I have been accepted - Now what?

My Prince

"I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED" was echoing all over the room.

Soo Bin who was still asleep woke up by the noise that came out from her brother's mouth. She looked out through the window, the sun was shining and the birds were humming as usually did. She got dressed and went downstairs. Her brother was standing, shocked by something he had in his hands.

"What is that in your hands Kyung?" Soo Bin curiously asked her brother.

"Oh, this? Not that much to be honest, I only got accepted by the kingdom to become one of their prince's bodyguard" Kyung proudly chuckled.

"Wait!´THE PRINCE? No way! You are kidding with me right?" Soo Bin smacked out of her.

"No I am not" Kyung smiled.

This was huge. The kingdom was the only thing this town had to brag about and soon Soo Bins's brother Kyung would become a part of it. The kingdom had always played an important role for both the city and it's citizens.

No one really knew though what happened inside the door's of the kingdom. On Tv and public occasions the king, the queen and the prince always seemed so humble but besides that no one really knew more about them.

The prince was called Baekho and was extremely handsome. Not much was known about him but rumours had it he would soon get married since the king was getting older and older fast. 

"So, how do you think the prince is like? I mean, you should prepare since you are soon becoming one of his bodyguards" Soo Bin told Kyung.

"I am not sure. But he is probably very nice for sure just like his parents are" Kyung smiled.

"If you say so, Kyung"  Soo Bin smiled back.


Soo Bin went to her job. She part timed work at a a café together with her best friend Minhyun. 

"Did you know, my brother is going to bodyguard the prince" Soo Bin smirked.

"Really? I also tried to get the job but I did not get it" Minhyun jokingly cried.

Minhyun had been Soo Bin's best friend since they were small. They first met at kindergarten where they the first day promised eachother to marry eachother when they got old. Of course their promise broke but they kept being friends. 

Minhyun was always the popular one at school. Girls would follow him everywhere. Soo Bin though was not at all as popular as Minhyun. She was not ugly, bullied or anything but she just prefered to do stuff girls usually not would and maybe that prevented her from getting seen like the other girls. 

While the other girls talked about guys, Soo Bin studied. While other girls met eachother on weekends to party, Soo Bin stayed home playing games. Soo Bin did not care what other people thought about her. She loved her life.

"You can always apply again next year" Soo Bin joked and pat Minhyuns back.

"Ha. Ha. Ha" Minhyun said.

The time was getting late and Soo Bin and Minhyun quit their work. Soo Bin could not stop thinking about Kyung and how he was soon going to see everything inside from the kingdom. She could not help being a little jealous of him. Kyung would start his role as a bodyguard in just two days.

"Mom, dad, I am home!" Soo Bin said when she got home.

 No one answered. Where could they be? Soo Bin went to her room but something from inside prevented her from getting in. She heard her father's voice but also two unfamiliar voices inside.

"We need the money now and if you do not give us consequenses will be made" one of the unfamilair voices screamed at Soo Bin's father.

What was going on? Who were these two strangers and what did they want with Soo Bin's father?

"Please just give me 3 months more! I promise I will pay you back soon" Soo Bin's father plead.

"I cannot believe you" one of the strangers annoyingly smirked.

Suddenly the strangers kicked Soo bin's father and went straight out from the room. Soo Bin ran as quickly as she could and tried to hide. The stranger went downstairs but as soon as they went outside they turned their heads back.

"3 months is what you have! Give us the money by then or you and your entire family will taste something really bad, worse than death" they told and left.


Soo Bin went in to her room. Her father layed down on the floor, blood running out from him.

"DAD, WAKE UP" Soo Bin screamed.

Her father slowly opened up his eyes. 

"Who were those people?" Soo Bin cried.

"It is a long story" the father said.

Long ago, Soo Bin's father lost his job. Not knowing how to handle the problem and how to take care of his wife, son and daughter he headed to two strangers he knew nothing about.

The strangers told him they would fix his problems. They gave him money and told him he had the entire time in the world to pay them back. They lied. Soo Bin's father got it harder and harder to fix the money he had promised to pay back. He could not find a job and he did not know what to do. 

Later the two men would at time and time come to the father to get their money but the father failed each time. These two strangers were not normal bank loaners, they killed people who could not pay back. Soo Bin's father only realised this after a time.

"But now I am sure we can pay back. Kyung is already aware of my situation and he has promised me to help with our financial state with his money he will recieve at the castle" the father told Soo Bin.

Soo Bin had no idea about this. 

"Where is Kyung and mother by the way?" Soo Bin asked her father.

"Your mother went to one of the neighbors since I told her this would happend. Kyung though, I do not know" her father said.


Soo Bin's father left Soo Bin's room. Soo Bin went to bed and reached her phone. But she could not use her phone that much, the thought of the situation that just happened prevented her from being as she usually was. 

"Where is Kyung anyways? He should prepare becoming a bodyguard. Does he even know how to fight?" Soo Bin whispered to herself.

Suddenly a notice popped up on her phone. She reached her phone and saw that the notice was a sms from her brother.

"Please do me a favor" the sms said.

What does he want now?


Author's note

Hi readers! I hope you like the story so far. I am not that good at writing but I hope it eventually will ge better as time passes. As I said in the foreword this will be a kind of cinderella story but kind of darker? Look out for next episode! What is Kyungs favor and will Baekho ever come in to the story. Subscribe to know more :)

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felinevic #1
Chapter 1: This is niceeee! Looking forward for the updates