My Boy(daddy)friend

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Sampai hari di usianya yang ke 20 tahun, Krystal belum mengetahui siapa ayah aslinya. Krystal hanya mengetahui ayahnya adalah Kwon Yuri yang menikah dengan Jessica sejak Ia berusia 5 tahun. Ia tidak pernah menanyakan tentang keberadaan ayah kandungnya, karena Jessica melarang dan tidak akan memberitahu siapa ayah kandungnya.


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Hi AUTHOR! Just wanted to ask? Don't you have an english version of this story? I really really want to read this story but i don't understand this:(
Akhr yg trlalu tragis. Lagi sayang2ny. Ehh harus nerima kenyataan vahit.
Ending ny ga bs d ganti apa?
Trlalu nyesek banget, kayak ad yg nyangkut.
Can you make an English version?
whites17 #4
Chapter 1: Is there any english version ? I really want to read this story T_T
Well done. Thankyou for having a good time to enjoy this story.
And, I will update NEW story soon.
Please, reply this, if you want to request a story about.
I'll happy if you still read and subscribe my story, more happy if you left comment and let me know your feel ^^ ..

Love you to the moon, readers!
Terimakasih, thankyou, gomawo, xie xie . .. ^^
llamberdork #6
Chapter 21: Sungguh menggemaskan sekaligus menyakitkan melihat my Taengsic feeling, gw ikutan baper :'(
Chapter 21: this is getting more complicated, can't can you make it a little long, because this frustrates me to read more of this story
llamberdork #8
Chapter 17: Let Taeyeon meet Jessica author-nim..
This story is so sad, believe it or not I almost cry out because of Taengsic tragic love story.
Krystal must be very destroyed if she find out about Taeyeon :'(
Chapter 17: I like it
i can't wait for next part
Fighting author