


I smiled as I looked at the gift I was holding for Jaehwan-hyung. It was a nice picture frame with a picture that has Jaehwan and the girls in it. I smiled as I remembered the time when Jaehwan threw a birthday party for JooE.

"We're here", said the driver as I got out of the taxi cab. I looked at the building in front of me and held a question. 

"Where's the door?", I asked myself as I went to the sign that says Zero Base. I looked at the vending machine below it and sighed. Where is the door?

I texted Jaehwan-hyung about the whereabouts of the door and he replied with two words, "Vending Machine."

I looked at the vending machine in front of me and pressed a few buttons. It doesn't budge so I kicked it slightly. Nothing happened. 

I texted Jaehwan-hyung and he said that he'll get it so I waited for him. Then the door opened and a person appeared, it wasn't Jaehwan-hyung. He was handsome but not my type. 

"Hello...Minhyun?", he asked as I looked at him and smiled. "Oh my God! Minhyun became a girl!"

I just smiled and was confused. Who was Minhyun? And no I was born a girl. 

He let me in and I was greeted with a bunch of murmurs. I waved at the people in front of me and one person spoke up. 

"Minhyun, how did you become a girl?", asked one of them, he had this old grandpa vibe and I was just confused. 

"You give me the old grandpa vibes", I said as I pointed at him and everyone laughed. Then the person that greeted me made me look towards him. His ears were folded and I giggled at that sight. 

"Minhyun, do you have amnesia?", he asked and I just looked at him. Then he turned towards the other people and shouted. "Minhyun has amnesia!"

Suddenly, I was put in a seat and they suddenly put pictures in front of my face. There was Jaehwan-hyung and another person. They look cute together but isn't Jaehwan seeing someone already? Sewoon, was it?

"Minhyun, remember this?", said one of them who had a double eyelid on one eye and a monolid on the other. "You were teaching Jaehwan-hyung how to properly fold clothes."


"How about this?", said one of them who had a snaggletooth as he put a vacuum cleaner in front of me. "Isn't this your pet?"

"How can a vacuum cleaner be a pet?", I asked as everyone gasped. They were huddling close and I decided to take this as my chance to escape. I slipped out and walked towards one of the rooms who had curtains so I could hide. Then I saw Jaehwan-hyung. 

"Jaehwan-hyung?", I asked as he looked away from his keyboard and at me. "Ya, your room is messy."

"Yeonwoo", said Jaehwan as he stood up and hugged me. I hugged back and bowed my head.

"Hyung, I brought you a gift!", I said as I gave Jaehwan-hyung the paperbag. He opened it and thanked me, putting the photo on a corner. Suddenly one of them appeared. 

"Jaehwan, Minhyun became a girl!", he said as we looked at him. 

"No, he did not. It was actually my friend, Yeonwoo who came to visit."

"Oh!", he said as he turned around and shouted. "Jaehwan has a girlfriend!"

"Jihoon, you're dead!", said Jaehwan as he chased him around the room. 

I just sat there wide-eyed and opened my mouth just to close it again. 

"I just wanted to visit."

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golbarg76 #1
yes please update