The One Time It Wasn't An Accident


After this certain accident happening five different times, Kihyun is done beating around the bush. He’s speaking with Hoseok about this tonight, no matter what comes from it…


Requested by anon as part of a project I'm doing with Druekee called MONSTA X Fanfiction Requests Forum!

Request: 5 times kiho accidentally kissed + 1 time it wasn’t an accident ~

Come by our page to leave a request of your own! And, if you're a writer yourself, feel free to check out our requests and write something to submit to the page, if you'd like~


Kihyun sits cross-legged on the bed, drumming his slightly-pruned fingertips against the polyester fabric of his Kappa shorts. His lips are pursed as he watches vigilantly for the door to finally open.


All but two of the other members are asleep by now. The only two awake from Kihyun are Hoseok and Jooheon, and, yet again, they’d been out late—much later than normal—working out at the hotel gym. Kihyun can’t shake the feeling that Hoseok, at least, is avoiding him. He can’t blame the older, not ever since it began…


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Spiritwarrior27 #1
Chapter 1: Wow that was nice, it was good chapter
Chapter 1: AHHHHH I really needed this now. The ending was so cute