Chapter 9

Secret Room

                A doctor came out from the emergency. He looked up to meet Donghun, Sehyoon and Junhee who had been waiting for hours out the emergency room.

“You’re her guardian?” the doctor asked. “Yes, we are” Donghun replied.

                The doctor sighed. “Yeonwoo never tell you is it?”

“About what? What happen to her? Is she okay?” Junhee asked.

“Her lungs had been infected for quite a long time. But she chose to delay her treatment and take it for granted though I know actually she doesn’t want to treat it in the first place”

                The boys looked at each other in disbelieve. Sehyoon looked away. He clenched a tight fist.



“Thank you, doctor” the boys bowed to the doctor as they finished listen to his explanation about Yeonwoo’s illness.


                Donghun sighed. He pushed his hair backward in frustration. “How can she not tell us about this?”

                Junhee flopped into one of the chair there, staring blankly into space. “She doesn’t want to treat it. What more can we do to help her? She’s getting worse”

                They were silent. Sehyoon stood. “I knew about it!”

                Both Donghun and Junhee looked at Sehyoon. “What do you mean?” Junhee asked.

“Yeonwoo. I knew she had pneumonia for a while. I accidentally found her pills before this. But she insisted me not to tell anyone. Not even Yuchan” his leg gave up. His knees hit the cold floor. He clenched a tight fist as he was rage with himself. “I should have told you guys. We would still have time to coax her to get treatment but now-” Sehyoon couldn’t bring his head to look up. His fist shook. A mixture of anger and regret filled him.

                For the hundredth time, Donghun sighed. He walked to him and caressed his back. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be fine. Just believe in Him”

*             *             *

                Sungmin arrived at the café and took a seat at the corner of the café. He looked around. With no sight of Yeonwoo, he texted her again.

*Where are you, noona? Don’t tell me Yuchan hyung already did something to her*

*             *             *

                Sehyoon looked up. His eyes went to Yeonwoo who still didn’t gain conscious. He sighed in frustration. Junhee placed his hand on his shoulder.

“She will wake up. I’m sure she will”

                Sehyoon couldn’t reply but just nodded. Junhee’s hands shifted into his pocket as he sighed too. “It’s just a few days ago that I see her all well. But now”

“You met her?” “Yea. She came to the restaurant I worked last 3 days or so. She said she want to talk to me so we hang out for a while at café nearby. But she doesn’t look unwell at all” “She hides her pain too well” “But it’s weird. The other day, I ask her where she was from but she avoid my question. Like she’s hiding something”

“Maybe she was from the hospital” Donghun suggested. “The doc told that she came just a few days ago and informed her about her current condition” 

“And yet she still” Sehyoon sighed. “This girl. I’m going to scold her when she wakes up”



“We should let her rest for tonight. Let’s come again tomorrow” Junhee suggested. “You’re right” Donghun stood and fixed his coat. Sehyoon stood, eyes still glued to Yeonwoo as they walked away from her bed.

*             *             *

                Yeonwoo sat up. She looked around. Her eyes landed on her phone on the table.

“I had been asleep for 2 days??!!” she exclaimed as she saw the date. There was numerous missed calls and messages. “Sungmin?” Most of the messages were from Sungmin. She quickly rang him.

“Hello” “Sungmin?” “Noona!” “Hey” “You okay, noona? Where are you?!” “I’m in the hospital” “What happen? Did hyung do anything to you?” “No” she chuckled. “I just feel a bit tired. Nothing unusual. Hey, I saw your message. What is it that you want to tell me about?” “Can I come visit you, noona?” “Sure”

*             *             *

                Yeonwoo looked up from her phone as the door slide open to reveal Sungmin.

“Noona” he smiled. “Hi. You have no school today?” “Skip” he smiled.

“Woah I never knew you do that” Yeonwoo chuckled. “I know. I look nerdy, am I?” Sungmin placed some food he bought for her on the table.

                After set up the table, he sat near her. “I have something important to tell you”

“Did Chan already know about our meet up?” “No. But he asked me to keep an eye on you” “He start to doubt his own girlfriend, I see” she smirked.

“That’s not the big news. The thing is, the other day I was cleaning the room that connected to the secret room. He never allows me to go in there. I was cleaning the room that day. Then I heard he talked to himself” “Owh he likes to talk to himself, I know him” “Yea he does that often. Other people might even think he lost his mind already. Well, anyway I overhead he talked about this place he wants to create named ‘MILITARY’” “Military?” “Yes. The place where he wants to keep everyone’s body after killing them”

                She gasped. “What-the-he...he must have lost his mind! Why would he keep people’s body?” “I don’t know. Noona, I’m sorry to say this but he’s a total psychopath. Should we report him?” “But we don’t have any evidence. If we report him, he would hide his plans and when everything is okay, we’ll be his next target”

                Sungmin sighed. “I hate it that you have a point there, noona” Both of them lost for word.

“I suggest we follow his beat first” Yeonwoo voiced. “I think so too” he nodded.

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