Those were the days

Let Us Practice Love

"Mum, not again!"

Yixuan frowned and rested her head on the wall helplessly. She had lost count on how many times her mother had called to remind her of her age.

"Look at yourself Xuan! You are 34 this year!!! Your sis already have 2 kids when she was at your age! Anyway, just make yourself back this weekend. I got someone to introduce to you!"

Mdm Jiang demanded.

"Mum, I can't! JJ is having his world tour at the moment!  All of us are busy like hell!!"

Yixuan tried to persuade her mother.

"Xuan, please! You have been giving me the same excuse for how many years! JJ is not a kid and he is not your son! He isn't going to lose a strand of hair without you around you know!"

Mdm Jiang reasoned.

"But Mum, I am his PA and he is my boss! I need to be around him 24/7. That's my job and you know that right?"

Yixuan explained exasperatedly.  

"You say the point Xuan! You are only his PA but that doesn't mean that you sold your entire life to him! You had been with him for 10 years and it's long enough already. Your dad has been asking you to quit your job and return to Singapore ages ago!"

Mdm Jiang reminded.

"I will return to Singapore one day and that's for sure. But before I go I need to find someone suitable to replace me...JJ is not that easy to handle you know.."

Yixuan stated. This boss of hers could be quite demanding at times.

"I know what you are thinking, Xuan! It's not about getting about anyone suitable. It's about whether you can get yourself to leave him for good."

Mdm Jiang sighed slightly. She knew her daughter far too well.

"Mum, what are you talking about now.."

Yixuan stated faintly.  Somehow, she knew that she cannot hide anything from her mother.

"It's not going to work out daughter! JJ is not a commoner like us! I hate to hurt you like this but it's my job to remind you. Given his current status, he has a lot of better choices. Let's not talk about him being an artist first. Tell me, do you honestly think you can fit into his family's background?"

Mdm Jiang reminded harshly. 

Every word pierced hardly into Yixuan's heart. But sadly it is the hard truth. And truth always hurts.

"Don't worry Mum! I know what I should do."

Yixuan added on after a while of silence.


Yixuan frowned and walked into the room when she heard the gaming sound.

"5 more minutes and I am switching off that pc!"

Yixuan said as she looked at the man who had his eyes glued on the screen.

"NOOOOOoooooo! I don't want!!"

The 37 year old man yelled and shook his head vigorously at the idea.

"5 more minutes and I meant it, Wayne Lin. You have been at it for 1 hour already! It's either u save your game now or I will plugged out that switch later!"

Yixuan threatened. Sometimes she don't know if she is taking care of a 37 year old man or a 3 year old boy. He is known to everyone as JJ Lin but she likes to call him by his English name because it sounded nice to her.

The big boy pouted but nevertheless saved his game quickly as he knew that she meant business. 

"And please finish your food before you played your game in future!"

Yixuan nagged as she took his unfinished bowl of rice and scooped the last mouthful to feed him. 

A lot of the company staff complained that she had spoilt him rotten by taking too good care of him that sometimes he cannot even take care of himself during the day she was on leave. 

That's another reason why Yixuan cannot get herself to leave him because she knew how dependent he was on her.




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