Athena Girl


Ahn Jinah is not normal.

She is too strong and too small. For someone who stands at 5'5 with the help of two inch heels, Ahn Jinah is a force to be reckoned with. Without Byun Baekhyun by her side, she may have even strode around with bruises on her face and bandaids scattered around it. Luckily, they both balance each other out: she has the strength of a thousand males and more that he lacks, and he has the fashion sense and good gut instinct that she doesn't have.

Ahn Jinah is Athena and Baekhyun is her spear.






❝There is an entire forest full of the most incredible flowers, plants and trees inside you, and you are irngoring all of it to nurture a single tree that they planted inside your heart and abandoned. 

The people who left you this way do not deserve to become your favourite stories to tell. You are a massive forest full of beautiful and vibrant stories and every single one of them deserves you more than those that abandoned you to hell.❞ —Nikita Gill



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I love this story already
This is a very good starting I hope you will have subscribers very soon