Lucky | revamp edition!


Coming (sometime) soon(-ish ... give me time OTL) (❀ ͜ʖ)


If you would like to give me extra love, I have a Ko-fi! It's like Crowdfunding BUT you don't have to sub and pay monthly and I don't do any special tiers so all of my content is open and can be read fairly at the same time for all of my readers. No early access or anything of the sort. No motives up my sleeve lol Just your pure kindness given anytime ♡ I'm grateful for your support - in every form, even simply taking the time to read any of my stories ^^


What do you get if you support me? Whatever pieces are left of my heart lol Really though, I'll love you forever and never let you forget that I am in your debt. You'll never be able to push me off from hugging you like a koala. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♡

However, if you want to seriously know more about me, check out extra graphic content I post, and why I'd like some support-- Please click the button above to be taken to my Ko-fi profile ♡


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