The arrival of Seunghoon...

Forever Young

Hanbin’s POV

We pulled away from the kiss we shared and smiled at each other shyly. Woah... I can’t believe I just kissed her!!. My heart was doing somersaults from how happy I felt. The both of us could not stop smiling.


“We should probably go eat..” I said breaking the silence. 


She nodded her head and began walking first. I brought my hands up and tried pushing my lips into a straight line but my smile couldn’t be wiped away. My heart fluttered like the wings of a hummingbird. 




I saw the three of them eating ramen at the kitchen and entered. I felt Bobby’s eyes pierce through me and sharpen as he was trying to read my face. With that i bit my bottom lip trying to hide my smile. 


“You look weird” Bobby said. Dammit, I knew he was going to say something. 


“O-oh do I?” Why did I stutter!? He’s going to catch on now!.. I looked at Jennie and saw the color of bright pink stained on her dumpling looking cheeks. “Mandu” I said in my head. She was so cute. I just wanted to pinch those cheeks of hers. 


“Jendeukie, are you sick?!” Jisoo asked as she skimmed Jennie’s face. I wanted to crack a smile but Bobby’s intense stare was stopping me. 


“M-me?!” Jennie asked nervously. 


“Yeah your face is all red” Jisoo pointed


“Oh... y-yeah I’m feeling a little dizzy.” She replied. 



Yeah, Dizzy from that kiss. It was so hard to hold in my laughter so I bit on my lip even harder. 


“Any harder than that and you won’t have a lip anymore.” Bobby teased. I quickly shoved the ramen in my mouth. 


“I’m just hungry.” I exaggerated. 


“They kissed!” Jisoo shouted in excitement. 


I choked on my food due to Jisoo’s statement and began pounding my chest to make the food go down. Jennie and I looked at each other. You could see guilt and embarrassment drawn on our faces.


“It’s just a stupid drama. No boy is going to kiss you like that in real life.” Bobby said annoyed. 


I eyed Jisoo’s phone and felt my heart rate dropping. Oh thank god! I thought they caught us.. 



End of POV 





After eating ramen Bobby and Jisoo went back to the living room to watch tv. Hanbin brought his bowl up to the sink and placed it in there. As Jennie was busy soaping the dishes. 


“You startled me!” Jennie said and leaned back almost falling backwards until Hanbin wrapped his arm around her. Catching her before she could fall. Jennie could barely breath at this point. What was he doing? Was he really going to do it again?!.. 


“You’re spilling soap on the ground.” Hanbin moved closer to her, a smirk painted on his face. 


“Hanbin! Is the popcorn done!?” Bobby shouted. It snapped the both of them back into reality. Hanbin removed his arm around Jennie and grabbed the freshly made popcorn from the microwave and brought it back to the living room. 



“God... I thought he was going to kiss me again..!” Jennie muttered. She couldn’t focus that well. The kiss they shared still lingered on her mind, making her feel all giddy. 





 Jisoo‘s POV

It was already midnight and I knew my mom would probably make assumptions. So I got up from the couch and saw that Bobby fell asleep. He hasn’t rested well ever since the big news about the championships.. but now that it’s over I hope he can continue to sleep well. My eyes wandered around his face. The fresh bruises pained my heart. I squeezed my shirt with all my strength. To prevent myself from crying. What did Bobby do to deserve any of this? He’s the sweetest guy I know and he tries to make everyone smile despite how ty he feels.. 


“Jennie are you ready to leave?” I asked. 


“Yeah.” She replied and got up from the couch. I took one last glance at Bobby before walking out the door. Goodnight Kimbap. 





“Do you want to sleep at my house tonight? I told my mom I was sleeping over.” I explained. 


“Sure.” Jennie replied. 


“I can ask my mom for some herbs if you’re still feeling sick.” I was referring to her flushed face earlier. 


“Huh? U-uh no.. I’m fine.” 


“Are you sure? You looked pretty bad.” I let out a chuckle. 


“I’m sure.” She quickly replied. 





We arrived at the front of my house. I pulled into the drive way and parked the car. 


“Jennie.” I lightly tapped her shoulder. Ughhh she’s not going to wake up. I closed the car door and unlocked the front door. Leaving it opened so that I could drag Jennie inside. 


“Come on Mr. Kang” 


What the hell? What is he doing here at this hour? 


“What if your daughter comes home!?” 

 I covered my mouth as I heard lips smacking against each other. My mom... and Mr. Kang?... I closed the door and quickly ran away from whatever you want to call this place. I knew it was no longer home.. is that why dad’s been working overtime?! Is that why she never worries about him anymore?! What the hell is going on?!? I was losing my mind. This can’t be true.. 


I the engine and drove outta that place. I wanted to go somewhere far. I can’t believe what I heard.. is my mom really cheating?.. I can’t imagine how hurt my dad must feel right now. Tears began to overtake my eyes. Slowly dripping down my face. One. By. one. 


“Jisoo?” Jennie said weakly. “Oh my god what’s wrong?! Did something happen?!” She added after seeing how much of a mess I was. I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled over to the side of the road and covered my face with my hands. Embarrassed of crying in front of Jennie. Even though we were best friends I rarely cried about things. So I felt low doing it right now.. but I couldn’t help it.


“I-I think my mom’s cheating...” I barely manage to let out. I sobbed harder after saying that. Her hands were gently patting my back. Her other arm wrapped around me as she pulled herself closer. 


“Aww... Jisoo.. w-why do you think that?” 


“She called Mr. Kang’s name and then I-i heard them kissing... what do I do Jennie?!” the tears wouldn’t stop at this point. I was crying a damn river and I wouldn’t be surprised if the car got flooded. 


“You have to tell your dad.” She muttered and tried calming me down. 


“B-but how?” I said while up the tears. 


“Just tell him what you witnessed. Of course it’s going to take some time for him to understand but I don’t think you should keep something this big away from him.” Jennie was right... of course I shouldn’t hide this. Even if I had second thoughts about telling him. It’ll only hurt him more. Oh god... I’m sorry dad. I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you.. I couldn’t say anything but just sit their and sob. It was too much to take in. 


“Step out, let me drive us back to the dorm.” Jennie suggested.



End of POV 





Jennie covered Jisoo up with a blanket and let out a heavy sigh. She couldn’t believe that after all these years. Jisoo’s mom would cheat on her dad.. Her phone vibrated, receiving a text message from Hanbin. 



“Did you get there safely?” Jennie couldn’t help but blush. 


J: “Yeah. How’s Bobby?”



H: “sound asleep.” 

Hanbin sent a picture of Bobby sleeping with his mouth wide open and some bunny ears that he drew onto Bobby’s head. 


Jennie chuckled at the picture and clicked her camera app. She focused the camera on Jisoo. Her face was covered from her messy hair and her leg was wrapped on top of the blanket.


J: “Same here 😂” 


H: “they’re really something. 😂”


J: “yeah..” 


H: “what are you doing tomorrow?”


J: “im meeting with the the model’s manager..” 


H: “Ahh... goodluck. 😊” 


J: “thanks.😊”


H: “well, I just wanted to see if you arrived safely, knowing that. I could sleep peacefully now. Goodnight Mandu.” 


“Mandu.” Jennie muttered. Her cheeks were rosy pink right now. How can a Text message make her feel this way? 


“Goodnight.” She replied and flopped onto her bed. 



Jennie and Hanbin couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss. Their hearts were still racing at the thought of it. Hanbin made a fist bump in the air from how excited he felt while Jennie covered her face with the blanket from how hard she was blushing. It’s crazy how they both felt so giddy over the kiss. 






“I’m sorry Mr. Kim but you’re at stage C, with heart failure.” The doctor explained. He took off his glasses and massaged his temples. 


“There has to be a way around this right?!” Mrs. Kim asked. Mr. Kim held onto his wife’s hand for support. As she was balling her eyes out. He hated it as much as she did.. how could he be diagnose with such a thing!? When he wanted to be there for his daughter.. The sight of his wife crying hurt him.. he couldn’t even imagine what it’d be like for Jennie. 


“I’ll prescribe you some medicine that will help reduce your heart rate. With that, you need to watch how many sodium you intake. So I beg you to please watch your diet!” The doctor explained. 


“I understand.” Mr. Kim replied. 




“Honey, how are we going to tell our daughter?!” Mrs. Kim cried out.


“We won’t.” Mr. Kim replied.


“Are you crazy?! She’s our daughter!” 


“If we do, it’ll only stop her from her education! I don’t need her to worry about me when she should be worrying about her future!!” Mr. Kim loosened up his tie and rolled the window down, midway to let the air flow through his hair. He knew he wasn’t getting any better but dropping to stage C... it just, caught him by surprise and he doesn’t know how to react. 


“Fine then. If that’s what you want.” Mrs. Kim said and looked out her window. She was angry. Why would her husband hide such a thing?! She didn’t have the strength to argue with him though. Learning that he’s in stage C was already too much for her to handle. 





Jennie placed a sticky note on the fridge.


“I made you some breakfast, I have a meeting with the Model’s manager around 10. I’ll make sure to bring you you’re favorite snacks Jichu!” -Jendeukie 


After sticking it on the fridge she quickly grabbed her coat and walked out. 






Jennie’s POV 

I was fiddling with my fingers while waiting for the manager. God, I felt so anxious but remembering what Hanbin texted me last night brought a smile to my face. 


“Sorry for being late.” A voice said. I snapped back into reality and bowed at the man. 


“No! It’s fine.” I smiled. He sat across from me and sat a file of papers down. 


“Alright so you entered your clothes for the competition and won first place correct?” He explained while looking through the lump of papers.


“Yes.” I nodded my head. 


“Perfect and your name is Jennie Kim?” 


“Yes.” I answered again. He finally took out some papers which appeared to be pictures of my designs. He scattered the pictures on the table. 


“Ahh Yes! I remember you now. Seunghoon picked you out, himself. He said your sense of fashion was unique.” 


I blushed at his words and couldn’t hide how happy I felt. “Really?!” 


“Yup! He’s usually picky about things but to my surprise he wanted to recruit you-“ he was cut off by a phone call. 


“Yes, I’m currently meeting with Mrs. Kim. Right now?! Ah.. yes. Yes. I understand.” He hung up the phone and smiled at me.

“Would you like to go to Seunghoon’s shoot? He’s very curious.” 


I was taken aback. Am I dreaming? Why was everything happening so suddenly?! “I would love to!” I replied. 


“Great lets go.” 





“Perfect! Perfect!” 


I heard the photographer throwing compliments. While the camera was flashing throughout the room.


“You must be Jennie Kim?” A tall figure greeted. I looked at him and was immediately reminded of the man from the cafe.


“Hey you’re that guy!” 


“From the cafe.” He smirked. 


“Yeah.” I smiled nervously. 


“Seunghoon.” He stuck his hand out. 


“Jennie.” I shook his hand and smiled.


“I guess this is fate.” He joked and signaled me to follow him. He lead me to a room filled with clothing. I was surprised to see the clothes I designed sitting in the room. 


“I like your taste. The reason I asked my manager to bring you here was because I wanted you to help me out.” He smiled at me warmly. 


“Oh.. with?” 


“I wanted you to help me with your outfits. See which one suits me.” He smiled. 


“No offense but isn’t that what You’re stylist is for?” I added a chuckle at the end. Not wanting to sound rude. 


“Yeah but it’s your work and I believe you deserve credit for it.” 



“We’re waiting on you.” His manager butted in. 


“So what do you say?” He raised a brow at me. As I excited as I am. Everything felt a little unreal. 


“Sure.” I smiled. 


I picked out a plain black V-neck, ripped black jeans, a belt and some black high top converse. I also picked out a watch and a necklace to top off the outfit before handing it to him. He gave me a satisfied look and nodded his head. 




I watched as the photographer was taking pictures of him. He did a couple of poses, showing off his charisma. No wonder he’s a model, he knows what he’s doing. 


“Seunghoon is so hot!” 


“Damn that outfit on him!”


“You’re drooling!” 


“Who wouldn’t, just look at him?!.” 


I heard a couple of staffs gossiping about him. Wow even his staffs are fangirls? 


“Thank you! You all worked hard today!” He complimented and walked towards me. 


“I know you came a little late and this was the only outfit I could show off but I would like to talk business. Care to join everyone for lunch?” He explained and smiled. 


“I would love to.” I returned the smile. 



End of POV 





Jisoo closed the door behind her and locked it. She saw Bobby sleeping on the couch. 


“Thanks Jisoo. I’ll be back later.” Hanbin said. 


“No problem.” Jisoo replied. Hanbin rushed out the door leaving them two behind. Jisoo made her way towards Bobby and stared at him. 


“Why are you always getting hurt?” She muttered. 


“I don’t know?” Bobby said while opening his eyes widely. Jisoo quickly backed up, startled by him.


“D-don’t do that!” Jisoo argued and landed a punch on his arm. 


“Ahh!” Bobby groaned. 


“Sorry! Did that hurt?!” Jisoo said while tugging onto his arm. She scanned his arm making sure everything was fine. Bobby smiled widely at her reaction.


“That stupid eye smile of yours, I’ll cut them out!” Jisoo threatened. 


“No way! It’s one of my great features.” Bobby chuckled. 


“Whatever. Do you want some kimchi pancakes?” Jisoo placed the food on the coffee table and offered him some.


“Woah kimchi pancakes? This is not like you.” Bobby joked. He grabbed the pancake with a fork and took a bite out of it. 


“Jennie made it.” Jisoo explained. The truth is she didn’t really have an appetite after what happened yesterday. Noticing that she wasn’t eating hinted Bobby. He knew something was wrong. There’s never a time where Jisoo would skip out on a meal. 


“What happened?” He asked while sipping water. He looked at her face and saw that her eyes were a bit puffy. “Yah! Were you crying?!” 


Jisoo couldn’t hold her tears in and finally let them flow. 


“What’s wrong?! Was it that bastard Jinyoung?! Should I go kill that jerk!?” Bobby shouted. 


“N-no it wasn’t him.” Jisoo said in between her sobs. 


“Then what is it?” Bobby was relief to know that she wasn’t crying over Jinyoung but it still hurt him to see her cry. 


“I think my mom is cheating...” Bobby didn’t need another reason to hug her anymore. He just went straight for it, wrapping his arms around her tightly. 


“So it was true?...” he muttered. 


“Yeah.. I guess it was. I wish it wasn’t because I don’t know how I’m going to tell my dad.” Jisoo said. 


“Just tell him what you saw.” 


“It’s harder than that.” Jisoo complained. 


“Do you want me to help you? I’ll be beside you if you want.?” Bobby offered. Jisoo pulled away from the hug.


“No it’s fine. I don’t want you to be involved in family problems” Jisoo explained. Bobby raised his hands up to wipe her tears.


“Remember that I’m here to help you. Okay?” He smiled. Jisoo smiled back at him and stuffed his mouth with pancakes. 


“Help yourself first.” She chuckled. 


“What’s so funny?” Bobby said in confusion. 


“You’re so ugly with the food hanging out of your mouth.” Jisoo bursted out in laughter. Bobby chewed on the food and swallowed it. 


“You better eat. It doesn’t feel like I’m hanging out with Jisoo.” He demanded and handed her a piece of the pancake. She playfully punched him on the chest and accepted the pancake. 





Hanbin saw Mino leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. 


“What did you need?” Hanbin asked coldly. 


“Nayeon’s in the hospital.” Mino explained. Hearing that shocked Hanbin.




“So I thought you should know.” Mino replied. He was getting angry at Hanbin’s attitude. 


“She’s my ex girlfriend why does it matter to me?” Hanbin questioned. Mino grabbed him by the collar. Rage flowing through his veins. He hated Hanbin’s cold act towards Nayeon even when she was innocent. 


“Don’t be such an !” Mino muttered.


“Are you going to punch me?! Ah... or are you going to try and kill me like before?!” Hanbin smirked. Hearing that snapped Mino back into reality. He let go of his collar and took a step back. Trying to realize what just happen. 


“You know Nayeon had nothing to do with your break up. It was my fault. I was the one who planned everything.” Mino confessed. 


“What do you mean?” Hanbin questioned. 


“I timed everything... I liked her so much but then she asked you out and I was jealous. That night when you saw us hugging, I wouldn’t let her go because I wanted you to see it. So don’t hate her, hate me instead.” Mino explained, looking straight into Hanbin’s eyes. He saw hatred in his brown orbs. 


“If this is true than why didn’t she tell me?” Hanbin felt confused and lost. It’s not that he had feelings for Nayeon but he felt guilty for hating her all these years if none of it was her fault.. 


“Ask Her yourself.” Mino ruffled his hair in frustration. 






Jennie placed the bag filled with Jisoo’s favorite snacks on the counter and went straight to the couch to lie down. 


“Ouu! My favorite!” Jisoo said rushing towards the bag. 


“Can you hand me some chips?!” Bobby asked. Jisoo stuck her tongue out at him and shook her head. Before Bobby could say anything his phone began ranging.


“Yeah man where are you?” Bobby asked. Jennie folded the loose strains of hair behind her ear trying to eavesdrop on who it was. 


“Hospital? What are you doing there?!” 


“Is that Hanbin!?” Jisoo asked. Bobby nodded his head. Jennie grew worried. What was he doing?! Is he okay?! What happened?! All those questions immediately popped into her head. She tried her best to have no reaction since she still hasn’t told Jisoo about kissing Hanbin. Lord knows how Jisoo will react.. 


Bobby hung up the phone and placed it down on the coffee table.


“Is he okay?” Jisoo asked.


“Yeah he’s visiting Nayeon.” Bobby explained. Jennie felt a jab at her heart. She no longer worried about him. Instead she felt angry and sad. Does he still like her? Why would he visit her? She couldn’t help but think the kiss meant nothing. She felt stupid, why did her heart have to flutter because of it?! 


“Oh did something happen?” Jisoo asked. God, can they stop talking about her already? Jennie thought. 


“Yeah she fainted.” Bobby answered. 




Hanbin entered Nayeon’s room. She was reading a book while the radio was on but stopped as she saw Hanbin. 


“W-what are you doing here?” Nayeon asked, shocked by his arrival. 


“Mino told me you were here.” Hanbin said. 


“Oh....” was all she could say. She didn’t expect Hanbin at all, in fact he was probably last on her list of people that would visit. 


“Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” Hanbin asked. He didn’t speak in that cold tone, that took Nayeon aback. 


“What are you talking about?” She asked. 


“Why didn’t you tell me that what I saw was wrong? Why didn’t you try to convince me that it was all a mistake? That I came at the wrong time or that Mino liked you?” Hanbin asked. He didn’t want to argue about something in the pass but he wanted answers. He also wanted forgiveness. 


“I didn’t want to ruin your relationship with your brother..” Nayeon’s eyes began to tear up. 


“I’m sorry...” Hanbin apologized. Nayeon gave him a confused look. “I’m sorry for being cold towards you and for hating you. I wish you would’ve told me so that I wouldn’t have acted this way.” He added. 


“I’m sorry too..... I-i should’ve told you earlier. That was stupid of me” Nayeon let out a sigh. 


“Forgive me?” Hanbin asked. A smile appeared on Nayeon’s face. She nodded her head in agreement. 


“Friends?” She stuck her hand out. Hanbin eyed her hand than her. 


“Friends.” He smiled and shook her hand. 




Hanbin’s POV

As I pulled up to the hideout, I saw a familiar figure sitting outside on the steps. What is she doing out here? From here she didn’t seem like she was in the mood. I clicked the button on my keys to lock my car which caught her attention. I smiled while walking towards her but received a glare back. 


“Why are you out here?” I asked. Did the interview go bad? Maybe that’s why she’s feeling down..


“Just needed some fresh air.” She answered. 


“How did meeting the manager go?” 


“It was great! I even got to go to meet Seunghoon! Oh! He also wore one of my outfits.” She smiled widely. 


His name filled my veins with hatred and anger. Just hearing it pissed me off. Out of all models why did it have to be this bastard?! 


“Ahh did he? Which one?” I asked. 


“I kind of went for a boyfriend look on him.” Jennie explained. 


“B-boyfriend look?!” I said. How can she say that so easily in front of me? 


“Yeah that’s the name of the outfit.” 


“How does it look like?” I was curious on Why would she make him wear that outfit. She swiped through her camera roll and showed me the outfit. Unbelievable... out of all the outfits I just saw in her phone she chose this one?!


“Here.” She leaned a little closer to me to show the photo. 


“W-why did you choose that outfit? Out of the ones I just saw?” I didn’t want to sound weird so I tried keeping my cool but to be honest it was a little hard. It bothered me a little.. 


“It was the only outfit closest to me. We were kind of in a rush.” She explained and locked her phone. 


“Ahh.. I’ll let it slide then.” I said. 


“Can I ask you something?” She turned to face me. Damn why was she staring at me like that? 


“Yeah?” I said trying not to stutter. Her stare was no joke. My eyes wandered to her lips. I had an urge to kiss them. 


“Why did you visit Nayeon?” Her eyes changed. I saw sadness in them. 


“Did Bobby tell you?” I questioned. 


“Was I not suppose to find out?” Jennie furrowed her brow. 


“No- it’s not like that.” 


“Are you sure? Cause it sounded like that.” She got up from the steps but I grabbed her hand, pulling her back down. 


“Why does it matter?” I asked. 


“Because it annoys the hell out of me!” She exploded. I was taken aback by her sudden out burst. But I have to admit I felt a little happy. She seems jealous. I cracked a smirk.


“Are you jealous?” I asked. She looked away and crossed her arms. God she’s so cute. I cupped her chin and moved her face toward me so that we were eye to eye. 


“I only went there to ask her some questions about her and my brother. It’s about what happened between us.” I explained. Her expression changed, guilt was written all over her face. 


“O-ohh is that why?” She said nervously. I grabbed both of her hands and held it. 


“Yes. Now don’t be jealous Mandu, I like you.” I smiled reassuringly. She was blushing at my words and smiled at me. With her gummy like smile that i loved so much. 


“I’m not Mandu.” She argued. I pinched her cheeks and chuckled.


“Your cheeks say other wise.” I teased. 


“Leave them me alone, will you?” She said annoyed.


“I will not, because I like you.” I replied. I leaned in closer and planted a kiss on her forehead. 


“S-so... what are we exactly?” She asked while biting her bottom lip. 


“I’d ask you to be my girlfriend right now but I want it to be better.”


“Please don’t tell me you’re into those flash mob stuff?” She begged. 


“Totally, I plan on giving you the best performance ever.” I joked making the both of us laugh. 


“When did we get close?” She questioned. 


“When I began liking you.” I answered. 


“Quit flirting with me.” She said shyly and felt her cheeks. 


“It’s kind of hard not to when someone as beautiful as you is in front of me.” I said and received a playful punch from her. Her smile and laugh was everything. I adore it so damn much..! How can a person look cute yet beautiful at the same time? 


“I bet you say this to a lot of girls.” She rolled her eyes at me. 


“What do you mean?” I said innocently.


“Aw come on, I was there when Bobby asked you about going out with girls.” 


“It’s not true! I mean a few dates here and there but it wasn’t anything like that.” I defended. 


“I wouldn’t be surprised if it were though. I mean look at you. You’re hot.” She explained. Woah! I was not expecting that from her?! I felt my cheeks burn up a little bit by her boldness. 


“What about you? I’m sure guys, besides Jaebum tried to get at you?” I raised a brow. 


“Yeah but I couldn’t let anyone into my heart..” she explained. 


“Then what about me?” 


“You? You’re.... different.” She smiled at me. With that, I took the chance and leaned closer. I tilted my head and slowly made my way towards her lips. 


“Hey Jennie!” Jisoo shouted. I quickly backed away and cleared my throat. Why is Jisoo always ruining the moment? God...


“Y-yeah?!” Jennie immediately stood up. 


“Seunghoon is asking for you?!” Jisoo shouted in excitement. 


“really?!” I watched as she grabbed the phone from Jisoo’s hands and entered the house. 



“Aren’t you coming in?” Jisoo asked. I nodded my head and followed her inside. 


End of POV 




“You got the job” Seunghoon explained. 


Jennie smiled widely. She was excited to work for him and have her designs be out there. 


“Thank you!” Jennie replied. You could hear the excitement from her voice. Which Made Seunghoon smile. 


“But uh, I’m curious. Why work for me when you could start this by yourself?” Seungoon asked. He was confused to why someone as rich as Jennie would even feel happy to work with him? 


“Well... my mom doesn’t really want me to become a fashion designer. She’d rather have me help take over my dad’s company or become a lawyer so this is just a side job.” Jennie explained. 


“Ahh. I see. It’s an honor to work with you. I can’t wait to see what you offer.” Seunghoon said. 


“Thank you for choosing me. I’m excited.” Jennie replied. 


 “I’ll let you be now. Goodbye.” He said before hanging up. 


Hanbin glared at Jennie. What could they be talking about? It bothered him to see her smiling on the phone with another guy. Especially since it was Seunghoon. 


“I can’t believe you’re working with Seunghoon! He’s so handsome.” Jisoo said. Bobby looked at her in disbelief laughed without humor. 


“I can’t either.. that bastard disgusts me.” Bobby said while shoving chips into his mouth. 


“Your feet is disgusting!” Jisoo defended. 


“Trust me, if you got to know him you’ll regret calling him handsome.” Bobby explained. 


“So you know him?! How?” Jennie asked. Bobby made eye contact with Hanbin before speaking. Hanbin begged him with his eyes to not let Jennie know. It’s the last thing he wanted to do. 


“Just read a couple of articles about him.” Bobby lied. 


“Articles? Those are like rumors.” Jisoo chuckled. 


“Enough of this model. Do you guys want to go to the amusement park tomorrow? Yunhyeong invited me and told me to ask you guys.” Bobby explained. 



“But your ankle?” Jisoo said in worried tone. Bobby got up from the couch and walked around the living. Leaving Jisoo’s mouth open. 


“You’re better now?” Hanbin asked. 


“Yup. I can walk on it!” Bobby smiled.


“Are you sure you’re fine? If not, we could always stay behind and just do something here.” Jennie explained. 


“Yeah I agree with her.” Jisoo added. 


“I’m fine you party poopers. Let’s all go tomorrow! Just meet us here and we’ll all take Hanbin’s car.” Bobby explained and looked at Hanbin for confirmation. He nodded his head in agreement. 


“If you’re lying I’m going to cut your leg off. And not because your feet smells.” Jisoo threatened. 


“Yah! You have to go through me first before you cut his leg off.” Hanbin butted in. Bobby wrapped on arm around Hanbin’s neck and chuckled. 


“You hear that?” Bobby teased. 


“I’ll let Jennie handle you. Right?” Jisoo said. 


“I have no problems with that.” Jennie winked at Hanbin. Making him feel a little hot. 










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Blink_182 #1
Chapter 25: Oooooooof I read this twice!! And it's still good!! And I am also reading ur second one and both are fantastic and master pieces!!!
Blink_182 #2
Chapter 2: One if my fave stories
risaisicha #3
Chapter 25: Huhu really like it. Will wait for the next story. Hwaiting author nim :)
Chapter 25: OMG!!! IM INLOVE WITH EVERY CHAPTER!!! thanks authornim
mieayarn #5
Chapter 24: nayeon
Chapter 24: Nayeon your a b*tch! you and ravi deserve each other!!!
Chapter 23: whaaaaaaa this is so cute. JenBin is so mature. i like what Jennie did to Nayeon! Go get it girl, tell her that shes just a bug. lol. BobSoo is also doing good. hahaha Jisoo being TMI hahaha. JunRose slowly sailing. i like how their story progressing. TenLis being babies hahaha
LuRongLu #8
Chapter 23: Best story.
mieayarn #9
Chapter 22: OH DAMNNN!!!!! please update soon!