AbsolutE DatinG



Have you ever had this thought that your life could be something different- well, not really, but something magical?

Or maybe something that tells you a story, a piece that has never ever been written by someone else. A life where you found your right one, at the right time and in the right place. You see, I may sound like a very sappy, cheesy and lame 20-year-old guy who's weak on telenovelas and romances then yes, look no more.

The drama and the emotional daily doses of our lives. I've had my fair share. Now while you think I'm the type to actually have a very romantic love history, well... Not exactly...

As a person- well a twenty-year-old guy at most, I've had several unrequited crushes on my seniors. One at a time definitely. But I kid you not, having a and a pair of balls and the attraction to the same exact package is quite hard- especially in our generation. Though, it's not about the parts I'm thrilled about although I'd be willing to. It was just that 'one' time I almost kissed the out of my childhood friend while he was sleeping of course.





Anyway back to the current affairs... Well, I'm kind of stuck in a situation more intense than ball grabbing fantasies nor infatuations on my good looking seniors (one at a time definitely). Something more complicated and misleading and yes, I do get a guy. Finally! But for some reason, there's three of them... And they came at the same time but not exactly the same way I imagined to. (pun maybe be intended) 










So Jimin's dream almost came true, well three of them did. Let me just say this now before anything else, Jimin known for almost his whole life that he is gay. 

But after the particular incident that caused him his not so boring life, I mean, who ends up waking up in the morning after wild'n in a stripper's club besides a woman?

Kim Minjie, a 27-year-old famous singer and songwriter who is by the way married to Kim Namjoon, same age and is a famous rapper/ songwriter and he used to be a lawyer. And of course, being gay just makes it nearly as impossible to sleep with a woman, at high status at that and definitely not when she comes to him 4 weeks, 3 days and 9 hours later that she's pregnant.

After the shocking news, Park Jimin was so close on choking himself with a banana. 

Well, first, this is why you don't mess with a high-status pair... Intentionally or not, either way, Park Jimin knows he's screwed for sure but then he had to be involved. The struggle of being submissive really. He for sure did not expect to be a father at that age and surely did not expect himself to even do it with a woman (!) and secondly, a guy named Jeon Jungkook, same age as Jimin and is someone who somehow ended up caught up in the tangled mess too. Along with Jimin's so-called childhood friend, Kim Taehyung. Yup, the guy he almost molested and the reason he figured he came out by accident which was years ago to be fair.

He definitely learned self-control the hard way.

Amidst the very complicated circumstances he's in, will Park Jimin find his right one, at the right time- well maybe not at the right time but perhaps, right place? Was this the perfect fantasy he waited for? Will he fully learn to solve this problem? Learn to live with it maybe? But at last, will he ever regret this accident?







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