Chapter 33 ( Part Ⅲ)

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   JOHNNY      TEN       JUNGWOO      LUCAS    YUTA    TAEIL    .









 Unnie. What will happened to us  .

  I dont know. I rather die than facing all of this Yemin  .

   Unnie please we need to be strong. The boys will save us .

   They wont come here on time. They wont   .


  Mianhae Yemin ah. We cant do anything else. We are left less than 12 hours on this timer. Nothing can stop this  .

Chaera tears starts to form as she felt so heavy that she could not think of anything else. Yemin look at her with full of guilt that she knows that it's partly her fault that both of them get into this situation. Both of them were in silent. With their mind blanks as they had given up to escape. Just then something strike into Chaera's mind that makes her look at Yemin with hope.

   Unnie is there anything wrong  .

   Yemin ah do you remember the skills that you learn with me few months ago  .

   Yeah why unnie   .

     See that empty bottle there. Try to reached it and break it. Untie yourself with the broken glass. Hurry  .

Yemin listen and follow Chaera's instruction. Since Yemin legs are long she is able to reach the glass bottled that Chanyeol keep leaving it behind everytime he step into the room. After Yemin get her hands free from the rope. She quickly untie herself from the pole. Chaera was proud to see Yemin is free but she doesn't want to leave the place with her as she knows that there's no hope for her. Yemin quickly went to Chaera and gave a quick hug before even touching the bomb timer but Chaera stop her from touching it   .

   Unnie. We need to stop this timer   .

   Ani. You need to get out of here. Get yourself escape when you can   .

   Unnie. I'm not leaving you alone   .

   Please Yemin. I can't. This might be the last time you see me alive   .

    Im not gonna leave you now believe in me. If you gave me your trust. Now let me give my trust to you  .

Just then both of them heard some noise outside of the room. Yemin starts to panic but Chaera. She went hide behind Chaera if Chanyeol ever appear. But it was different. The sound of guns and and people getting hit is so loud. Moments later the door was burst open. There's smoke everywhere but both of them cant see who is at the door. Chaera look closely and smirk form on her face.

   Yah Yoo Chaera. You really love to make stupid things that leads to death huh......


Woah this place creeps me out.

I never knew this place exists. Its creepy.

Creepy enough that only Chanyeol would go to.

Hyung what is this place.

    The park unfinished building. Its when they lost all money to build this building that was supposed to be Chanyeol birthday present. But they stop it  .

   Well its rather now or never. Johnny oppa how many people in there  .

   From my detector is about 4 people .

  Well thats easier than i thought   .

Babe i dont feel good about this.

   Babe i dont want to see you get hurt to. Besides im sure i have backup happening right now   .

Who is the backup Haera  .

   Jaemin enemy. She knew every single survivor skills.

Mwoh. Kim Jungyoon. Yah are you crazy.

Siblings will do crazy stuff if they want to save someone hyung. Haera nuna is doing the right things.

Yeah hyung just this once she knows how to handle Chanyeol and also the timer that Chanyeol set on Chaera.

Where did you get all of that details.

Ahh Jungwoo hyung. He traced where and what his sister been doing lately

Babe i still dont feel good about this.

Haera why didnt you just let the professional handle this. Its super dangerous  

   Guys look. Jeno plan is working. We will ask for backup when things wont work. Plus its the only way to get them out. So please trust me on this.


   Yah Yoo Chaera. You really love to make stupid things that leads to death huh  .


   Oh i miss you so much. Take Yemin out and leave me behind. Save her first  .

   Im not gonna listen to you stubborn head. Yah little girl pass me that sharp knife there   .

Yemin do what is being told while Chaera stay silent. Jungyoon quickly do her thing as she knows how to operate any kind of bomb timer. Moments later a beep sound was heard and all look at the timer was being stopped. Jungyoon quickly break all chains and rope thats on Chaera and finally both Chaera and Yemin are free to escape.

   Why did you do this to us  .

   I told you that im not leaving you behind Chaera. Now lets go. The timer will only freeze for few minutes before it start its bomb again. If you both dont wanna die better stay close with me   .

All of them quickly escape the room. Jungyoon lead then to the exit as she knows the fastest way to leave the building. As they were almost reaching to the exit. Jungyoon was about to grab both of the girls as the exit is near however Chaera was nowhere near them. Yemin starts to panic as Chaera sudden missing action.

  Unnie, Chaera unnie is not with us.

   Freak where did she go   .

   She was behind me but suddenly shes gone.

   Lets get you out first. I will find her later   .

Yemin just nod with tears and run towards the exit with Jungyoon. After the run they saw the people and felt relieve but at the same time uneasy about Chaera sudden missing. Haechan saw Yemin. He went straight to her and hugged her tightly while Jaemin and Haera look at Jungyoon wondering why Chaera is not with them.

Jungyoon where is Chaera.

    Yah where is she. Dont tell me you lost her   .

   While we were running our way towards the exit. Chaera missing suddenly without any one of us notice   .

Thats it im going to get her.

    Andwae. She might be with Chanyeol. Its too dangerous for you. Plus the timer will went of anytime soon  .

No. I must get Chaera. I cant leave her with that monster.

Theres no other way. In that building have so many weapons that the man is holding.

Looks like everyone is so stupid to not take care of each other huh  .

All turn towards the voice and saw Chaera was in Chanyeol's hand with a gun pointing to Chaera's head. Jaemin was about to run after him but the boys stop him.

   Let go of my sister you freak  .

Oh you are here too. Its been so long sweety. I miss you so much. Where have you been all this time.

   Im nothing to you monster. Give me back my sister   .

Oh this. Im sorry, she must be dead under my hands.

Let her go. This isnt a way to punish people just because of your badly past and revenge.

Bla bla bla. All of you are bunch of weaklings. Trying hard to ruin my party.


No uh uh . One step near im shooting this girl. Im sure you dont want to see dead person here right.

All starts to freak out except for Jaemin and Haera. Haera took a step forward and look at Chanyeol with a stern face.

   Then lets make a deal   .

I dont take in stupid deals.

 We both fight, no weapons no anything . Physical fight. Just you and me like a man  .

Whats the point of fighting when theres no price.

   If i you win. You will get everything that we had and use us siblings whatever you want. That includes killing me and my sister with no interruption. If you lose. You will sent to all time prison with no bail and that includes your family as well  .

Well thats fair enough.

Chanyeol pushed Chaera towards Haera. Both siblings hugged each other tightly and then Haera pulled a hug away. Giving her weak smile before fight. Chaera then walk towards the rest. Jaemin pulled her to the tightest hug as if they never seen each other for so long. Haera smile at Jeno and face Chanyeol who is smirking. Haera took a breath and walk closer to Chanyeol. Then the fight starts. The rest were still feeling uneasy. Especially Jeno. All he see is Haera doing her defense rather than attacking. He can't bare to see Haera doing things that leads to end life. Also he doesn't want to see Haera hurt till death. It's too hurtful for him. As the fight still goes on Haera kept falling. Jeno was about to move towards Haera but the boys stop him .

Why cant you guys let me save Haera.

Even if you save her. You will be dead.

   Haera didnt attack because she is using her time wisely. She is waiting for the right moment to attack his weak spot. Only she knows where   .

Hyung for sake of her you need to be patient .

Please Haera dont leave me alone.

Haera still using her defense. The fight getting tense as Chanyeol kept punching and hitting Haera stomach. Haera endure the pain continuing her defense. Just then She swept her leg to make Chanyeol fall and she gave a punch to Chanyeol making him groaning in pain. She went on top of him and repeatedly punching his face till blood appears. Punching and punching Chanyeol was feeling unconscious. Haera gave her last punch and stood up. She look at the weak Chanyeol. As she was panting heavily she walk back towards the rest. Chaera run towards Haera and hug her in tears. Haera eyes starts to tear up as she finally saved her sister from the danger zone. Both pulled the hug away and smile at each other. Everyone felt relieved as they finally get to see the girls happy again.

   Lets go home  .

Everyone turn and walk away from the building leaving Chanyeol alone. As Chaera were about to turn she saw Chanyeol raising his hand with a gun in his hand. Chaera eyes went wide and quickly turn her sister away making Chaera's back facing Chanyeol. Just then a loud bag was heard and Chaera was shot. Haera turn shock to see it. Jungyoon with her quick action went to shot Chanyeol back and quickly went towards the girls. Chaera was shot at her abdomen making her so weak that Haera was crying badly. Jaemin quickly went towards the girls and grab Chaera. He was so shock and trying hard to not let Chaera fall asleep yet. He remove his outerwear and tried to stop the blood thats on Chaera.

No no no. Baby please stay with me.

  Mianhae oppa  .

No Chaera please stop saying that. You are going to be okay. Please stay with me.

   Na Jaemin no matter what happened to me. Im still gonna be your one and only love right  .

Yes baby. Your my one and only. Please stay up dont sleep yet. Please your not gonna leave me.




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Chapter 4: Awwww soooo cute!!