Bonus Chapter: The times Changgu spoke

A 'Shifter's Silence

When Changgu was taken to see his brother for a proper introduction no one suspected him to suddenly be afraid. Hoetaek was taken aback by the sound of Changgu speaking, looking surprised. “P-Please,” said Changgu. “Please don’t hurt me,” he whimpered out, falling to his knees in front of Yanan who looked as shocked as Hoetaek was feeling.

“I... I would never,” said Yanan, bending down and bringing Changgu into his arms. “I swear on it,” he said. “Just promise me one thing,” he said, moving away and keeping a hand on Changgu’s shoulder. “Don’t be afraid of me Changgu,” he said. “I will protect you,” he said. “We will protect you,” corrected Hoetaek. “We won’t let anything bad happen to you okay?” Asked Yanan. Changgu looked at his brother and his friend, seeing determination on their faces. “Okay,” he said. “Promise?” He asked. “We promise,” said Yanan.



When it came time to decide the fate of the three shifters, Hongseok, Hyojong and Kino everyone was divided between letting them into the pack and letting them get executed. Shinwon was on the side of letting them in, as was Hoetaek but Yanan and Jinho wasn’t too keen on the idea.

Changgu had noticed something none of the others had, the way Shinwon seemed desperate to let at least Kino in caught his attention. “Guys,” said Changgu, catching everyone’s attention. Jinho and Shinwon were surprised to hear Changgu speak, but Hoetaek and Yanan knew this was serious now.

“I think we let them in,” said Changgu. “On what pretense?” Asked Jinho as he got over the shock of hearing Changgu speak for the first time. “Why separate the two mates?” Asked Changgu, causing everyone to turn to Shinwon. “Wait what?” Asked Yanan. “Now you see why I’m desperate to get at least Kino in?” Asked Shinwon.

“And the other two?” Asked Hoetaek. “We could use another fighter, and a medic,” said Changgu. “At least, I think that’s what Hongseok was training to be,” he said. “Well, that’s three for two,” said Hoetaek. “Let me talk to their pack leader and we can see about taking them with us,” he said before leaving the tent. 

“Changgu,” said Shinwon as he turned back to Changgu. Changgu tilted his head to the side. “How did you know?” He asked. “I’m a tracker,” said Changgu as he shrugged. “You tend to notice the little things, plus you were desperate to at least get Kino to join,” he said. “I had to let them see that,” he said. “Thank you,” said Shinwon. Changgu grinned. “No problem,” he said.



Wooseok was a different problem entirely. Everyone could see that he was going to get abandoned by his family and yet Changgu didn’t seem to get it, despite being their best tracker with Kino not too far behind. No one saw what Changgu did however, he saw pure evil just radiating off of Wooseok like crazy. Everyone just ignored it, for the sake of letting someone who was going to get abandoned anyway in.

“I am not about to let him in,” snarled Changgu, startling everyone in the room. “On what reason? He’s going to get abandoned anyway!” Said Yanan. “I refuse to let that happen to anyone,” said Hongseok.

“What is your reasoning behind it then?” Asked Hoetaek. “He just gives off a very bad vibe,” said Changgu. “I am not going to let him in because of it,” he said. “Bad vibe?” Asked Hoetaek. “Bad vibe?” Repeated everyone.

“You’ve been right before Changgu but I’m not about to let someone go because of a bad vibe,” said Hoetaek. “Fine,” said Changgu as he went to leave. “He joins, I go,” he said, leaving the house. “Changgu!” Yelled Yanan as he followed after Changgu with Hoetaek following after him with Hongseok not too far behind.

“What the hell is wrong with you Changgu?” Snarled Hoetaek as he went to grab Changgu by the shirt collar. Changgu looked defiantly at Hoetaek. “My decision is firm,” he spat. “Okay okay,” said Hongseok as he went to push the two apart. “Don’t start this, come on now,” he said. “We heard you loud and clear Changgu, but I’m not about to abandon someone who’s going to get abandoned anyway,” he said. “Give it a shot, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad,” he said.

“I’m firm on my decision to leave,” said Changgu. “Don’t even bother coming to look for me,” he spat before turning and running off, changing in the process. “Changgu!” Shouted Yanan as he went to follow after him. “Don’t,” snarled Hoetaek, his alpha’s voice coming forward as it caused Yanan to pause. “He made the decision, let him go,” he spat, before going back inside.



Changgu eventually came back around, bringing Yuto with him. Yanan had found the both of them when Yuto was saved from nearly getting stabbed by someone by Changgu. “Come back with me Changgu,” said Yanan. “The human comes with me,” said Changgu. Yuto was currently resting as they spoke quietly.

“What’s so important about this human?” Asked Yanan. “He’s like me,” said Changgu. Yanan sighed. “Okay,” he said. When Yuto was well enough Yanan took him and Changgu back to the pack house.

“So he returns,” said Hoetaek. “And he brings a human?” He asked. “Leave Changgu be,” said Yanan. Changgu glared at his old friend, with Yuto looking between the two. "We just need to get him out to Toronto," said Yanan. Hoetaek sighed. "Fine," he said. "I'll take him with me," he said. "Gives me the perfect excuse to leave for a bit," he said.



Wooseok stepped in front of Changgu, his head tilting to the side. "Where did Hoetaek go?" He asked. "I don't have to tell you," said Changgu as he glared at Wooseok. "Well, where ever he is he sent Jinho back injured," he said. "What do you expect me to do about it?" Asked Changgu. "This," said Wooseok as he shoved Changgu to the floor and stuck a syringe into his arm.

"What the hell?" Spat Changgu as he moved away, yanking the syringe out of his arm. "What did you do to me?" He asked. "Just a little experiment," said Wooseok as he smirked.



Changgu could feel his insides being ripped to pieces as he coughed up so much blood. Damn Kino knew he couldn't help it, Changgu was aware of that since the day Kino went to their side. Everything hurt, the blood couldn't stop pouring out of his mouth. Hoetaek, at least who Changgu thought was Hoetaek, was patting his back, trying to help the coughing die down.

"Changgu," came Hoetaek's voice. "Hang in there alright?" He asked. Changgu's mind barely registered that he was dying but somehow, somehow he managed to make it through in time for his healing to kick in. "H-Hui," he managed to say, his breathing ragged, hitching slightly as he coughed. "D-Don't blame Kino... Remember... Shinwon," he managed to cough out before he found himself going under, his hearing barely managing to register Hoetaek calling his name.



Changgu was really dying this time, his healing wasn't kicking in like it had so many times before. The pain seemed to finally go away, though he could see the others rushing to get him out of the warehouse. He spotted Hoetaek killing Wooseok as Sungyeol carried him out with Yuto and Yanan following after him.

"I-I," Changgu managed to say as he could feel himself fading for the last time. "I'm sorry," he said, his eyes closing for the last time.

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Congrats for winning! I'm gonna read this now~ Looks cool lol
Congrats for winning! I'm gonna read this now~ Looks cool lol
Congrats on winning the bid!
692 streak #4
Congrats! ^^
southavenue 29 streak #5
congratulations on winning the bid!
Congratulations! This looks like a high quality content whoa wishing you all the best :)
I remember reading this along time ago
I'm so happy it won the bid
yay congratulations ♡♡♡♡♡