First Love

Blind Love
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Namjoon and Yoongi went to a little cafe nearby to talk. They both ordered a drink and while waiting, Yoongi was the first to speak up.

"Namjoon, speak. I want to know everything that you know. Why is Jisoo in the hospital pretending to be a nurse? Only I call her Minji. No one else, not even my parents. Who are Jin and Taehyung? How do you know my sister? Why did you offer to pay her to care for someone else?"

"One question at a time Hyung. You're asking too many at once."

"Well, it's kinda hard not to when it involves your only baby sister."


Namjoon was caught between two people who he really respected and care for. He wasn't sure what to do or what would be the right thing to do. If he tells Yoongi, then he's breaking Taehyung's trust. But Jisoo was Yoongi's sister and not telling him anything would mean that he wasn't a good friend to Yoongi who is only caring about his younger sister.

"Hyung, if I tell you, you have to promise you won't do anything."

"I'll be the judge of that and it depends on what you say."

"Hyung, please. Don't make it harder than it already is."

Yoongi was getting impatient. His hand slapping down hard on the table.

"Namjoon tell me..... now!" He grits through his teeth at the younger.

Namjoon let out a deep and long sighed before running his hand through his dark hair and finally telling Yoongi everything that he knew.

"Jin Hyung and Taehyung are my cousins. They are half brothers and they met Jisoo through Sunni when she offered her the job as her assistant."

Yoongi gesture for Namjoon to continue.

"You've heard of Kim's Corporation right?"


"Well, Jin Hyung was the heir to the company."

"Wait? Kim Seokjin was that Kim Seokjin? The Jin that you two were talking about earlier?"

Namjoon nodded and continued on to telling Yoongi about how Sunni was Jin's secretary, how Sunni suddenly out of nowhere hired Jisoo to be her assistant, how Jisoo met the Kim brothers, how Sunni had been cheating on Jin the whole time in their relationship, how Jisoo is actually working for Namjoon's older brother in his bar, Jisoo's encounter with Sunni that Namjoon witness, and Taehyung's revenge plan against Sunni for cheating on Jin. He left out the detail about the love between Jisoo and Jin and Taehyung and Jisoo. He felt it was not his place to mention it to Yoongi.

Yoongi listens as he tried to connect everything together.

"Sunni was dating Seokjin and she cheated on him? Choi Sunni?"

"Yes, Hyung. She had been cheating on Jin Hyung for a long time now. Not only that but she only wanted him because he was rich and was inheriting the company. Which is why Taehyung wanted revenge. Jin Hyung got into a car accident and he lost his vision now which is why he's in the hospital and Jisoo is taking care of him. And now Sunni is with Taehyung because the company was handed over to Taehyung."

Yoongi couldn't process the information that was being fed to him right now.

"But... Sunni was never like this. When did she change so much?"

Yoongi had only intended on asking himself. What he didn't realize was that he asked the question loud enough that Namjoon's eyebrows jumped up at hearing Yoongi mentioned Sunni. His eyebrows then tighten together as he questioned Yoongi slowly about Sunni.

"Hyung, how do you know Sunni?"

Yoongi swallowed the lump of saliva in the back of his throat. He never meant for Namjoon to hear his thoughts. He's never told anyone before nor did anyone know this either.

"Choi Sunni is my ex-girlfriend and........... my first love."

"WHAT?!" Namjoon cried out in surprise hearing this from Yoongi.

"But the Sunni I knew back then was a sweet and innocent girl. She would have never hurted anyone," Yoongi defended his first love.

"Hyung, it's been almost 10 years. She's going to change. I'm sure you've changed too."

"I haven't changed much Namjoon. I'm still... I'm still in love with her. S-she was my first for everything. My first kiss, my first love, and my first..." Yoongi's voice trailed off not finishing his sentence.

Namjoon noticed that his friend's face had turned a slight pink when talking about Sunni. Yoongi didn't need to finish what he was trying to say because Namjoon already knew. Sunni was the first gi

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Chapter 1: YEp, this was so good, I am reading it again!
Chapter 69: Thank you author-nim! I loved the story
Chapter 64: Woman... I swear, if I was your inner conscience, I would slap u to sense!
Chapter 56: The man has a nice memory, u have to give him that.
Chapter 51: Come on Girl! Don't break his heart! He may not even be angry if u tell him the truth.
Chapter 49: She would not! Right? Just woman up and tell him, girl! He's not gonna bite!
Chapter 48: Oh well, the cat's out of the bag"
Chapter 47: Oh no! Just tell him, damn it!
Chapter 44: U go baby Tae
Chapter 43: No! Baby Tae. All this seems so unnecessary. Poor baby.