First Time Interrupted

Of Robbing Banks and Stealing Hearts

The sound of music and feet thumping on wood told Nayeon that they were in the right place. Being a notorious supervillain, she’d yet to actually visit the theatre where Jihyo worked, although she did plan on coming to every performance once tickets started selling. She had her disguise all picked out and everything.

The security was surprisingly lax. She and Sana just walked in through a fire exit, and nobody-

“Hey! What are you two doing here?”

Well, seems like she spoke to soon.

Nayeon clicked her reversal light, rewinding ten seconds and then nudging Sana.

“Go invisible.” she whispered.

For a second Sana looked confused, but then she caught on to what was happening. Her grin was the last thing to fade as she blended in with her surroundings, and she gave Nayeon’s hand a reassuring squeeze before separating.

“Hey! What are you doing here?”

Nayeon turned to face the security guard with a smile. Chances were he wasn’t connected to the producers and directors of this play, but they could luck out and find a group chat in his phone, so it was worth a shot.

“Who are you?” she asked, stalling for time so that Sana could get in position.

“I work here. Who are you?”

“Me? Well I…” she watched as the fire extinguisher slowly lifted itself from the wall. “I’m here, because…”



“She’s with me.”

Nayeon recognised that voice. It was one of Jihyo’s friends. She subtly signalled to Sana and the fire extinguisher slowly settled back into place. Kim Chungha walked up to her, smiling politely at the security guard.

“But she’s not wearing a pass?” the poor guard said, baffled.          

“Trust me, she’s a friend. I’m guessing this was a surprise visit and she didn’t realise she needed ID. Can you let this slide?”


“Please Chan? I didn’t say anything when you brought your wife and kids here. I promise you she won’t be any trouble.”

Nayeon felt slightly bad as the security guard nodded and walked away, because the entire purpose of her visit was to cause trouble. Still, she forced a smile on her face when Chungha turned around to face her.

“You’re Nayeon right? Jihyo’s friend?”

“That’s me.” Nayeon said. “Since you helped me out I should probably warn you that my girlfriend is also here.”

She winked, and Sana blinked back into visibility. Chungha jumped, then laughed.

“Nice to meet you.” she smiled at Sana. “Sorry, I’m not used to being around people with powers.”

“That’s ok.” Sana gave her a flirtatious smile back. “I’m not used to constantly being around pretty people, but this week I just keep running into them.”

“Well I’ve ran into two today so I think I win.” Chungha laughed again, and Sana seemed a little thrown at how she just brushed off her flirting. “I’m guessing you guys are here to see Jihyo? I can take you to her if you want.”

“Well yes but uh…” Nayeon hesitated, slightly concerned at the girl’s relaxed nature. “Just to clarify, you are aware that we’re supervillains, right? Normally I wouldn’t tell you this but you vouched for us back there, so I’d feel bad if you didn’t know.”

“Of course I know.” Chungha didn’t seem too worried about that fact. “You’re on the news all the time, and Sana’s been a trending topic for days. But Jihyo speaks fondly of you, so I’m assuming you’re here on friendship business and not supervillain business, right?”

“Well… sort of?”

“Great!” Chungha beamed. “Then I’ll take you to Jihyo. She should be getting her make up done right about now. We’re starting dress rehearsals in an hour.”

She turned around and started walking. Sana shuffled up to Nayeon as they followed behind her.

“Is she evil?” she whispered, too low for Chungha to hear. “Because seems way too chill and nice, and that’s coming from me.”

“I don’t think so.” Nayeon whispered back. “Jihyo always mentions how friendly Chungha is. It’s why I knew something was wrong when she was the one who told Jeongyeon about Chanmi.”

“So what should we do? We don’t want Jihyo to know about this, right?”

Nayeon chewed on her lip, deliberating. To trust or not to trust, that was the question.

“Hey Chungha.” she stopped walking. “We’re actually not here to see Jihyo.”

Chungha turned around, finally looking somewhat concerned.

“So then are you here on supervillain business? Please say no, we can’t afford to repair this theatre if you and Hulk start fighting.”

“No, it’s ok. We are here about Jihyo, we’re just not here to see her.”

Chungha looked even more confused, which was understandable. Nayeon glanced at Sana, a question in her eyes. Sana just shrugged in response.

I’ll follow your lead. I trust you.

The fact that she and Sana could communicate so easily despite the short period of time they’d known each other for was something that Nayeon filed away to squeal about later. Right now, there was too much at stake for her not to be fully invested in the mission.

“We’re here about Chanmi.”

For a second Chungha’s eyes flashed, and Nayeon got ready to rewind time. If they could get Chungha on their side things would be a lot easier, but if they couldn’t… This could go bad very quickly.

“Jeongyeon told you?”

“Yeah.” Nayeon confirmed. “We did a little digging, and it turns out it’s not just Jihyo that this girl hates. We’ve got dirt on her saying ugly stuff about pretty much everyone you work with. I think she has something about you too, saying you should stick with being the dance choreographer and not have a singing role as well.”

“I’m not surprised.” Chungha scoffed. “She’s said worse to my face. I’m guessing you’re here to expose her?”

“Exactly. While a lot of the texts are just mean, there’s some stuff on here that will definitely get her fired. So we came here to try and steal a crew member’s phone and send the evidence to the people in charge.”

“No need.” Chungha took out her phone. “Text it to me. I don’t have your number so it’ll be an anonymous tip. I’ll send it on to everyone.”

Nayeon hesitated, her own phone in her hand.

“Why would you help us?” she asked. “You’re putting yourself directly in the spotlight and why? For Jihyo?”

“Jihyo’s lovely, and I’m happy to have her as my friend, but this isn’t just about her.” Chungha’s eyes flashed again, angry and serious. “She may be the main target of Chanmi’s bullying, but last week I spent half an hour comforting this kid named Somi in the bathroom because Chanmi made her feel insecure. She’s sixteen and she was in tears, talking about quitting, because this woman thought it would be funny to harass her. My girlfriend Heehyun almost got fired because Chanmi forced a confrontation then played the victim. Stuff like this has been going on since Chanmi became a part of this production so trust me, you’re not the only one interested in getting her out of here.”

Nayeon looked at Sana, and Sana nodded.

“I don’t think she’s evil.”

Chungha looked confused again, but thankfully she didn’t question Sana’s verdict. Nayeon unlocked her phone and sent Chungha the evidence Chaeyoung had gathered. As well as screenshots, there was a video showing how Chaeyoung had found the evidence, and a few links that Nayeon didn’t understand, but assumed was something Chaeyoung added for further proof of legitimacy.

Next time she kidnapped that kid, she was buying her a pizza or something.

Chungha rattled off her number and Nayeon typed it in, sending her the incriminating file. Chungha’s phone pinged and Nayeon and Sana watched over her shoulder as she forwarded the file to a bunch of names they didn’t recognize.

“These are the producers, and this is the director. I’ll send it to the cast group chat too, and the costume and stage department.”

Someone sent me this file. I don’t recognise the number but the stuff inside it…I’m pretty sure it’s legitimate.

“Nice.” Nayeon said approvingly. “All you need to do now is not tell Jihyo that we were here. She can be a bit…”

“I know. There’s a reason I told Jeongyeon about this.” Chungha winked. “But you might want to hurry and get out of here before someone sees you with me and puts two and two together.”

“Will do. Thanks for helping us.”

Nayeon took Sana’s hand and waved goodbye. Sana followed her around the corner and out of Chungha’s sight, then pulled Nayeon to a stop.

“Are we actually leaving?”

“I am.” Nayeon grinned. “I can’t afford to get caught here, but since I have a beautiful girlfriend with the power to turn invisible, I’m thinking you could stay here to film Chanmi’s meltdown? It’ll give us better entertainment to watch tonight instead of that survival show you get so heated over.”

“There are so many trainees that shouldn’t have been eliminated! So many!”


Sana huffed, but after a second her pout grew into a smile.

“Fine. I’ll stay behind here and try to film the reaction. Meet you back at the hotel?”

“Sure thing.” Nayeon leant forward, smiling as Sana happily ducked her head and kissed her.

This thing with the domestic kisses they had going, it still scared Nayeon a little. It felt like they were skipping over relationship steps like they were Olympic athletes doing the long jump, and part of her was still worried they’d burn through all their feelings at the pace they were going. But then Sana reached forward to cup Nayeon’s cheek, so she shoved her worries to the side and gave her full attention to the beautiful girl she was kissing.

Life was good. She had good skin, an incredible superpower, and an amazing girlfriend who was willing to help her destroy someone’s life because they messed with one of Nayeon’s people.

Really, what more could Nayeon ask for?

“Oh wow.” Nayeon remarked, curled up on the bed cuddling with Sana. “She really snapped, huh?”

Sana lay with her head on Nayeon’s shoulder, idly playing with Nayeon’s hand while they watched the video.

“Trust me, it gets better.”

The blurry camera footage showed Chanmi whirling around and screaming something at Chungha, who put her hands in the air in a gesture Nayeon recognised as ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’. Chanmi said something else, which caused the girl next to Chungha to step forward with a snarl. The way Chungha held her back made Nayeon assume that was her girlfriend, and for a second she was worried that Chanmi wasn’t the only one who got fired today. At the same time, she was still sort of hoping the girl would take a swing at Chanmi, but it turned out that Sana wasn’t lying about things getting better.

Someone tapped Chanmi on the shoulder, and when she turned around Jihyo punched her straight in the face.

“Oh my god.” Nayeon said, then lower. “Oh my god.”

“I thought you’d like that part.” Sana grinned.

“Jihyo really…”

“She did that.”

“She really did.”

The video ended with Chanmi being escorted out by security. Sana had to reach over and stop it from replaying, because Nayeon’s jaw was still dropped from witnessing Jihyo’s punch.

“That was amazing.” she said at last.

“I wish you could have been there.” Sana admitted, snuggling deeper into Nayeon’s neck. “But being able to share stuff like this is one of the few things I love about invisibility.”

“You enjoy spying on people?” Nayeon smirked. “You really do make a great supervillain.”

“You think so? For real?”

“I think that you could be the most dastardly of all if you really wanted to.”

Sana’s smile was sweeter than honey. She shuffled up to kiss Nayeon, and Nayeon happily began the familiar act of pushing Sana’s jacket off her shoulders. The heat from Sana’s lips, her touch, the small sounds she made when Nayeon began to use her tongue, it was all so much and Nayeon loved it, loved her.

Wait, no, she’d only known Sana for-

Sana pushed upwards, kissing Nayeon passionately, demanding her full attention. It was messy and wet and Nayeon kissed her back twice as hard.

Oh well, maybe she was in love. So what?

She got Sana’s t-shirt off easily, and Sana let Nayeon push her down onto the bed, her chest heaving in a way that drew Nayeon’s eyes to it and made them stay there. She reached one hand out, tracing Sana’s neck slowly with her fingers. Sana moans grew louder and Nayeon suddenly felt impatient. Her hands scrabbled to get the last of Sana’s clothes off, but Sana was lying on the clasp so she needed-

The door burst open.

“Time’s up Sana! Did you really think we would-”

The girl in the doorway froze once she noticed what exactly Sana was up to. Nayeon used the distraction to grab her reversal light from the bedside table, and then she rewound fifteen seconds.

Sana looked confused when Nayeon suddenly leapt off the bed and grabbed the breakfast tray from the coffee table. Nayeon didn’t have time to explain, she just ran over beside the door and waited.

The door was kicked open, and Nayeon readied the tray.

“Time’s up Sana!” This time Nayeon actually recognized the girl, although seeing Momo outside of a screen was a strange sensation. “Did you-”

Nayeon swung, and Momo stumbled backwards, falling to the floor. Nayeon went to swing the tray again, but someone tackled her from the side, pushing her against a wall.

“Sorry babe.” Sana had a firm grip on Nayeon’s wrists, their noses practically touching. “I forgot to mention I’m also pretty protective of my friends, and you just brained one of them with a tray.”

“Don’t apologize.” Nayeon told her, still slightly dazed from being slammed into a wall. “Forceful is a good look on you. Makes me want to kiss you despite the audience.”

Unfortunately, the audience did not seem enthused by that idea.

“Sana, what’s going on? Why are you only wearing a bra? Who is this girl?”

Sana let Nayeon go, ignoring her pout. Momo was still sitting on the floor, rubbing her head and looking completely baffled.

“This is Nayeon.” Sana cleared . “She’s my girlfriend, and you kind of interrupted us when we were in the middle of… something.”

“Oh.” Momo said, then her eyes widened. “Oh.”


Footsteps could be heard growing louder in the corridor, and a new face came into view. Mina ran over to help Momo up, and then she saw Sana and did a double take.

“I can explain!” Sana said quickly. “There’s a perfectly logical explanation for this.”

“They were about to do it.”


“Well you were!”

Mina looked over at Nayeon, who waved awkwardly, then back at Sana, who’d found her jacket and was holding it up to cover most of her bare skin.

She sighed.

“Ten minutes.” she said, her voice soft but firm. “Then we come back and talk.”

“Deal.” Sana said immediately, all but slamming the door shut on them. She whirled around to face Nayeon, her face displaying a whole set of emotions that Nayeon had never seen on her before.

“Well, that was mortifying.”

“But it’ll be something we all laugh about in ten years, right?” Sana glared at Nayeon, who hurriedly relented. “Just maybe not something we laugh about right now. Ok, so, we’ve got ten minutes before they come back. Should we get dressed and try to get our story straight?”

Sana hesitated, eyes darting from Nayeon to the bed then back to her girlfriend. Nayeon couldn’t help but laugh at her conflicted expression.

“Really? You’re still in the mood?”

“Aren’t you?”

Well. Perhaps she had a point.

“Think I can get you off in under five minutes?”

“I think you’ll enjoy the challenge either way.”

“You know me so well.” Nayeon tugged her over to the bed. “I wonder if they’re still outside. Maybe they can hear us right now.”

“For their sake,” Sana grinned as Nayeon pinned her hands above her head. “I really hope not.”

(Later Nayeon would learn that Momo and Mina heard the first ten seconds of what they were doing then promptly decided to wait down in the hotel lobby.

A wise decision for sure, if you didn't want to know precisely what noises your best friend made when a girl was going down on her.)

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neccar 146 streak #1
Chapter 17: I am a bit sad that I saw Epilogue in the chapter title but this chapter literally brought smile to my face. You are a good writer mate.
Chapter 17: lol this fic is pretty funny! i binged read this today.
Chapter 17: Celebratory skype is more important than boots lol
BYoungni #4
Chapter 17: Nayeon jumping over a car got me HAHAHA
Chapter 17: Wow chill calm down babe you’re gonna get yourself killed
Chapter 16: The alpha, beta and omega was really funny. This kinda feels like the last chapter. I'm hoping it's not :)))
Chapter 6: The Ohyo part got me wheezing????
Chapter 3: This so funny. HAHAHAHAHAAH
Chapter 1: Author-nim, you are by far the funniest au author I ever knoooow.
Chapter 16: Your story is insane..
I mean it has everything, an original plot, a cute and y love story, good character development, and it's so funny too!
It truly deserves more recognition, thank you for this author-nim <3