Dance With Me


Jaejoong an ancient prince takes in a slave that intrigues him with a dance. He finds the dancer's dance unique but also finds mystery with in the other. He is soon consumed by something he has yet to see. He is plagued by dreams of a time and place that is unfamiliar. Just who is this dancer and how did he come to be? 


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Chapter 8: wwwow....speeecchhless
lucyonthesky #2
Chapter 1: me encanta el yunjae y admiro a sus escritoras por eso leí dos historias tuyas creo que deberías revisarlas y completarlas inicialmente son muy buenas pero el final lo deja a uno desconcertado
Kattan69 #3
Chapter 8: Poor Yunjae....looks like they cannot escape fate.
phinea2009 #4
Chapter 8: Poor Yunjae ... unable to escape this cruel fate.
Brownsugar40 #5
Chapter 8: No that not the end of them it's. Please
Chapter 8: This is so sad (T_T)
Is this the end?
I feel sorry for both of them...
Chapter 8: I..... Never imagine that the ending is gonna be like this.... I though they gonna happy forever ... They together now but not in real world
Thank you for finishing this story, author-nim
Neng2ovid #8
Chapter 8: Ouch that so sad. I though they could live happily ever after. I guess not.
Greecea #9
Chapter 8: Thank you
Brownsugar40 #10
Chapter 7: Please update soon. To good to stop now