Reply to Tell Me (POB Vol 6)


There are so many things I want to say

There are so many things I want to hear

But after a long time of not talking with each other,

I have become awkward with you again


I want to say I’ve been fine

But that’s not exactly how my year passed by

You say I’m honest and direct

But I can’t even tell you how much I have missed you


I want to tell you I missed you

I want to tell you that being apart was so hard

I want to tell you how unbearable the pain was

And that there isn’t a day I didn’t think of you

I want so much to go back to you

But I can’t


I know this might sound funny

But there are so many times I watched you from afar

And for every moment I see you

I want to be with you once more


I’ll tell you I missed you

But I cover it with a laugh and pass it up as a joke

After all, it’s all in the past anyway

There’s nothing that can be done


I want to tell you I missed you

I want to tell you that being apart was so hard

I want to tell you how unbearable the pain was

And that there isn’t a day I didn’t think of you

I want so much to go back to you

But I can’t


I want to hear that you missed me too

And that it was also hard for you

We shouldn’t have ended it like that

But it seemed you were doing so well so I couldn’t tell you

Maybe it’s really time for me to let go now.


Well, blame my delulu heart, but Tell Me really speaks to Bbyu for me. :( Even though I know Sungjae did not write it, still... so here's my take on Joy's reply to Tell Me, if she ever will reply.

Btw, I just wrote the thing on the description. I just don't see the point on writing a new chapter for this, and I can't think of a description, sorry.


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farizaasmindha #1
I'm waiting for this story.. Fighting!!