Amsterdam, 5 P.M.

Will You Marry Me?

“Are you ting me right now?”

“Dude, Jinki, language, please.”

“You dragged me literally by my foot, out of my beyond snuggly blanket, dear Lord, where did that hotel buy that stuff, we need to get one before we go back home, the point is, Kim Kibum. I’m not skipping my breakfast only to wait on this horrendous line only to get a plate of pancake.”

A very unpleased look hung perfectly on Kibum’s face. And the line behind them keeps going, minute by minute. It’s only eight in the morning and the Pancake Amsterdam barely open five minute before.  

“It’s the highlight of today’s trip. Who went this far to Amsterdam and not get breakfast here?”

“You mean lunch? With this many people I’m not sure we’re going to get one,” he bended down to tie his shoe laces which he failed to make in such rush, “Besides, the highlight today is finally getting the ticket for Van Gogh Museum in this mad summer.”

“Doesn’t mean we have to miss this cute little pancake house!”

“Well, you and your fixation on instagram can swim along the canal behind us.”

Kibum is two millimeters away from losing it, but he doesn’t want to ruin their last stop of the summer holiday. Jinki got stuck with his project and needed a getaway for some new insights. He called Kibum 4 AM in the morning, nearly sent the other man to the Persian carpet on his bedroom.

When Jinki mentioned Europe, though, he agreed right away and fled to his laptop, started to click here and there. Five hours later, Kibum popped his head at Jinki’s door with so many stuffs to talk about, from the ticket price and some accommodation references.  Jinki chose Barcelona, Berlin, and Porto. Kibum picked Rome, Paris, and Brussels. They agreed to go to Amsterdam before returned back to Seoul and continue their life as a photographer and writer.

“Did you wake up at the wrong side of the bed this morning?”

Jinki scoffs, “Excuse me? Did I wake up at the wrong side of the bed? I barely see the bed side this morning when you just yanked me from the bed against my will!”

“I told you last night we’re stopping by for pancake! But you’re too busy with your magic brownie!”

“We can always go later! When people doesn’t need breakfast anymore and no line just to get a table.”

“Later?! Who eat pancake after eleven?!” the woman behind Jinki stretched her neck nosily to their direction, “Okay, look, I know you hate me, but can you please bear with me for another thirty minutes?”

He pulled out stroopwafel from his totes, hopes high on the air it would ease the grumpy dragon inside Jinki’s belly.

“You know I would never hate you,” he snatched the package from Kibum’s hand and teared the wrapper too immediately, he missed the small smirk on the other man’s rosy face.


The sun is almost set at the horizon when Jinki unplugged his earphone and turn his face to Kibum. They’re lying on the grass in front of the museum after almost five hours ogling on the masterpieces and non-stop arguing which art is the best among them. Kibum, as usual, still busy checking his phone, picking some picture to post on his Instagram, stomach glued to the grass.

“Sorry I was pissed off this morning.”

Kibum his head to the guilty ridden man on his right and chuckled before continue looking to his screen, “We finally ate there so forget about that. Besides, the museum collection was amazing. I’m not mad at all.”

“It’s just, my body is struggle to function before breakfast.”

“I know. That’s why I got you the stroopwafel.”

“Still, I almost ruined our last stop. I guess my subconscious is just realized that in the next two days we will be in our flight back to the reality and.. it kind of messed up everything in my head.”

“Lee Jinki,” Kibum threw his phone aside and lying on his side, using his hand as his pillow now, “You don’t need to worry about a thing. You did your best. We did our best. Yes, it’s stressful. And, of course it would be boring at some point, it’s inevitable. But when life gets hard, at least you can always run to me ranting all night long, as you want. You can call me out of nowhere at such godly hours. Who knows next time we’re going to Cancun?”

Jinki laughed his heart out, silently thanking universe he collided into a man like Kibum, “Why suddenly Cancun?”

Kibum himself is now shaking because of his random choice of travel destination, “I don’t know it just blurted out.”

“Kibum, Kibum, Kibum. What would I do without you?”

“I know right? We struggle to pay our education together. We built our career together. We have been through good and bad, and worst when suddenly Taemin decided to move permanently to LA, that’s also together. We ate along Europe, isn’t it the best thing ever so far?”

Jinki remembered the pulled pork sandwich in Porto and the best carbonara pasta he had in Rome, “Sometimes I hate it when you know that mentioning food is actually my Achilles heel. Should I start to scare?”

Kibum can only smile while studying Jinki’s side profile. He already packed his jealousy towards chopped steak and tossed it to the trash can years ago and learned how to use food for a perfect pick up mood whenever Jinki’s upset with his world.

He took his phone and rested his spine back to the grass, now eyes completely back to the Instagram page since he knew what should he uploaded there, “What should we do next?”

It’s a solid fifteen minutes of silence. Solid fifteen minutes of Jinki looking at Kibum who didn’t even realize that a pair of soft eyes looking at him as if his universe centered on that vivid cheek bone.

“You know it’s legal to get married in Amsterdam.”



Kibum didn’t catch any tremble on Jinki’s groggy voice, he keeps editing some pictures he captured hours ago. He doesn’t aware it makes Jinki restless on his back.


Jinki sighed, his mind went further into the fantasy creating a huge elephant ready to step him further down the ground.

“Take the hint, will you?”

“What hint?”

“Will you marry me?”

Kibum who finally turned to his direction, didn’t see that coming. Jinki loves joking around but this time, there is no trace of foolish man apparent on his face. He looks utterly beautiful, with his sunshine alike smile and worried eyes which filled with both anticipation and distress.

When his face got closer, Jinki feels his chest could burst anytime soon. He fixed the soft bangs on Jinki’s forehead and pouting his cupid lips before reopened it again.

“Only if we go to London for honeymoon.”

The weight of the world on his shoulder that has been clinging on him just evaporated through the sky.

“Then London it is.”

Jinki closed the gap between them and captured his boyfriend turned fiancée lips he’s been dying to kiss since an hour ago. He can almost see the wide smile on Kibum’s face when he pressed deeper.


Jinki lifted himself from Kibum’s chest, flipped his hair back, sweat all over his shoulders, looked annoyed as hell.

“Who the heck calling people at this hour?”

Kibum’s phone had been ringing endlessly for at least five minutes.

“Can you pass me my phone then?”

“Why should I?!!”

“The sooner I cursed whoever it’s on the other line the sooner we continue what we left!”

It’s one hour passed midnight already. While he hates people disturbing him during the other day, Jinki hates it more when people had their gut to interrupt his holiday. Something he might forget, Kibum hates it the most when Jinki stopped in the middle of making out.

“What do you mean by sold out?!”

“Sold out what?”

“Your instagram post!!”

“God! It’s ing midnight here, Lee Taemin!”

“More like ing at midnight! Ha!”

Jinki who forced to sit on Kibum’s lower tummy while the latter answering the vexatious phone call, could only messages his temple when he heard his brother screeched for his life.

“We are getting married and you’re not invited if you don’t end that ing call now!”

“There, you hear my fiancée, Darling. Talk to you in the morning.”


Kibum recklessly dropped the phone to the wooden floor after switched it off, “Happy?”

“Very. Where were we?”

“Here,” Kibum points his mouth with his finger which Jinki follows gladly.  





A/N.: actually, you need six weeks prior registering your marriage in Amsterdam. And yeah, I’m sorta back! :)

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Purplejaybird #1
Chapter 2: Cute love!
Please continue this!
Chapter 2: Their fights got me giggling :D
Chapter 2: Marriage AU is so cute djdjjfdk
Chapter 1: Hungry jinki is sooo grumpy~~~ love the way jinki propose to kibum... simple and subtle...
Chapter 1: Wowwww!
"Will you marry me?" ~ goshhhh.. I didn't see that coming. Gyaaaa.. my onkey heart just screams so loudddd.. lovee thiss.. sooo.. much...
Chapter 2: Grumpy Minho is so so.. I guess only Lee Taeyoen "uri maknae" could handle him :D
Unusual Wedding proposal ^^
Chapter 2: Omg ure back!! Probably the best thing I'm gonna hear the whole day yayy! And the story was adorable! ^^
Chapter 1: Hahahha.. taemin is forever a brat, a cute brat! I wish i could attend onkey's wedding.. they are so adorable and perfect for each other.. and tq for writing and sharing thjs, i love this story sooo much.. <3
Chapter 1: Haha.. I love this hilarious couple! And I need every chapter of their marriage progress!
And yes, ofc little evil maknae Taemin!! ^^