stained gauze as thoughts unravelled.
Where did this glorious smelling blood come from? Surely not from y/ns’, her blood alone can’t cause such a reaction from me. That submissive can’t be doing this to me… she’s a submissive! I should be disgusted at this, repulsed by anything from her. Why is she so addictive?

My fingers were damp as I felt the gauze, unsure what to do with the small thing that held so much control over me. I had no choice, taking the whole gauze and washing the sink – as though there was no speck of blood in here.

Now my real question is: why does y/n have gauze covered in blood in her bathroom?

 I had a feeling my answer would be downstairs.

As I walked downstairs, I could see y/ns’ dad take a swig of beer – he still hadn’t bothered with the broken shards on the floor. I suppose he could accidently fall onto the mess, it would be a form of… karma.

“Are you okay up there, Miss?” I suppose I could handle the title from the drunkard, for now.

As I stepped off, I made sure my foot made a noticeable sound so he’d think I’d just come down. “Ah, there you are Miss. I wanted to ask you something, if you could just sit here.” He led me towards a sunken couch that I had no desire in sitting, but did so just to talk.

I sat on the left side as he did on the right – though we were still close to each other.

“So my Lady,” Now that sounded better – he seemed sober but not entirely. “Has y/n been troubling you? Did she do something wrong at school? If so – I won’t hesitate to punish her.” From the way he spoke, I knew better. Either he was the reason for the gauze I hid in my pocket – or worse.

“Nope,” I let a fake smile show. “I just really wanted to meet you – and besides, I had to drop her bag off.” He chuckled falsely, running his hand through his dark fluffy hair. The smile he gave back, it suggested something more.

“Oh? So you wanted to meet me?” The mind of this arrogant and egotistical bastard – it was too predictable.

“I mean, maybe?” My smile barely faltered when I felt something touch my knee – he didn’t notice though, being too erse with his hand. I decided to play though, so game on.

“Well then, you don’t need a reason to come visit me. My door is always open for you.” He smirked, letting his hand trail up my thigh though I placed my hand atop, smiling deviously at him. He seemed pleased with my hand – turning so he could face me better.

His free hand lifted, coming towards me – but I caught his wrist before he could touch me. He frowned, looking right at me. I simply smirked, pushing it down before I let my eyes sting – his dreams flowing through me before I moulded the perfect vision for the man before me.

He tried to take his hands back – only for me to grip harder and twist them ever so slightly so that any attempt is futile. His breaths quickened, eyes straining as he perspired from his forehead. He suddenly looked me right in the eye – and that’s when I smiled and let my eyes burn till he screamed in horror.

I let his hands go, revelling the way he shook as he pushed himself away from me. I no longer had business here, leaving him crippled on the floor as I left the place.

He was fun to play with.

y/n’s pov

I’d spoken with the Queen for quite a while – she’d told me why she and Jennie came to Valenteux so randomly. It turns out Jennie is a lot more Machiavellian than I thought. She’d done deceitful things that almost took her life, playing with the strings of other peoples’ lives. I only felt a glimpse today with the raw acrimony she’d shown through her eyes.

‘It’s your entire fault, you stupid mutt. If it weren’t for your egregious background, you wouldn’t be such a miscreant. You’re pejorative to your kind, to life as a whole and don’t deserve to-’

“So y/n, what’s your home life like? Have any lovely siblings like you?” I frowned, thinking how my only blood relation that I knew of was my dead-beat dad who abused me to his content.

“Nup, my dad is a credit manager and my mum passed away at my birth.”

“Oh dear I’m so sorry. I’m sure she must’ve been a lovely lady.” She gave a heartfelt smile, empathetic – like she’d lost someone close to her as well. It felt… nice. Not her loss, but the fact that somebody feels for me for once. Humans pity me, but they don’t understand what I feel most of the time. It was nice having somebody to relate to.

“Well then, I’d like to know why you fainted. And why you were out of school.” She gave a pointed look, pressuring me to answer her. But then she’d learn that Jennie was the reason and-

‘-don’t blame our mate for your stupidity. You should be begging the Queen for forgiveness when Jennie reveals how you’re just filled with sh-’

That’s it! Thank you for once in my life the ludicrous voice in my head.

“My Lady… What does it mean when somebody makes you feel funny and nervous?” The Queen simply chuckled, as though I was the ludicrous one. “Do they make you want to run away? Do they make it hard to breathe when you're around them?” I hastily nodded – it was like she read my mind.

“Well, they’re either really scary or they could be a potential mate.” But that made no sense. You’d have to know them if you wanted them to be your mate.

“But what if you barely know them? I can’t wish to be mates with somebody I just met. And I’m not scared of them… that much.” The Queen stared away for a while, her smile widening before she said, “Well then, my dear. It seems you just found your soulmate.

I looked to her, confused as ever while she smiled bittersweet. “Not many have a bond so vivacious – they make you feel hysterical with a single look. And what you do with someone like that? You cherish them – keep them safe and happy as long as possible because you’ll never know when they’ll slip through your fingers.”

I nodded, knowing this was something the Queen experienced herself. She must’ve lost her King – and that must've ruined her.

A knock on the door disturbed the placidity, the doctor entering as the ‘guard’ – as I learnt, keeps us safe. “Well then, Miss y/n. I’m afraid we’re going to have to keep you here a lot longer than expected due to your weaker healing. Your submissive state only keeps you in the facility for the rest of the week – considering you fractured your pelvic bone which is rather thick.”

I can’t though! Not for a whole week! Dad’s going to kill me when I get back!

Now now, not everything can be kept the same! That would be too predictable! So i decided I'd spice it up just a tad bit

Hope you enjoyed, bbys. Meow out!

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i edited the last chap lmao. don't reread if you already have read it. and sorry if you thought i posted chapter 12 XD


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Dont forget about this story author please, i really like It. I hope you aré doing well.
English isnt muy first language.
zSecretz #2
Chapter 11: Looking forward to the nxt update!!
Chapter 11: hii when will we get an update?
Kimlady #4
Chapter 11: Can this be updated please ? :/
Chapter 11: sooo did Irene actually made those mark on y/n's arm for Lisa to protect her or sumn?? Im very excited to see where this would lead. and the voices in y/n head was removed since Lisa came into the picture ...right??
Chapter 11: Thank you so much author, its a little diferent but i like It, cant wait ti ser jisoo an chaeng, i wonder whats lisa's rol veré, Is she a ghost or from hell?
Dianaparker #7
Chapter 11: I wonder what's Lisa role on this since she never appeared in the original one. I'm glad you were able to enter her in this story ?
Chapter 11: Yeahhh, I'm so curious yeah XD
Lisa appeared everybody! A fallen angel? This is y as hell ~my inner fangirling
I can't wait to "see" Chaeyoung, I feel in love with her character on the original, surely I'll fall in love again '^^
Always excited for more!

Take care author~<3
Chapter 11: Jennie really need it get over her pride if she doesn't want to lose Y/N I just hope y/n finds someone who can love her right and not put their pride ahead of her.
Chapter 11: I never expected you to update this soon! Thank you! And yes, finally, proper Lalisa lol. I don't quite recall her on the original story but maybe it's just my memory being foggy.

Thank you for writing this update!