Chapter 2

Unplanned Parenthood?

"So wait, you mean to tell me that we now have to take care of a baby for who knows how long?"

 Hyunjung sighed for the third time, "yes"

"That's stupid!" Luda exclaimed.

"I know, right? I can't believe she wants us to take care of her baby-"

"No not that! We don't even have baby supplies nor did she give us any" Luda said with a pout as she stared down at the baby that was now in her arms.

 Hyunjung blinked at the other girl, "oh"

Luda began to rock the baby as she stirred in her arms. Hyunjung watched as Luda began to coo at the baby. Hyunjung felt a little warm inside at the sight, Luda looked very motherly.

 Hyunjung suddenly realized she was staring and shook her head to snap herself out of it, "I'm going to call Xuan Yi" she said before quickly running off to her bedroom and not sparing another glance at Luda.

She dialed Xuan Yi's number and put her phone to her ear, it rang a few times before she answered.


"You are the stupidest person alive"

"Well hello to you too, Hyunjung"

"Who gives someone a baby-"


"-but doesn't give them supplies for the baby"

There was a moment of silence between them.

", you're right I'm the stupidest person alive."

"Of course I'm right"

"Okay so you know where my house is, there is a key in the plant to the left of the door. Just take the stuff from our house"

 Hyunjung sighed as she thought for a moment, "alright, I'm hanging up now"

Before Xuan Yi could respond Hyunjung had already hung up.

 Hyunjung sighed and lightly smacked her phone to her forehead, "who the am I supposed to call to help me?"

"Call the maknae line"

 Hyunjung jumped at the voice, "Jesus ing Christ, Luda! You scared the out of me!"

"Hey! Watch your mouth! We have a baby in this house now" Luda scolded her, Hyunjung couldn't help but notice the cute little huff that came out after she finished speaking.

"Okay so what? It's a baby, Luda"  Hyunjung groaned, "she doesn't know what I'm saying"

"Exactly  Hyunjung! She is a baby! Babies learn!" Luda growled and furrowed her brows, to Hyunjung she just looked like a puppy who was trying to be intimidating.

"Whatever, I'm pretty sure only Dayoung would want to help"  Hyunjung said with another sigh as she began to scroll through her contacts.

"Maybe so but the other two would do so too" Luda said as she smiled down at the baby, "Yeoreum will complain a bit but she will come if you give her something also she craves attention and that's what you'll be giving her"

"Okay sure, what about Yeonjung?"  Hyunjung asked as she texted Dayoung about her dire need for help before copying the message to use for the others.

"She'll also complain and would groan about being lazy but she'll do it, just give her food" Luda said as she began to lighty hum to the baby who preceeded to giggle.

 Hyunjung couldn't help but smile at the little baby's giggle. Hyunjung and Luda made eye contact and Hyunjung automatically stopped smiling, she doesn't want to be seen as soft.

"Hey Hyunjung-"

"I texted them so now we wait"  Hyunjung said purposely to cut off Luda, she didn't want to have whatever conversation Luda was about to start. Her heart was pounding and she didn't want to deal with it at all, "I'm going to go wait outside"

"Oh uh okay? I'll be in here...with the baby" Luda said as her eyes shifted from Hyunjung to the Chinese baby in her arms.


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aegyarol #1
Chapter 2: Too cute! Hope you continue ?
Btannisa #2
Chapter 2: Omg i love it. Please update author-nimmm
Chapter 2: Omg whats the baby's name?
_heny_ #4
Chapter 1: Xuan Yi the magician lol. Can't wait to the next chapter
Chapter 1: Too funny haha I cant wait for the next chapter!
nerosix #6
Chapter 1: hahaha wanna know what will happen next.