He Knows

Blind Love
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Double Update. Surprise! ^_^

Jisoo was lying down in her bed staring blankly at her ceiling. This had become her daily routine after staying up all night thinking about Jin. She had tried really hard to not love Jin anymore. To not care, but it was easier said than done.

She was just as miserable as Jin was. Jin had work to distract him while Jisoo had school.

Her phone soon rings and she slowly turns her head towards her phone. She grabs her phone to see that Taehyung was calling her. Her eyes widen before she sat up quickly in bed. She hesitates, debating if she wanted to pick up or not. Remembering the last encounter Taehyung had with Yoongi made her let the phone ring in her hand before it stop ringing.

She sighs sadly to herself as the phone starts to ring once more. She lets the phone ring until it went silent again. Then it beeped and she saw that she received a text message from Taehyung.

'Jisoo, call me back as soon as you see this message. I need to talk to you about Jin Hyung.'

Jisoo heart drops when she saw the text. Every cell and particle in her body wanted to call Taehyung back. She wanted to know what was going on with Jin, but she didn't. She couldn't. Not anymore. She had to keep her act up. She needed to pretend she doesn't care for Jin anymore.

So she sent a text back to Taehyung.

'I thought Yoongi made it clear to you already? I don't care what happens to Jin. Stop calling me and texting me. I don't want to see either one of you.'

Taehyung scoffs and lets out a cry of disbelief as he read Jisoo's text. The two were already parked outside Jisoo's house.

"Whaaaaaa jinja, this girl! She's really gonna pretend until the end. Hyungsu-nim, I'll be sure to make you run to Hyung," Taehyung angrily talks to himself which made Haeun giggle next to him.

"Are you ready to put on your actress face babe?" Taehyung asks Haeun as he put his phone down.

Haeun nods to answer Taehyung and they both got out of Taehyung's car and made their way to the front door. Taehyung presses the doorbell and now, it was time for actor Taehyung to make his debut.

Jisoo hears the doorbell. She immediately gets up wondering who was at the door. She met Yoongi outside her room and they both moved down the stairs to the front door.

"Who is it?" Jisoo asks as she opens the door only to freeze when she saw Taehyung on the other side.

"T-Taehyung. What are you doing here?"

"To get you of course, since you ignored my calls."

Jisoo let out a deep sigh before firmly putting on her own actress mask.

"Leave Taehyung. I don't care about what happened to Jin. I never cared before in the past and won't start to care now. You're wasting time."

Jisoo turns around and starts to head back to her room.

"Jin Hyung is blind Jisoo," Taehyung calls out quick to her and it caused Jisoo to freeze in place. Her heart drops at the sudden announcement from Taehyung.

"His eyes failed him. He wasn't doing so well. His vision started to get blurry again. Now he's gone blind and there's no way he will ever get his sight back."

Jisoo turns around with glistening eyes to study Taehyung. There was no way Jin could have gone blind again. No, Taehyung had to be lying.

"You're lying..." Jisoo whispered towards Taehyung, not wanting to believe him.

Taehyung let out a loud fake scoffed laugh. He needed to be aggressive. Since he didn't exactly end on good terms with the Min siblings. Taehyung still had to pretend to be furious with Jisoo for leaving Jin.

"He lost his vision again because of you Jisoo! You left him and you broke Hyung! He refuses to get any treatment because of you!"

Jisoo's eyes widen when she finally let everything sink in.

"What do you mean?"

"Hyung refuses to go back the hospital to get check-in. So, I've hired an actual private nurse to care for Hyung, but everything is turning out for the worst. He's refusing to take any medicine and even now, he's caught a bad fever. I would never step foot back here if it weren't for Hyung."

Taehyung let his eyes be filled with anger and hate. He made sure to convey those feelings well to convince Jisoo. Haeun finally steps in.

"Hello Miss Min Jisoo I assume. I'm Kim Seokjin's nurse, Park Haeun. I work at Seoul Medical Center and was recently hired by this man to care for Seokjin. His condition when I first starting as his nurse was fairly well, but as the weeks went by, he started showing signs of not being able to see well. He would often run into doors and complained about a headache that caused him lots of stress. He would often cry and barely ate anything."

Jisoo's face falls into utter shock as Haeun uses big medical terms that Haeun could possible think off at the top of her head.

"Please, Miss Jisoo. We need your help. Taehyung here says you're the only one who could convince Seokjin to get any treatment. He needs to go back to the hospital."

"Minji..." Yoongi calls out to his little sister. Yoongi could see right past Taehyung's acting. As Haeun was talking to Jisoo about Jin's condition, Yoongi study Taehyung's facial expression. Tae

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Chapter 1: YEp, this was so good, I am reading it again!
Chapter 69: Thank you author-nim! I loved the story
Chapter 64: Woman... I swear, if I was your inner conscience, I would slap u to sense!
Chapter 56: The man has a nice memory, u have to give him that.
Chapter 51: Come on Girl! Don't break his heart! He may not even be angry if u tell him the truth.
Chapter 49: She would not! Right? Just woman up and tell him, girl! He's not gonna bite!
Chapter 48: Oh well, the cat's out of the bag"
Chapter 47: Oh no! Just tell him, damn it!
Chapter 44: U go baby Tae
Chapter 43: No! Baby Tae. All this seems so unnecessary. Poor baby.