Borrowed Books


When Jinsoul reaches for that book, her whole life changes. She never intends to meet someone new, all she wants is some information for a project. Jungeun is just as unsuspecting and she, too, is hit with several realizations. A friendship blossoms between the two and although they grow close, a barricade is built between them. Neither wants to address it out of fear or simply to avoid any awkward feelings. Will they confront each other on the matter or ignore the elephant in the room? Will their friendship wither or will it develop into something that the two never expected?


Libraries , I can't help but think. The silence is nice but there's something about all these books that bothers me. Something about the fact that I know that the book I'm looking for might not be here or that it might have been placed in the wrong section by someone who previously checked it out. 

When I finally come across it, I still almost miss it. The spine of the book is worn out, the letters seem to be fading. If I hadn't looked closely, I would have missed it with the way that it seems to blend in with the books that surround it. Well, at least I found it, I think as I reach for it.

It doesn't move an inch.

I tug on the book again, this time a little harder, but it doesn't budge. It's jammed between multiple books so I understand why I can't seem to pull it off the shelf. I tighten my grip on the book and give it a good yank. Nothing. Maybe someone on the other side is trying to get a hold of it as well, I think sarcastically.




I don't like the way he touches her. Like she's some book he borrowed...

He touches every inch of her skin without a second thought, not caring whether he wrinkles a page or bends a corner.


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Chapter 13: my fav part is their first kiss djdndidj TT
Man I miss this story ;-;
Markbumhi #3
Chapter 7: THIS is my type of story. MESSING with ALL my EMOTIONS HSJSHSJAJJAJA ily & ur writing. i never comment but u deserve it bc gosh its 1 22 am and i should be sleeping owo but i cant stop reading
Markbumhi #4
Chapter 4: i kinda cried at the ", jiwoo... am i gay?" part
; w ;
dakbaljokbal #5
Chapter 13: i love this so much ! i cant wait for the next update XD
Chapter 13: this story has a good amount of angst, fluff, and everything. i love it so much! i like how it's very light-hearted. i know this is a lipsoul fic and while lip is my bias, hyewon is my otp; all the pairs had their fair share of moments it made me swoon so thank u ? finished this in one sitiing lol. i had to admit, reading through the chapters made me smile because everything is so cute and everything turned out perfectly fine. i just wish it didn't have to end so soon but thank you for writing such an awesome fic author! <3
Chapter 13: awww lipsoul at the end. anyway i thought yerim and yeojin definitely have something between them XD
Chapter 13: Aaawwww it's coming to an end T^T
Chapter 13: excited for that epilogue,,, yeorim has got some SECRETS i NEED to know,,, sorry girls