The Decision and The Outcome

Her Family

Erin knew within the first week that she didn't want to leave. She has made a pro-con list; edited and revised it several times, and each time the pros outweigh the cons. Her short visit here has been more meaningful than her whole childhood. She knew she would be missing out on this back in the states. Of course, she has Marie, but Marie is just starting a new life. Who is she to get in the way?

She pushes through the next two weeks with a heavy heart and a busy brain. Yet, somehow she manages to absorb every experience with Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi. For the last eleven years Erin only had Jin, but now her circle of friends has widened. Her and Namjoon share many similarities like music artists, authors, and poets--friendship came naturally. Her friendship with Yoongi didn't bloom as quickly as it did with Namjoon, but after a few gatherings Erin found her way in--it was purely an accident.

The three were hanging out at the cafe where Jin works. His shift was nearly done and they had decided to go out for dinner afterward. Erin was telling Namjoon and Yoongi about the places she wanted to visit before she had to leave--one of her destinations being the Han River. Yoongi's face lit up a bit hearing the name. He had expressed how much he liked visiting that place and how often. He extended an invitation to Erin for his next trip. Erin had agreed and joked about Jin and Namjoon needing privacy after her nonstop presence for the last two weeks. Jin was walking up to the table and heard what she said. He slapped her shoulder and nagged her about her lame joke, then praised Yoongi for his thoughtfulness. They proceeded to dinner--it was a joyous soju-filled night.


Now here she is--at the Han River--on her last week. It’s a warm, breezy night; the dark sky is clear and there are lights decorating the entirety of the bridge that led to the skyline.

“Yoongi-oppa, this is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.” Erin turns her head toward Yoongi. She can appreciate how his silhouette and facial features are beautifully highlighted by the street lights. Her head drops down to focus on her fidgeting hands. She opens to speak and nothing comes out--she doesn’t know that Yoongi is watching her.

Yoongi grabs her hand. He may not know her as well as Jin, but he does know that she gets nervous a lot because of her anxiety and at times it’s hard for her to sit still. “Erin-ssi, look at me.”

Her gaze slowly travels to him; first, to his pouty lips, then to his sleepy eyes.

“It’s time that you say what’s been eating at you. You’ve been battling with it since your first week here.”

Erin sighs--Yoongi is right. She takes in a breath and opens . “I want to stay in South Korea.” The dam breaks and her words practically run together. "I don't want to go back--I can't go back. Other then Marie, I have nothing. My parents don't care about me; there has been no contact for almost four years, Yoongi-oppa. Jin has been my everything for forever, basically. Now, if I'm not getting ahead of myself, I have you and Joonie-ssi." She starts to panic. "You guys have been so welcoming and kind. I'm sure you are just being considerate of Jin, but-but I'm a decent person. And-and I can hide away if I tag along too much--and-"

“Yah! That’s enough nonsense. You are not a burden and you are welcomed. We like you, for real. Jin will be relieved knowing that you want to stay.” Yoongi leans back and spreads his arms along the top of the bench.

“Joonie-ssi and I agree that Jin is the happiest we have ever seen him. Please, stay--tell him you’re staying.”

Erin breaths for a few minutes, soaking in their conversation. She nods to Yoongi and thanks him. She then pulls out her phone and messages Jin. He calls her in return practically yelling at her to come home. She’s laughing now--Jin has always been an expressive person.

Yoongi gets up first and holds out an arm for Erin to nestle into. He knows that she needs comfort and reassurance after her anxiety dissipates. They smile at each other before she happily fits herself next to him.

“I’ll email Marie when we get to Jin’s.”

They silently walk the ten minutes back to Jin’s apartment.

The next morning Erin and Marie talk over the phone. There was crying, laughing, and promises being shared. Marie assures Erin that her choice to stay in South Korea is what’s best. She has never witnessed Erin this happy. Though it’s bittersweet Marie wishes Erin the best of luck and reminds her to stay in contact at least twice a week.

“Well, my love, now that you’ve spoken with your amazing cousin how do you feel?” Jin asks as he plops down on the bed next to Erin.

“I feel..great,” Erin admits. She leans her head on Jin’s broad shoulder. “So, can you get me a job at the cafe?”

Jin laughs. "Are you kidding? Of course, I can."


"Erin-ssi, it has been six months since you have made the decision to stay. You were so sure about this and you are the most well-adjusted person I know--so what is it that has you so stressed out all the time," Jin asks his best friend during their shift.

It’s almost closing time. They haven’t had a single customer for the last hour so they decide to catch up on some detailed cleaning. Jin is focusing on wiping every single dust particle off of the crown molding tracing the ceiling. Erin is scrubbing every nook and cranny of the baseboards--she sighs in exasperation.

“I don’t even know! Jinnie-oppa, stressing and severe tension has become part of my identity,” she sighs. “Trust me, I want nothing more than to change that. But I don’t know how to let loose. And-and what will happen if I let loose?!” She’s nearly panicking.

“I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to trigger you. I just worry sometimes.”

The bell hanging over the door is triggered; guests have entered. Jin is too eager to interact with customers--he hated slow nights. He turns to the door and tucks the rag in his back pocket. “Hey Jimin-ssi, Hobi-ssi! What brings you to this side of town?

“Hyung, hi!” The shortest male responds. “We really, really need a pick me up.”

“Yeah, we had a long session at the studio today.” Replies the male with a heart-shaped smile.

Jin nods and smiles. “Alright, I got you. Sit over there." Jin quickly disappears to the kitchen.

Alone, Erin is suddenly nervous. She keeps working at the baseboards in an attempt to remain invisible. A wave of heat crashes onto her--she has a weird feeling that there’s a set of eyes watching her.

"Jimin-ssi quit staring at her, she's mine," Jin jokes as he balances a tray of pastries and hot coffee. He sets the tray down at their table. "Erin-ssi, come here. Let me show you off to these losers."

“Yah,” protests the man with the heart-shaped mouth.

Jin pokes his tongue out as he reaches out for Erin.

She drops the rag to the floor before standing up to grab Jin’s hand.

“This is my best friend of eleven years, Erin. She gets anxious easily, but I promise she’s amazing once she opens up.” Jin clasps his other hand over their joined hands. “Erin-baby, this is Park Jimin,” he points to the shorter male. “And this is Jung Hoseok--they are both younger than you,” he finishes as he points to the other male.

Part of her uneasiness vanishes (she also appreciates Jin for alerting her--she'd hate to make a fool of herself by using the wrong honorifics). "Hello, Jimin-ssi; Hoseok-ssi. It's wonderful to meet more of Jin's friends. I apologize for my shyness. I do hope we can get to know each other."

“Wah, Jinnie-hyung! She’s so polite and beautiful.” Jimin blurts. “Is she the one Yoongi-hyung has been talking about?”

Erin blushes at Jimin’s compliment and at the fact that their mutual friend, Yoongi, actually speaks of her. She bows her head and smiles. “Jimin-ssi, you are too kind. Thank you.”

Jin beams. “Yes, this is her; in all her freckle-faced glory. And truthfully, I’ve always been mesmerized by--and slightly jealous of--her green eyes. I have to use lenses to have pretty eyes like that.”

Erin tries to sneak a peek at the boys sitting at the table, but her gaze immediately darts back down--they are openly admiring her. That’s one thing she has not gotten accustomed to in South Korea--the boldness.

“Erin, I promise we aren’t trying to make you uncomfortable. It’s just that not many people have your features--you really are beautiful.” Hoseok confesses.

Erin's cheeks are tinted red. "I understand. A-and thank you very much for your compliments." She manages to say.

She lifts her head up and is able to meet their eyes successfully. All three share a genuine smile.

“You are both very handsome,” she nervously blurts out. “Jinnie-oppa must have high standards for who he befriends

Jimin and Hoseok laugh at her compliment.

"That's right, baby. I have a very specific checklist. These bozos barely made the cut."

The two feigned offense before throwing their heads back in laughter.

Jin suddenly grabs onto Erin’s arm. “Erin! I just thought of the perfect thing for you,” Jin shouts excitedly. “Dance!”

She pales.

“Erin, you dance?” Hoseok asks enthusiastically.

She shakes her head and opens to protest, but she’s cut off by Jin.

"Girl! You cannot deny your natural rhythm. I watch you when you clean--and when you drink."

Her face is covered in embarrassment.

“Yess," Jimin says almost seductively as he fist pumps in the air. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

Hoseok is intrigued. "Come by the studio tomorrow. You can watch our morning session and join if you feel comfortable enough."

Jin nudges Erin and smiles. "Yes, yes! She will be there."

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