What would happen if we had met before(One Shot ) based of the Turkish soap opera called Fatmagul Sucu Ne


Hello, Friends, this is the first fanfic that I write, I hope you like and can give me advice on writing fanfics, I would love to let me know ..... This fanfic is based on What fault Fatmagul has, but some have wondered how they would have met without the accident that disturbed the poor fatmagul and Kerim. I hope you like it and write your comments as they seemed.


After Fatmagul got mad at Kerim for seeing the photos that Christine sent, she decided to study a little more to make her sleepy, however, what Kerim told her did not let her concentrate.

 "I would also like to meet you in another way," she said to herself then she closed her eyes gently, falling asleep on top of her study book.
Dream of fatmagul: "Fatmagul was watching Mustafa playing with his friends in the park, but suddenly she heard a cry from someone near the river where the playground was, so she ran and ran until she found a child who was sitting at the Riverbank.

Fatmagul approached him and said: Are you alright, why are you crying,... the child looked up and saw the sweet girl with dark hair and emerald eyes.... he smiled without saying anything, and said: I'm crying because I missed my mom so much due she passed away two months ago, and I wonder why my father abandoned me,
said the boy with tears in his eyes ....... from there fatmagul took out a handkerchief and use it to wipe his tears, and said: Don't be sad your mother will always going to be there on your heart and she will always protect you each day and be patient with your dad, maybe he went working far way but he will come for you, maybe not now but one day he will return back and give you his love to you, said fatmagul with a warm voice.... instead of being sad what about you tell me your name said fatmagul with a smile.

The boy smiled at her and said: my name is Kerim Ilgaz and I live with my aunt who I see her as a mom, said with a smile and what about you what is your name, said Kerim with a calm voice. My name is fatmagul ketenci and I live with my parents and brother but they can be your family as well; she said with an angelic voice, and that is how they became friends. Years passed and Kerim and fatmagul met on that same river bank, where a beautiful friendship was born, until one day Kerim proposed marriage to fatmagul, in front of their loved ones and in the same place where they became friends.

and suddenly she felt like someone was calling her name as an echo when she woke up she saw that Kerim standing in front of her.
Kerim: Fatmagul are you alright, asked the young man, with worry eyes, then she said: yes I'm fine, I just fell asleep said the girl a little embarrassed, Kerim smiled and said: I'll go help Ebe Nine with her herbs, get dressed so we can sit and eat breakfast, said with a smile, she nodded and after Seeing Kerim leave, she remembered the beautiful dream and smiled and said to herself: I know we would have been happier if we had known each other differently, but I know that one day we will overcome the pain of  this accident  and we will live beautiful memories and a quiet life as a husband and wife.





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