the thing about love potions


When Jisoo made a love potion, Rose ended up being the one to pay the price. Now Junhoe keeps following her around like a lovesick puppy, and Bobby is left wondering what is going on with the younger. 


The summary says it. Sort of? My first pinkon ff, hope you'll all give it a chance. 

Poster and background made by ryhanna from We Got Fired


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Chapter 1: omg dont tell me this fic is abandoned? ?? please update it authornim I really like its plot
hahahahaha i love this
Laurestine #3
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH. BOBSOO + JUNROSE + YGFAMBAM? Consider me in! Why did I only see this now? I’m already hooked on the first chapter and I want more. Please update! I’ve been looking for a junrose story everywhere. Seriously, a lot of people wants to see Junrose (on a different platform).