No Promises



Jimin looked at the man sitting in front of him. Tall, dark and handsome, those would be the perfect words be describe him. Dark hair, muscular body and sweet smile. he was quite attractive indeed, even without trying hard. Jimin could never get enough of those dark eye, the intense look they hold. But right now, Jungkook was not smiling, his eyes were closed up. As if he was trying to control his emotions. Jimin knew what that emotion was. It was anger and it was directed to him.

Jimin knew that Jungkook had every right to be angry. He had really done it this time. But He wanted see Jungkook before leaving. He was here for one week only and had been following Jungkook everywhere, hoping he will find it in his heart to forgive Jimin.

Which is why he was sitting on the front Jungkook who was trying to finish his assignment. Jimin flipped the pages of the encyclopedia that Jungkook was copying from to mess with him. Jungkook saw it and said nothing, turning the pages back to where he was working. Jimin pouted at the lack of reaction. He did that again. After three times though, Jungkook closed the encyclopedia, left his papers on the table and got out of the library. Jimin followed him.

Jungkook walked into the university lawn, it was full of green grass and cheerful students. Jungkook sat there, bringing out a book from a his bag. Jimin sat next to him, he recognised which book it was. The Calico Cat by Charles Miner Thompson. He even remembered the day he saw it first.


“ what are you reading kookie?” Jimin asked.

“I like this book, the main character reminds me of you hyung, a self important man who doesn’t give a about others feeling!”

“Hey I am not like that”

Jimin pouted.

“Give me the book, I want to read it too!”

Jungkook looked at his pout, smiled and said “ alright, you can borrow the book, but you have promise to return it to me in mint condition”

“No promises”Jimin said.

“What’s with you and promises hyung? I can never get you to promise anything!” Jungkook said

“ I just don’t like them okey?”


But after two weeks, Jimin had returned the book in mint condition regardless.


Back on the university ground, Jungkook was trying hard to concentrate on the book. His eyes were winced because the sun was hitting directly on his eyes. Jimin put his hand over Jungkook’s eyes to shadow, careful not to touch his forehead in the process and annoy him. The sun was no longer hitting his eyes, but Jungkook got up and put the book in bag, he was no longer feeling like reading.

Jungkook walked into a restaurant, he ordered food and set at a counter. Jimin did not join him, hoping to let the younger would enjoy his meal in peace. He sat at another counter and continued observing him. He remembered the day when the younger had dragged him in the very same place.


“That's it hyung, I am not taking this anymore, it has been 4 days, 4 days since your last meal!! You are eating with me.” Jungkook shouted to his ears.

“But I am so fat kookie, I have to diet or no one will love me”

“Everyone already loves you hyung, you are very lovable”Jungkook said,“and I like you the way you are”

Jimin could feel a blush rising up his cheek, but said nothing. The food arrived.

“Promise me this hyung, you will eat correctly from now on.” Jungkook said, as he fed a lamb skewer to Jimin.

“No promises” came a muffed reply, as Jimin chewed his food.

But from the very next day, Jimin started eating regularly again.

Jimin was looking at Jungkook as he ate Lamb skewer. It was Jungkook’s favorite food. But after a few bites, Jungkook let out a sigh and pushed away the plate. He looked like he had lost his appetite. He paid the bills and left.

Jungkook was walking and and Jimin followed him. The were crossing the street and a familiar building came to Jimin’s sight. It was a bar where his best friend Taehyung was a bartender. He was a regular there. But it was memorable for other reasons too. Jimin remembers clearly the call he had gotten a year and half ago; Taehyung informing that Jungkook was drunk and needed someone to take care of him. Jimin remembers rushing there on record time and taking him home.


“Hyung, I am sorry” a drunk Jungkook told him as they entered his and Seokjin's shared apartment.

“Its okay kookie, all us got drunk in college, it's no big deal” Jimin said.

But he knew it was a big deal. He had told Jungkook they could not date, and Jungkook had decided to drown his rejection and sorrow with alcohol.

He helped Jungkook take off clothes and put him under the shower. Jimin could not help blush a little when he saw Jungkook's toned  body under the shower.

Jungkook changed into his pajamas and Jimin helped him to get comfortable in his sheets. There was an awkward silence between them.

“So.. are we still friends?” Jungkook finally broke the silence.

“Yes, I want us to remain friends still.” Jimin replied, he honestly could not imagine his life without him.

Jungkook nodded  in agreement, but there was so much pain in his eyes that Jimin had to look away.

“Go to sleep kookie, your body isn’t at best condition, you need to rest”

“Promise me you will be here when I wake up” Jungkook said, it almost sounded like a plead.

SoekJin wasn’t home, there was no way Jimin would let Jungkook stay alone.

But maybe he would, he would leave Jungkook alone. And this was the reason why they couldn’t be together.  Jimin let out a deep sigh..

“No promises, kookie” he said.

Jungkook was already sleeping, his tired body had finally given up.


But when he woke up next morning, Jimin was there; ready with steaming breakfast.

Jungkook entered a flower shop. He searched and found a bouquet of peony, Jungkook's favorite flowers. Jimin had once asked him why he liked those flowers so much. Jungkook had replied that they reminded him of Jimin’s soft pink hair.

Jungkook paid the shopkeeper and started walking again, Jimin followed him, they were walking by the a small river, cherry blossom trees on the two sides of it. It’s April and they are in full bloom. It looked so picture perfect, just like it did last spring. Jimin had come here with Jungkook.


“ It's so pretty, I think I can die here among them” Jimin exclaimed, his eyes reflected the cherry blossoms.

“Don't say such things” Jungkook scolded him,“and besides, you are far more beautiful hyung”

Jimin smiled. His pink hair matched that of the cherry blossoms and Jungkook wondered if Jimin was an angel in heaven.

“Hyung! Promise me that you will come with me here again, even when we are old and grey!”

“What are you saying kookie? I will never be old and grey!” Jimin said in a mock hurt voice.

But in his eyes, there was a hint of sadness.

“I will stay young forever!” he said as he spread out his hands, posing like bird.

“and remember? no promises!”

Jungkook smiled, even though Jimin never promised him anything, he always did what he asked.


Jungkook just hoped Jimin will keep this request as well.

Jungkook entered the gate of the cemetery, its where both of his parents were sleeping. The place is full of cherry blossom trees as well. The whole place is so serene, Jimin wondered if this is what paradise looks like. It’s beautiful, Jimin could sleep here forever, he thought...
But Jungkook wasn’t going to the direction of his parents grave; instead he was walking to a opposite direction. Jimin froze, he knew where Jungkook was going.

He felt a jolt of pain, but he followed Jungkook nevertheless.

He found Jungkook standing in front of new tombstone. It was installed last week. Jimin had been here at the funeral, but Jungkook didn’t come. He was still angry. Angry because Jimin had lied to him.

“Hyung! you are really unfair, you know?” Jungkook finally spoke. “ you should have told me everything”.

He placed the peony bouquet at the tombstone. His hand traced the letters that set neatly on them:

Park Jimin 
Beloved son, friend and brother

“What were you trying to do hyung? protect me? stop me from falling for you?” Jungkook asked.

Standing in front him, Jimin just closed his eyes. Yes, he was trying to protect him. He didn't want Jungkook to get closer to him, to fall in love with him, He didn’t want Jungkook to know about his terminal disease that would eventually take his life. He wanted Jungkook to have all the things love had to offer, like having a family and growing old together; things he could not give, he just didn't have time.

“you should have known that I have loved you since the day we met, and nothing will ever change that..”

Jimin wondered, if he was just a invisible soul and had no body to feel pain; why was this hurting so much?

Jungkook brought out his hand from his pocket and held it out. There was a ring his hand. It was beautiful ring.

“You know, I really wanted to spend the rest of life with you” he said, voice lowered almost like a whisper.

Jimin was crying, he wanted to hold Jungkook, comfort him, tell him he loves him. But there was nothing else he could do but cry.

In some weird twist of fate, one of his tears fell on Jungkook’s hand.

Jungkook looked at the single drop of water on his hand, he looks up, there is no rain, no other source from where the water may have come from. A sudden wind gushed over him, and he knew, even though he can’t see him, he knew Jimin was here.

“Do you believe in reincarnation hyung?” he asked, even though he knew there will be no answer .
“In the next life, I will find you, I promise”. Jungkook says with a smile.

Jimin nodded; he will be waiting for Jungkook. Parts of him was already becoming cherry blossom and vanishing in the air, his soul’s one week time in the mortal realm after death was almost over..

“ .. but promise me , promise that you won’t leave me, you will stay with me forever!” Jungkook demanded. His voice was cracked.

And for the first time, even though Jungkook can’t hear him; Jimin promised.
“ I promise..” he said, with a smile in his face and tears in his eyes.
And with that, he became a flock of cherry blossom petals before completely vanishing into thin air..



.. the white noise of seoul morning feels his ears asJjungkook walks towards his high school.. gloomy overcast sky is overhead. he is taking a detour today.. determined to find some variety in his otherwise monotonous life. he can be exciting too, he thinks to himself. His life is always filled with routines, and he is detached from it, from the world around him. Everyday he goes on with life, hoping for something, something that will happen, out of the ordinary. what that something is.. he doesn't know.

He walks up to a corner, a corner he has never been to before..its all dingy and gloomy except, except for a single flower shop. standing in middle everything gray and depressing, it’s such a colorful thing, exceptionally beautiful, as if its trying to change the world, make it a better place. Jungkook feels drawn to the place, He knows he might be late for his class, but he heads towards the shop anyways, wondering if it can colour his life as well.

The aroma of a hundred flower fills Jungkook's nose as he enters the shop. The bell in the door rings to notify the shop owner of his presence, but Jungkook doesn't see anyone. he looks around. just like the outside of the shop, the inside is so very beautiful as well. a simple bunch of pink flowers in a corner catches his eyes. he draws close to them. when he sees the flowers up close something in his heart burns up. a hollow feeling, of lose and deep sorrow engulps him. he can't exactly point out what it is, but he suddenly feels like he had lost the most important thing in his life. he takes up one of the flower in his hand, trying to figure out why such beautiful flowers would provoke such painful feelings.

".. oh! you choose peony! they are my favorite too"
a voice says from behind Jungkook. its sweet and cheerful, so melodious that it almost sounds like singing..

Jungkook turns to see a boy staring to him with smile in his face. He has black hair, milky white complexion and puckered pink lips. but his eyes, his eyes are the same pink as the peony flowers.

How can a person be so beautiful?

A single tear drops from Jungkook's eyes.The only thing he can do is stare at the beautiful boy’s face.

Jimin feels eyes fill with tears as he sees a single tear leave Jungkook’s eyes. He knows, he has always known in his heart that Jungkook will come, he will find him. This was the moment he had been waiting for all his life, but nothing could have ever prepared him for it..

“you found me” Jimin says in a choked up voice, almost like a whisper.

Jungkook tries to reply, but the words won't come. Memories of their previous life, of several previous lives fils his mind. It was like waking up after a long slumber. After all this years of hollow feelings, after all those painful nights, of losing and never giving up. He was here, right in front of him. The one he has been looking for, in this life and in any other. Jung kook gulps his emotions down.

“I promised you, didn't I?” He says with a smile, eyes still watery.

Jimin can't hold back his tears anymore. He is both smiling and crying at the same time. yes, Jungkook always keeps his promises. and in this life, Jimin will keep his as well. He will stay by Jungkook’s side. Forever.


This fanfic is dedicated to a friend
She is a avid Jikook shipper who requested me to write this.
this fic is Inspired by the music video of "no promises" by shayne ward, and lyrics of intro: serendipity



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