that dancer....

Moments with Her

Happy Birthday Esra unnie


Yerin trudged through the puddles, her feet already soaked despite her initial care not to step in any deep puddles. Squishing her socks as she walked through the rain with her yellow umbrella, she only looked up when she was nearing her bus stop.

Standing in the area near the shaded stop, she stuck her hand out, feeling the rain on her skin as the heavy droplets splashed down on her palm. Noticing a figure in the distance, squinted to see through the heavy rain, it looked like a person without an umbrella?

Being a nice kid, she thought to go and offer to share her umbrella until they reached their location, but as she neared the girl standing in the rain, she noticed something. The girl in the rain didn’t appear to be upset, not wanting to bother a person who loved the rain on accident, Yerin turned to walk away, but the expression on the other captivated her. She was not sad, not upset that the rain was pouring down on her, headset tightly over her ears, she seemed to be enjoying the artificial silence.

Looking back, Yerin stared as the girl began to dance in the rain. Her eyes were closed, as if she were the only person in the world, her body moving so artfully as she danced to a beat that only she knew. Yerin didn’t notice how long she had been staring but an elderly woman walked by and muttered something before going over to the dancing girl, tapping her leg with her cane.

“Hey! Young missy! Get inside and dance ya crazy person! You’ll catch a cold!”

The dancer was startled but bowed immediately to the old lady as she hobbled away. Rubbing her nose the dancer noticed that the rain had stopped hitting her, confused she turned around.


Yerin smiled.

“I’m Yerin, what’s your name?”

“I’m SinB.”

“That’s a cool name, I love your dancing by the way.”

“Uh huh.”

SinB looked at Yerin as if she were a weirdo, not that Yerin minded, she was kind of being a creep anyways, having missed her bus by watching her dance.

“Where are you headed? I’ll walk you.”

“You don’t need to. I barely know you.”

“Ah, sorry. It’s just that I saw something amazing, I wanted to repay you somehow.”

“You’re weird wanting to repay that.”

“I often hear that.”


Yerin leaned back in her chair, looking up at the ceiling as she recounted the day’s events. Starting from her crappy day at school and part time work to when she walked with SinB to the bus stop.

SinB turned out to be younger than her, a young aspiring dancer/choreographer. She had begun to shiver as they boarded the bus due to being soaked and Yerin had given SinB the seat closest to the heater in the bus. It turned out that they lived on the same block. It was rather surprising that they got along so well so easily, Yerin thanked her parents for raising her to be such a friendly person.

Smiling as she sat back up, she pulled out her diary before looking to her phone.

“I wonder what song she was listening to. I’ll ask next time.”

And maybe next time, she’d also ask for her number. There were many reasons why exchanging numbers was a good idea, one they lived close so if there was an emergency, they could help each other. Then, Yerin could also deepen their friendship and exchange little conversations through text.

“What am I, a wolf hunting for her next prey, don’t ask for her number if you don’t have a better reason. Geez.”

Berating herself for being overzealous, Yerin sighed and tapped her own head with her knuckles as she looked back at her diary. Hastily scribbling in every detail she could recall, she closed it quickly as if to avoid thinking about it anymore.

“Calm down you fool, you have to sleep early tonight.”

Talking to herself quietly, she argued with herself as she got into her bed, tugging on her blanket up to her chin.

“It’s not like she’s agree to be my friend in one go. Just sleep. Just, sleep.”

Clicking off her light, Yerin tucked herself in bed.


Yerin went to the back of the school, she had found a note stuck in the side of her locker addressed to her from a secret admirer, of course, she had no intentions of doing anything with this secret admirer, but she figured she could at the least reject them whoever it was.

Checking that she stood in the right spot, she counted the number of pillars on the side of the building and the number of trees between her and the school gates in a row. Confirming that she was most likely in the correct place, she sighed and looked to her feet as she shuffled about.

“When are they going to come? Wasting my precious time that I could be finding SinB with.”

Hearing the crunch of leaves and footsteps, she offered a kind smile as a jockey from her school walked up with a small bundle of flowers in hand.

“What’s this for?”

“Will you be my girlfriend? I’ve been watching you from afar and I always thought you were beautiful, I even went and buffed up to look this way to match you.”

“That’s touching.”

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously before holding out the small bouquet of flowers that Yerin couldn’t even recognize. Instead of accepting them however, she crossed her arms.

“I’m sorry, but that’s a no sir.”


“You never even told me your name? And I’m not looking to be in a relationship right about now.”

He dropped the flowers to the floor as Yerin started to walk away, pulling her back, he forced a hug on her as she struggled to get away.

“Let go! No means no!”

Pushing him off with her strength, she kept an arm out to prevent him from coming closer before a sound smack landed on the back of the boy’s head, knocking him over dizzy, but not unconscious.

“Yo, no means no. Consent, do you not even know what that means? Also, you disturbed my peaceful time.”

Yerin watched with a wry smile as the girl she was thinking of dropped in from above. Looking up to check, she found that it must have been from the branches above.

“What were you doing up there?”

“Hm? What you already saw me do before.”

“Dance? How do you dance in a tree?”

SinB let out a giggle that sounded like heaven to Yerin, a bright smile threatening to spill on her lips.

“No silly, there’s a roof right past the top of this tree, I just used the tree to get down faster than going through the stairs.”

They started walking together, walking to the gates of the school. Yerin kept telling SinB weird stories just to hear her melodious laughter.

“Once, I was trying to find my phone on the floor of my room when the power was out, and I just used the phone in my hand to turn on it’s flashlight function to light the floor to find it.”

“You’re serious?”

“Dead serious! I can’t believe I didn’t realize that it was my phone in my hand until I had searched the whole room and the lights came back on!”

Smiling as SinB laughed her heart out, Yerin observed the way SinB laughed, her eyes squinting as her jaw went slack to let out her beautiful voice.

“You’re a funny unnie.”


Arriving at the bus stop, Yerin took a seat as SinB stood around.

“Well, unnie I’m not taking this bus today, so I guess I’ll see you around alright?”

“Of course.”

Waving good bye, Yerin held her hands to her heart as she felt it thudding all the way in her head. Breathing a few times in order, she managed to calm down despite her still pink cheeks.

“You did well Yennie, she thinks you’re funny.”

Slapping her cheeks lightly to clear her head, she got herself a little pumped up for her future interactions with SinB.

“I forgot to ask her about the song!”


Sitting on a bench on the side of the sidewalk, Yerin hummed to herself as she listened to music, watching the clouds passed by slowly in the wind. Smiling and swaying lightly to her music, she closed her eyes to feel the sunlight on her face. Randomly remembering how Sowon always got jealous of her fair skin despite being under the sun for long periods of time, she giggled to herself.

Feeling a nudge at her side, she jumped slightly and turned to see who.

“Hwang Eunbi!”

“Did I scare you? Sorry, I was just watching you enjoy yourself.”

SinB smiled softly, seated beside Yerin with her hands in her pockets, her hoodie covering her head, her beautiful hair tucked inside.

“It’s okay, I was just a little bit scared, you know, just a little.”

Giggling together for a little, Yerin sighed as her phone buzzed an alarm, it was time for her to go. Facing the sun one last time with her eyes closed, she hummed.

“I wish I could just be here for forever.”

“Under the sun?”

“Of course, with great company as well, it’s peaceful.”

Hearing SinB shuffle, Yerin peeked a glance over. SinB leaned back on the bench, closing her eyes as well, soaking in the sunlight.

“I agree on that part, it’s soothing.”

Offering Yerin a smile before a hand, SinB stood up.

“You have to go right?”

“Yea, thanks.”

Yerin took a few steps before turning around and looking to SinB.

“I always forget.”

“Forget what?”

“What’s the name of the song you were dancing to when I first approached you?”

“If I could meet you.”

They stared at each other’s eyes for a few seconds before Yerin’s curved into beautiful crescents with a genuine smile.

“I’ll listen to that sometime.”

SinB watched as Yerin walked away, her hands still in her pockets, one hand curled into a fist. She looked down to her feet before sitting down again, imitating what Yerin was doing when she had arrived here. Leaning back comfortably and listening to the wind as the sunlight hit her face gently.


Her phone screen lit up at her customized call signal, it replied easily.

“What can I do for you?”

“Play, I think I met her from my music playlist.”

“Playing, I think I met her.”

Tugging her hood over her eyes and tucking her earbuds back in, she stood up and let the music take her body.


In the park, where in the middle was a large pond where ducks quaked and got fed bread pieces by little children, where children get yelled at for going too close to the water, where there were couples seated all around the place flirting with each other.

Yerin lay with her head on her favorite lap atop a picnic blanket that her and her friends had brought for this occasion. Yuju brushed Yerin’s hair softly with a brush before stopping to greet a person who came late to the picnic.

“SinB yah, you took forever to get here, look Yerin unnie is already almost asleep!”

Yerin blinked drowsily, when she was invited, she didn’t know who to expect to see there but had been greeted by only her small group of best friends, Yuju, Eunha, Sowon and Umji. They had said they were going to bring Umji’s new friend, but she hadn’t made the connection until SinB arrived.

“Hey, sorry I was held up.”

Side hugging Umji warmly and a soft voice calling her best friend’s name, “Yewon ah,” SinB sat down on the blanket as well, finally relaxing from her taxing day.

“I guess we’re fated to meet one way or another, unnie.”

Yerin rubbed her face roughly to wake herself up before giving a lazy grin.

“I guess so Hwang Eunbi.”

“Why do you call me by my full name so often?”

“I don’t know, maybe I like the way it rolls off my tongue.”

They fell into a comfortable silence as Yerin sat up to join their now mutual friends in their little gossips and day to day life stories. Little episodes that made everyone laugh, some that made SinB deadpan and wonder how they had been able to make it this far into their lives.

“I mean if you can’t kill spiders, then how do you live alone?”


Eunha rubbed the back of her neck as a hand wrapped around her waist. Sowon placed her chin on Eunha’s shoulder and Yerin’s eyes focused between them carefully.

“You’re kidding me.”

“What? Kidding about what? We moved in together last week.”

The girls gasped and giggled to each other slapping each other on the backs and laughing as their bets came up futile. Yerin noticed that SinB fit in really well, like she was always meant to be there.

“So, have you been listening to any new music SinB?”

SinB hummed as she drank her soda, thoughtful as she looked around her.

“Yea, I actually did.”

“Wanna let me in? I feel like we have pretty similar tastes.”

SinB looked into Yerin’s eyes on accident but didn’t look away.

“It’s called I think I met her.”

Yerin blinked a few times before nodding and pulling up the song on her phone, putting it on for everyone to hear, SinB flinched as she remembers the dance she made for the song, her body reacting easily to the beat.

“You know SinB? I think you listen to a lot of romance themed songs these days.”

“Oh, really Yewon? You think I don’t know who you have a crush on?”

Yerin smiled watching their two youngest bicker playfully, she listened to the lyrics carefully. It had a nagging feeling on her that they were meaning something, the reason why SinB would let her ask her for music. There must be some reason why.


Yerin walked through the mall, casually looking through the windows as she hummed to herself. Watching her reflection following along as she walked onwards, she stopped at a corner of a dress boutique and a thrift shop.

“An interesting placement choice.”

Moving on with her window shopping, she wondered if there would be anything on display that would catch her attention on this day, she didn’t like shopping much, she didn’t like going outside actually. But fresh air was welcome, a walk in a place with other people to keep herself in touch with humanity.

Reaching the end of the mall, she strolled out into the carpark, wandering around as she went, she noticed movement in the corner of her eyes. Spotting what seemed to be a dancing shadow, she curiously moved towards it, it was oddly familiar to her.

Walking between two cars, dodging their rearview mirrors expertly, she smiled when she saw exactly why it was so familiar. There, dancing in the open spaces of the carpark, was SinB, her beautiful dance capturing Yerin’s eyes and heart once more. Her dance was different than the one Yerin had seen before, but her expertise in her use of her body, as well as her unique dance lines in her body, Yerin could tell it was her immediately despite the younger wearing a big hoodie and sunglasses with a mask covering her face.

Taking a seat on a cement block, Yerin watched silently, enjoying the performance as SinB was lost in her music, her earbuds probably on full blast. She watched, as SinB’s body curved yet made sharp movements, as her quick and light steps made her seem as if she could fly. Propping cheek on her palm with her elbow on her knee, Yerin grinned as SinB came to a close, removing her mask to even her breathing out.

“I was getting worried you weren’t breathing enough with that mask on.”


SinB whirled around, her earbuds removed. Recognizing Yerin, she dropped her defensive stance and removed her sunglasses with a smile.

“Why wear sunglasses if you had your eyes closed?”

“How would you know that?”

“You would have noticed your only audience if they were.”

SinB hummed, walking closer.

“True, what brings you here?”

“I could ask you the same thing, do you just find a random open space that suits you and dance?”

SinB shrugged as she tugged her hoodie back, fixing her slightly messy hair by running her hand through it.

“You could say that, I don’t really have the money to pay for a studio. You?”

“I was here to see if I could find new clothes.”

“Clothes? Didn’t take you for a fashionista.”

“Hey, I’ll have you know that I’m not a fashion terrorist like Umji.”

“She’s….not that bad.”

Yerin giggled as SinB defended her same aged friend. Clapping SinB on the back, she laughed a little.

“I’m joking, but no. I don’t care much for clothing actually, usually I’d be here to get fresh air, today, I came because my mom got tired of seeing me wear the same set of pajamas for the last month.”

SinB scooted back jokingly, covering her nose.

“You washed them I take it?”

“Of course! I have multiple sets of the same thing!”

Laughing together peacefully, Yerin leaned her head on SinB’s shoulder gently, the younger didn’t move away. Yerin pulled SinB’s hand into her lap, caressing them slowly.

“You know, I can’t help but feel safe around you.”


“Like I can relax.”

SinB hummed, letting Yerin play with her fingers.

“And, I was wondering if you felt the same way.”

“Same way?”

Yerin looked SinB in the eyes carefully, pulling back.

“I’m sorry if I’m coming on you too strongly, I just, I guess I’m not used to this.”

SinB chuckled and Yerin looked up slightly surprised. SinB took Yerin’s hands in her own, a small smile present.

“Nope, not strong enough.”


Grinning as she looked in Yerin’s eyes, SinB leaned forwards. Yerin couldn’t help but notice the glint in SinB’s eyes, they seemed to sparkle with a certain brightness that she couldn’t seem to get away from. Wrapping her arms around SinB’s neck, Yerin pulled them together the last bit, pressing their lips together carefully, experimentally.

Her lips felt cool on her own, Yerin pulled back and unconsciously her lips as SinB bit her lower lip ily.

“I take it we’re in agreement?”

SinB grinned.

“You’re mine now.”

And Yerin couldn’t be more happier.


eyyyyyy and then after they kissed again! and again! and they had lots of!


see, this is what I do for my friends.....slaving over this for over a week, not that Im complaining, just appreciate it jeez :P

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I wanna write! Let me write! Ahhhhhhhhhh!


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Chapter 98: SinB you're so smoooooth.... ☺️☺️☺️
CliveBenevolent #2
Chapter 117: hahaha 🤣🤣😂
Qazxsw12 #4
Chapter 117: Hehehehehdbbebhehe :3
Chapter 117: I love this !! And their insta story about the rain, I found its so cute. Thank you :)
Chapter 117: Uri sinrin!!! i miss them huhu
Yerintopic #7
Chapter 117: Thankyou, i love thiss
dpphppy #8
Chapter 117: I kinda love a story like this because it feels light and idk but i like it
Chapter 116: Ouch