Chapter 61 - Goodbye, 4D

4D: Book of Friendship

3rd Person’s POV

[Sae Young Dormitories…August 09, 20XX]

The girls were in their dorm, sitting down together at their couch for one last time. Today, they are going to move out of the dormitories and into their new house, their own 4D home.

“I’ll miss this place.” Anika stated with a sad smile. “We made a lot of memories here…”

“Good and bad, this place witness it all. I feel bad for leaving it with something new.”

“Everybody…” Erika appeared out of nowhere. “…leaves.” then she throw leaves all over the place, making the others face her with pokerface cause she just made a mess and a bad pun.

“I hate to admit this, but sometimes I wonder why people made you their ultimate bias.”

That got three different reactions; Anika patting Erika’s shoulder, Jeril laughing out loud, and Erika who wears a very solemn look on her face with a pout. It was both sad…and cute.

“I’m hurt, you hurt me. I’m leaving.” with that, she walked away from the rest of the 4D.

“I think you did hurt her feelings, Lei.” Jeril muttered, stopping herself from laughing.

“Yeah, her title as the South Korea’s Ultimate Bias and dad jokes are her pride.”

“R-Really? Should…I-I’ll apologize, then.” Lei hurriedly ran towards the kitchen, making Jeril and Anika laugh because they were just making her guilty. But something else strikes them…

“No matter where we are, if we’re going to be together, I’m sure we’ll always be happy.”

“You’re getting soft, Jeon.” Erika appeared once more with a cookie in her hand.

“Where did you get that?” Anika asked, squinting her eyes in suspicion.

“At the cookie jar, ofcourse.” the main rapper answered like it was the most casual thing in the world but Anika reacted like the world was ending as she slap the cookie away. “What--”

“We don’t have a cookie jar, so that was either a hundred years old or thousand years old.”

“Uhh…” with that, Lei also appeared. “I…I actually ate from that jar every single day here.”

“Oh, God.” Anika sighed. “I’m glad you’re still alive, Lei. Those cookies weren’t ours, they could be the cookies of the previous occupant. I don’t know why they left it, though.”

“We should also leave some spoiled foods, then. You know, to prank the next occupants.”

“Great idea, leader-nim. Now, you’re speaking my language.” the rapperline highfived.

“No one is pranking anyone. We’re leaving this place, let’s atleast give respect.”

“...” the dorm room suddenly became quiet until… “I think we should leave graffitis with our names on it, that way we’ll pay respect to the dorm room cause we are legendary people.”

“I don’t know why you even bother, unnie.” Lei mumbled, patting Anika’s shoulder.

Erika and Jeril went to a corner to decide what they would leave in the dorm room before they leave while Anika and Lei continued to pack the remaining things left in the room.

“Are you unnies done? You guys barely helped in packing, you know.” Lei muttered.

“We’re done.” cue the evil laugh from the two rappers. “We planned the best parting gift.”

“I’m not even going to bother asking, just make sure you don’t leave anything important and don’t make too much mess.” with that, Anika left the room to put the things in the van.

“There’s a few packing left to do, so I’ll the rest to you.” then, Lei also left the room.

“Alright. Now that those two had left, let’s start our special parting gift…”

“Aye, aye, captain.” it was the only time Jeril would say that.


An hour had passed and yet the rapperline still hadn’t gone down, so the vocal line decided to climb back up to check on them. But when they tried to open the door, it was locked…

“Unnies! What are you two doing there?!” Lei called out as she knocked on the door.

“Our parting gift.” a muffled voice yelled back, and they don’t know if it was Jeril or Erika.

“Open up the door, will you?” there was another muffled yelling but there was no footsteps that indicated they plan to open the door. “How long will it take to finally be finished?”

“A few more minutes.” a deep muffled voice answered and they recognized it as Erika’s.

Footsteps could be heard and the door finally opened. Erika had taken off her denim jacket, leaving her with a white sleeveless shirt on while Jeril had also taken off her flannel jacket and had it tied to her waist. If someone ask what is a girlcrush, the answer is 4D’s rapperline.

“Before you say anything at all, remember that this is a group dorm room.” Erika stated.

Anika nodded and the vocalist entered the room. They didn’t noticed anything different in the room until Jeril pointed on top and the two looked up to see a drawing of four girls with their back turned around, standing on top of a flipped vehicle, watching color flares flew up.

There’s a line below that said “A group is another family that will always be there for you.” The picture drawing was enough to make the vocalist heart swell but the line made them…

“Wow.” was all Lei could mutter. She was speechless at what the rapperline had created.

“It’s not that bad, right? We had to use up all of my spraypaint, but it’s worth it.”

“Totally.” Erika mumbled, wrapping her arms around the vocal line with a smile.


Fun fact: Everybody leaves.” is our ritual everytime we go home after school. We’ll grab some leaves along the way and throw it together on the path that separates us and shouts EVERYBODY LEAVES while throwing it up. It’s was a pun at first, but then became a tradition.

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Jonieng_Keng1014 #1
Chapter 75: Hey Aliens! 4D’s main dancer, Jeon Jeril Chase here. If you guys are wondering, yes, I’m the real Jeon Chase. I would like to thank you guys so much for reading and supporting 4D and the book. No words can describe how thankful I am, just like Ked unnie said.. “The journey had just begun and 4D’s future awaits”. We’ll see you guys soon!!! I Purple U Aliens!!!! <3
Chapter 75: To everyone that read this story, I would like to thank you for sparing your time in reading this. I am very thankful to know that they are someone who supports this fanfiction for my friends, and I hope you continue to support me and my stories. I would like to quote TWICE in annoucing something. "It's not over until it's over." the journey had just begin and our future awaits. So, Aliens, see you soon.
14 streak #3
Chapter 75: 4D Forever!!
WeAreOne1001 #4
Chapter 75: it was a nice road to infinity author you and 4D stay forever ok? I support you for life i promise huhuhu
Jonieng_Keng1014 #5
Chapter 75: Yea, 4D let’s stay together!! I love you all, especially you buddy hahaha. Still can’t believe book one is already over
Chapter 74: I'm not ready for the last chapter!
WeAreOne1001 #7
Chapter 74: one last Chapter i am not ready t.t
Jonieng_Keng1014 #8
Chapter 74: One more to go
Jonieng_Keng1014 #9
Chapter 73: 2 more chapters left
WeAreOne1001 #10
Chapter 73: Im not believing this is ending this is first story got me into new fandom like once and others