Chapter 1 - Capture

Two Oceans

Baekhyun boarded his fathers ship, this was it his time to shine and to finally prove himself to his father and the other soldiers. The men on board all threw dirty looks his way and the whispers were clear "Look at that pretty brat" "He just got his position because his father is captain" "He is nothing but a spoilt child, he will be killed" the remarks didnt bother Baekhyun at all, not anymore atleast. He was used to the slander, his family was powerful and opportunity was always granted to him so he doesnt blame the other crew members for feeling cheated but he did make it on his own just like everyone else. Countless hours of studying maps, navigation and combat made him get this spot on the navy vessel all by himself.


There was so much more he wanted to know and yearned to learn but books could no longer help him, he needed to gain the experience first hand and thats why at the age of 19 he decided he would pack his belongings and join the year long journey, cleaning up the seas of pirate scum with his father and his crew. His sense of justice and adventure drove him to leave all his friends and loved ones behind, uncertain whether he would ever see them again.

The ropes had been cut and the anchor had been lifted and hauled on board, the sun was shining high in the sky and the seagulls flew overhead. Baekhyun watched as the land became smaller and smaller until it was finally swallowed up by the horizon.

A week on board had passed painfully slow, it wasnt what Baekhyun had expected and he secretly wished something, anything would happen. The rest of the crew practiced their swordskills with each other or played cards all day, Baekhyuns father had reassured him that the calm waters was a good thing and that it meant the navy fleets were doing their jobs right. A few more days had passed and Baekhyun had befriended the youngest on board, his name was Sehun and he was a deckhand barely 16 years of age. He scrubbed the floors and washed their clothes but like Baekhyun he had a thirst for adventure, and he wanted to travel the seas and paint all the sights he had seen. "I've been here for 6 months Baekhyun, and you are the first one to speak to me" the boy said one day while he was handing back Baekhyun his clean and folded clothes "You're really too young to be on this ship Sehun, you should consider returning home, go to school" "Cant afford it, besides there's no one back on land waiting for me, all dead" the boy replies and starts to stare at the open ocean "I dont think it's that dangerous Baekhyun, we have only encounted one pirate ship since I started working here and they were easy to deal with especially with all the skilled soldiers aboard" Baekhyun sighed, only ONE in 6 months, he doubts he would get any experience at all from this voyage. "Hey Sehun, I have something for you" Baekhyun gestures Sehun to follow him below deck to his room, he leaves his clean clothes on a chair in his room and heads towards a draw beside his bed. He pulls out a leather hard cover book "What is that Baekhyun" the boy asks as he stares at the object infront of him "It's a gift from my mother, with various countries inside, the pictures and details about each place is hard to believe Sehun, there are cities with canals instead of roads and some surrounded by dry desert lands" "Canals? how would they get around would they have to swim" "no Sehun, they use tiny boats!" Baekhyun laughs at the disbelief in Sehuns eyes "I want you to have it" "No I cant, this was a gift from your mother Baekhyun" "and now its a gift to a friend, take it I have already read it one hundred times" "I cant" Sehun repeats his eyes now darting to the ground "Sehun, I'm giving it to you" "I cant read Baekhyun" Sehun looks at him, tears starting to fill his eyes as he looks back down at his feet.

Baekhyun feels a little pang of guilt in his chest, for weeks he and Sehun have spoken, he knows Sehun comes from a poor background and escaping on the ship was the only option for him he should have known. "Well, arent you lucky" Baekhyun shows his friend a huge smile and Sehun looks back at him in confusion "This means that you get to learn from someone who was top in his class" Baekhyun crosses his arms and stands proudly infront of the younger "Really Baekhyun? you'll teach me how to read?" "Of course kiddo"

The weeks turned into months and the seas were calm and quiet, Baekhyun didnt mind as much as he had Sehun to keep him company, he had taught the deckhand to read and throw a good punch, Sehun reminded him alot of his younger brother back home. Soon their quiet times together would soon be over as they were going to enter pirate territory shortly.

The loud blast and shudder shook the entire ship, Baekhyun had almost fallen out of bed when the cannon hit the side of the ship. "Pirates!" he heard one of the soldiers say and his fathers familiar voice following "Get ready men! We fight for our lives" thats all Baekhyun needed to rush out of bed, putting on his boots and grabbing his sword.

The pirate ship was half the size of theirs but it was no less than a nightmare, the black torn sails and the three headed skeleton carved on the front of it was no pleasant sight, this looked like a ghost ship Baekhyuns mother used to warn him of when he was a child. "Thieves, rapists and murderers Baek, men that have no place on this good land so they taint our seas, the worst kind of pirates, they will show no mercy" she used to say, encouraging him to get strong enough to rid the seas of that filth. Baekhyun wasnt counting but atleast two dozen men had climbed on board from the ghost ship, daggers in their mouths and thick rope in their hands, they were ready to spill blood.

Baekhyun had a slight sense of relief as no more had decided to come aboard the ship, they had more in number and skilled soldiers at that, there would be no take over today. "Baekhyun, its pirates, what do we do" Sehun rushes towards Baekhyun with his scrubbing brush in hand as his only weapon "You do nothing, this is no place for a deckhand, go below deck" "but, but I want to help" Sehuns voice is shakey, he is no fighter "Dont worry, this will be easy, we out number them, just go" Baekhyun reaches down into his boot and pulls out a shiny dagger "Here take this, I hope you dont have to use it" he pushes Sehun down the stairs to the lower deck and rushes back up ready to fight the lowly pirates.

In less than an hour, the sounds of swords clashing and flesh slicing had subsided, they had slayed most of the pirates and arrested the rest. "Good work men! we will drop off these pirates at the next port and they will hang for their crimes!" The Captain shouted and a roar of cheers had followed after, Baekhyun had fought and lived through his first battle on board.

In a week they made it to one of the nearby cities and dropped off their 'cargo' the men had stayed a few nights on land, drinking and celebrating their victory for they had to set back out to sea the next morning.

Two weeks since his first arrest had gone by and the seas were calm once again. A slight breeze had lifted Baekhyuns fringe from his face as he stood watching the horizon, the ocean was always so beautiful this part of the morning he thought. That thought slowly drifted as he spotted a small sail in the distance, another ship. "Oyi! Check who is coming in on our six" he yelled at the look out, the small man looked into his binoculars and his eyes widened at the sight "PIRATES" he shouted and the Captain told the men to be prepared once again.

Baekhyun was excited, pirates attacking them again and so soon at that. His burst of confidence had taken over from the last capture and he was more than ready to arrest more of the pirate scum but as the ship neared the sails had  become larger and Baekhyuns stomach almost dropped, the ship was as large as theirs, brown and gold details all around it, it was beautiful yet something about it struck fear in Baekhyuns heart, something wasnt right. The ship approached almost parallel to theirs, why arent they firing their cannons and why is his father not firing his, he looks over to see his father standing dead still just staring at the ship, why did he look so afraid, who were they. Suddenly the silence was broken and a large plank had been connected to their ship, dozens of well dressed men started calmly walking aboard and Baekhyun clutched his sword tighter in his hand.

"Captain, your orders" one of the crew members shouted "Wait! dont strike first, these arent ordinary pirates" there it was, Baekhyun heard it clearly this time, Fear. 

"Well, well if it isnt Captain Byun" one of the men said in a laughing tone as he walked towards Baekhyuns father "Tell you what, how about you give us all your cargo and we only kill half your men" another taller man says with a smirk on his face "Where is your Captain you lowlife pirate" Baekhyuns father spits back at the two men surrounding him. The other pirates have already climbed on board and have swords aimed at every crew member including Baekhyun "Captain isnt in a good mood right now because some navy ship decided to get in his way on a beautiful morning like this one" the taller man speaks again "Look old man, just give us what we need, oil and all your gold oh and a few compasses we need some new ones, we will even let you keep your weapons and food" the shorter of the two smiles. Baekhyun is confused and frustrated why is his father, captain of one of the best navy ships letting a pirate talk down to him and why isnt he giving them orders to fight back.

Baekhyun glares at the short man with cat like eyes infront of him and gets a snarky grin in return. "I refuse!! we will fight to the death before we give in to the demands of you scum" Baekhyuns father barks back before aiming his sword at the man infront of him "Wow, there's no need for name calling Cap" a deep voice shouts and all eyes rush to the tall figure slowly walking the plank towards their ship Baekhyuns eyes widen as he see's the large male, dressed with fancy clothes. Jewels were encrusted on his long dark coat and he wore dark leather boots and a leather hat, he was definitely the Captain. "I am a merciful Captain and I like your spirit, so how about we make a deal" the taller man continues as he walks up to Baekhyuns father "It's simple, let us fight and if you win I will leave your ship and crew unharmed but if I win, you and your entire crew dies" the man starts to laugh playfully and Baekhyun starts to feel sick, all pirates know is to kill and steal. "Okay, I accept".

As soon as the pirates Captain draws his long silver sword the rest of the pirates start attacking the soldiers, this isnt fair, there's no way they could win now "Better hurry up old man, before theres no crew left to save" another laugh escapes that pirates mouth and Baekhyuns anger rises, he uses all the skills he knows and he is barely even scraping his opponent he just hopes Sehun is okay and below deck.

He turns when he hears his father yell and see's that the pirate Captain has him cornered and has disarmed him, At that moment Baekhyuns opponent flings his sword out of his hand and is ready to attack him, Baekhyun is defenseless and no one is there to help him, the man nears him ready to strike. Is this how I die he wonders, no. He rushes forward and tackles the man to the ground but before he can make another move the man punches him square in the jaw, the throbbing pain is unbearable as he screams holding his jaw, his vision blurs for a moment and in a split second the cat like man is infront of him ready to strike his heart. Suddenly the man is hit over the head with a wooden stick, Baekhyun looks over and sees Sehun with a broom in his hand "Big mistake kid" the man says as he punches Sehun rendering him unconscious "Sehun!" Baekhyun shouts as he wobbles up to his feet but he has no time to act as another deathly scream is heard.

He looks towards the familiar sound and his breath stops, his hands stop shaking and his feet go numb. His father stood helpless, yelling in pain as the pirate Captains sword was pierced through his shoulder  "NO FATHER" Baekhyun shouted as he grabbed his sword from the ground and ran towards the pirate scum that struck his father, he would kill that man if it was the last thing he did. Four other pirates tried to stop him but he slashed through all of them, anger and adreneline coarsing through his veins. "Oh my, look what we have here" the Captain mumbled as he signaled one of the larger pirates to bring Baekhyun towards him. The large pirate was too strong and Baekhyun was no match for him, a punch to his gut almost caused him to throw up and he was soon being dragged to the Captain.

"I like your spirit young one, what is your name" the Captain asks Baekhyun, he doesnt want to reply but what choice does he have the entire crew is going to die anyway now that his father had lost, he couldnt believe this young man in front of him was a pirate, a pirate Captain capable of beating his father in a sword fight. "Byun...Baekhyun" "Ah a Byun, I should have known, what a pretty face, I'm Chanyeol" Chanyeol reaches over and holds Baekhyuns chin pushing his face to the side "Very pretty, even though this is going to leave a nasty bruise" Baekhyun winces as Chanyeol rubs his jaw where the other pirate had punched him.

"Stop" The tall man commands and suddenly silence falls upon the entire ship and the pirates back away from the wounded soldiers. "Come with me, I want you on my ship Baekhyun"  the man's smile is radiating confidence and Baekhyun hates it.

Baekhyun laughs at this, he knows he might die because of this but he doesnt care, he rather die than become some Captains play thing "Over my dead body you pirate trash" Baekhyun curses and Chanyeol's eyes widen in surprise before a menacing laugh breaks the silence "Hahaha oh Baekhyun, you wont be the one who will be dying" the sound of swords can be heard again and Baekhyun looks around, the pirates all have their swords by the crews throats ready to strike. He looks further down to see the still unconscious Sehun with a dagger by his throat "No, please No" Baekhyuns tears fill his eyes "You can come with us now and no one gets hurt or you can watch all your friends die and then I will drag you upon my ship myself, the choice is yours" Baekhyun wants to strangle this disgusting person, how could he just laugh like that so carefree, like he wasnt some monster  "Fine, take me" Baekhyun finally withdraws and lets one of the pirates him on board, can he really trust this scum to let the crew go.

Once Baekhyun is on board the ship he looks back but the others have not followed them, there are still swords aimed at everyones throat, was this all for nothing. "Dont worry, Chanyeol would never break a promise" the man escorting him says "I'm Kim Kai, nice to meet you" and as the tan stranger gives out his name the pirates all start to lower their swords and make their way back onto the ship. "You're going down below to the Captains quarters" is all the man named Kai says before taking Baekhyun down to a room and locking him inside. Shortly after Baekhyun feels motion and the ship starts to move, he is trapped on a pirate ship.

After a few minutes the Captain enters the room and makes his way towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun instinctively backs away until the back of his legs hit the table behind him and there's nowhere left for him to run. He is completely defenseless standing infront of a man nearly two heads taller than him. "You really are pretty" Chanyeol says looking straight at Baekhyun's face, his gaze is too much for Baekhyun to bear.

"Take off your clothes" "W-What" Baekhyun whimpers, his body suddenly frozen and thoughts of the tales his mother used to tell him about what pirates do to those they capture overwhelm him. "I said take off your clothes" "NO!" Baekhyun screams and tries to escape but Chanyeol has trapped him inbetween his body and the table. 

"Take it off" "NO" Chanyeol grabs Baekhyun by his throat so tightly, he feels the mans golden rings pressing into his skin, tears start to stream down the side of his eyes as he is being choked, he cant breathe, his lungs are burning and he tries to pry the mans large hands away but he cant, he is completely overpowered "I said take it off" he drops his hands to his side and shakes his head defeated.

The taller man finally releases his neck from his grasp and Baekhyun drops to the ground holding his neck and coughing violently trying to take in as much air as he can. He looks up, eyes glassy and vision blur at the man peering over him "Don't forget your place Byun" the taller man says as he lifts Baekhyun roughly by the arm "Now take your clothes off for me" Baekhyuns throat is still burning as he takes in breaths beginning to sob, is this his life now, to be beaten and used by this horrible man and his sick desires. His shakey hands make their way to his shirt as he starts to remove the pieces of clothing one by one his heart begins to ache even more. Having this stranger see him , he cant stand it, why is he so weak this is not what he was looking for, he should of never followed his dreams he should have just stayed at home, there's no one here to save him.

Baekhyun stood infront of the man, completely , still trembling. "Oh my, you're even more attractive without anything on Baekhyun" Chanyeol steps back and folds his arms, scanning Baekhyuns body up and down nodding to confirm his words "Good, now turn around for me" that deep voice pierces Baekhyun as he begins to slowly turn around, fear taking a hold of him.

"Okay, seems like you arent injured that much, there's a shower through that door, change and wait for someone to fetch you and take you to your room" That was all the Captain said before he started to walk towards the door and leave. Baekhyun grabbed his clothes from the ground and covered himself with them as fast as he could, when the door opened Kai was standing outside "Tell the crew, if anyone touches him they will have to deal with me" Chanyeol shuts the door and vanishes.

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Chapter 6: This is so cute though? Loving it already ♡
Bananaha #2
Chapter 5: Can’t help but want to see how awkward the confessions are going to be hehe thank you for the update!!!
Zelo022 #3
Chapter 4: Omg, i cant Wait to read chanyeols reaction
TchallasQueen #4
Chapter 3: Omg ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
TchallasQueen #5
Chapter 2: Wow wow wow I'm loving this I can't wait for the next chapter