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My voice echoed off walls I couldn't see. Everything was pitch black but for some reason I knew I was in a room.
It felt bigger than a room.
There was a slight breeze that was sending chills down my back.

An arena?

"Hello??" I called out again, feeling a sudden wave of fear wash over me. I was scared of something, but I had no idea what. Am I blindfolded? I don't feel anything on me face. Then is the arena covered or closed off? What the heck was going on?
"_________________?" Jungkook's voice shattered the silence and relief immediately rushed into me. "Are you in here? Can you say something??"
"Kookie!" I screamed, running in the direction of his voice. I could hear the tapping of his shoes on the ground get closer. "Where are you? Why can't I see you?"
"You're gonna be okay. I'm gonna find you and we're gonna get you home. I promise."
"What do you mean!? What's going on?"

Then I saw it. The sudden glow of the red string that once tied our wrists together was cut and laying on the ground, it's frayed edges taunting me. The glow started getting brighter until the area surrounding it was lit up by the light it was giving off. I saw his face at the end of the trail. His expression was the same: scared and worried all wrapped up in one. But this time, there was a bit of relief mixed in.

"I found you," he said, finally smiling before everything went dark again.

I sprung up from my bed gasping for air, sweat dripping down my back and forehead. My heart rate was through the roof. And somehow, that feeling of fear I had in the dream was still sitting in my chest.


"Hey," Soo's voice buzzed over the phone, "what's up? Your text was uhhhhh....kinda weird this morning. You feelin better from last night?"
I shook my head, thinking for some reason that action was gonna translate over the phone. I had just finished my grocery shopping at the Whole Foods in Bryant Park. After everything I went through last night, I decided to treat myself to some bougie produce.

Young adult life at its best.

"My dream changed again."
"Shut up, no it didn't."
"Yup," I watched as a group of Chinese tourists walked by, all following the person who was waving a bright red flag over their heads. I cringed at the sight of the color. "Kid you not. This time I was in some big, dark arena and apparently he needed to save me from something. No clue what though."
"You woke up before you could find out?"
"Dude, I woke up before he could even get to me. I saw his face and that was about it."
"Well that's a bummer."
"Yeah tell me about it. Woke up in a cold sweat too. I had to wash my sheets and everything."
"That's an even bigger bummer."
"And there's one more thing to add to that list of bummers."
"You're not making this any fun you know."
"Shut up," I checked to make sure there wasn't a stray taxi trying to make the changing yellow light before I crossed the street into Bryant Park. "The string in the dream broke."

Soo paused for a good 5 seconds. All I could hear was the slight humming of her space heater in the background and the sound of someone making breakfast on the stove in the dista

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 13: I hope there’s more
Notkanyewest #2
I love the protagonist basically having my life lol. Can't wait to read more!!