Happiness' End

The ringtone from his phone started to pound and Gikwang's turned to his bedtable to answer it, while still half-asleep. "Hello?" He said and there was a hesitation in the caller's voice. "Yah..." He looked at his screen to see who was the caller and put the phone back to his ear. "Kim Joon. If you called just for the sake of not saying anything, you will assisting the patrol division for the next week, case or no case." He said and the hacker quickly spoke up. 

"Hyung. Sorry to bother you during your sleep.... but we have another case." He announced and sent him the address of the crime scene. Gikwang got out of bed and grabbed a black shirt and pants before he went and went into the bathroom. He arranged lightly his hair before grabbing his phone and keys, running to his car.


There was a crowd surrouding the hotpoint of Yeon District. It was already 2:00 AM, yet it was as if it was 12 in the afternoon. Most of the people were those who partied, worked in 24 hours stores, cornerstores, convenience stores. And especially for tonight, there was a gathering for the hip-hop dancers and singers for performances on the street. The paramedics were present, officers from the patrol divisions blocked the scene with their cars and yellow bands while they remained in front of the crowd to block them from stepping further into the scene. There were few passerby who laid down on the ground while some medics were helping off other passerby who were holding onto bloody wounds on their abdomen, luckily not life threatening. 

Gikwang arrived at the scene and Joon, who went by the police station to wait for their superior (his father) of the Regional Police Headquarters when they received an emergency call of a potential terrorist act, was already there. "Hyung!" He waved and Gikwang joined him with the other officer. 

"What's the situation?" He asked and arranged his ID pass, which he didn't really needed to since everyone knew who he was. The grandson of the Chief Superintendent, Lee Chul. He quickly scanned through the scene and could quickly guessed: some people were injured because of burnt wounds caused by hydrocloric acid and some others were wounded by a stab in their abdomen. It was simply a messy situation. 

"It was mentioned that it occured when balloons suddenly popped out of no where in the sky, carrying acid. While everyone was watching the scene, someone made use of this chance to stab people."

"Did anyone see who did it?" He asked just for the sake of asking. Of course Gikwang knew that the reason for the culprit to do it now was that the crowd of people would mask his identity. And the building's cameras were simply too far to catch anything. He thought for a bit. Was the culprit working on his own, creating a distraction among people but then his goal was to stab? Or was his goal to throw the acid on people? Or the culprit was cooperating with another person to do this? He was silent for a bit and looked around. Was it really a terrorist act? 

"They simply mentioned that they were too focused on the balloons that they couldn't pay attention to what was around them." Joon read off the preliminary report. Gikwang nodded and he decided to get information among the medics. "Continue to pay attention around and I will go the medics." The situation was simply messy because there were a lot of people around. And those who were hurt were panicking. Especially those who were burnt with the acid. Another psychopath who enjoyed watching people in pain? He looked at the time. It was going to be a long night/day. 


Yoona arrived at the Yeon District Police Station in the Severe Crime Branch where she went to meet the Chief Inspector of the station. She waved at her brother and quickly after he left, it was her stepmother who called her. She was telling her how it was to keep her health and maintain a balanced intake of energy and outflow of energy. She was also mentioning how important it was to still come visit her and her "sister". She was really grateful towards her stepmother who, even after the death of her father, still maintained contact with her. 

After she hunged up, she receieved a text from Dongwoon who wished her a good first day of work. She smiled at that and replied him. She was walking down the hallway before she stopped at the Chief Inspector's office. She knocked at the door and when she was invited into the room, it was an old man in his police uniform who greeted her warmly. "Good morning Sir." She saluted and was offered to be at ease. 

"Don't worry. There is simply you and me in the room, forget about the customs." He said and invited her to sit down at the table. “How do you feel about all these?” He asked and she nodded. “It is very different than simple psychology but you can do it. I have received a lot of great comments from your seniors at your academy. I have decided that among everyone from the SCU department, Gikwang should be your superior, so from now, you will follow him, learn from him.” Yoona didn’t want to rely on her connections for her job. But her stepmother and brother insisted. And in business, it was all about connections. She thanked him. “Don’t worry. Even if your fanily knows a lot of our team and chiefs, we will treat you like any other people. Work hard!”


Just 2 hours ago, Gikwang and Joon both came back from the crime that was committed earlier (very early) this morning at 2AM. While Boram was taking care of her boyfriend, the Joon were already trying (although they knew in vain) looking through CCTV’s and was now taking a break for his eyes. Boram also was looking through stores where someone bought 1) large amounts of balloons, 2) acids. It was simply the beginning of the investigation process. And so far, no suspects had been turned up. Everyone felt a little discouraged when Yoona stepped into the office place, while Gikwang's office was at the end of the hall outside. Everyone turned to the girl, who somehow seemed lost.

"Missy. If you're looking for the bureau department it's on the 2nd floor." Boram, who was a more tomboy woman in her mid 30's, said. Yoona was a little confused for a bit and realized that she did looked a little too simple? or maybe too calm to be a detective. Her aura was simply too calm. She took out her ID pass that she forgot to put around her neck and bowed to them. 

"My name is Yoona. I'm starting my first day of work today." She announced and everyone was simply staring at her in confusion. Joon who was leaning on his arms on his desk, sat up to the new transferee. Yoona simply stood there, which normally would have felt awkward standing in front of them, being stared at, but she didn't feel anything and continued to maintain her usual calm attitude. 

"Wait. Was it today that we were told we were going to receive a new teammate?" Joon asked and stood up and went to greet her with his girlfriend Boram. "Welcome.... Yoona." He said and held out his hand which she shook. "I am the oldest in the team. My name's Joon." He said and Yoona bowed her head. "We have another teammate but he is somewhere around. And as for our boss.... it is better to simply not bother him yet. He only had one hour of sleep last night because of a case." He explained and Yoona simply nodded. 

Baram brought her to a desk, which was covered with boxes of files before she helped Yoona claned the desk up. There wasn't anything on the table yet but it was enough for Yoona. She didn't need much on her desk. "Take some time to just look around and be comfortable alright?" Baram asked and like that she already met 2 members of the SCU. She was told it was a small but competent team, and she was very pleased that introductions didn't drag on for too long. 

"Yah. Hyung. The printer's jammed. Boss called out for a meeting a while ago. He said he will come out from his office after." Yoonkwon said and noticed a new face in the office. He confusedly looked at her and bowed his head as a greeting before he went up to Joon. "Who is it?" He asked which, sadly, Yoona heard. 

"Im Yoona. Our new member of the S.C.U." Joon announced and Yoona politely greeted him. "This is Yoonkwon." 

"Don't mind him Yoona..." And before Baram finished her sentence, something on her screen attracted her attention. Her attention went to the screen and Yoona simply observed all of them. First, from what she've seen so far, they were very serious about their jobs. Their attention would be on their case first before anything else. And socializing with new teammate wasn't something they are used to which was understandeable. S.C.U. was really hard to get in, especially if you don't have any competent skills to benefit the team.

Second, she noticed that most of the members were easygoing and had close relationships among each other. While Joon and Baram are dating, YoonKwon was still one of their good friend. Based on Baram’s actions, Yoona could tell that she was very meticulous. She could be the one staying behind the scenes looking through past cases, etc. Joon on the other hand was more into computers. More like the hacker, who kept eyedrops on his desk and a pair of glasses in case his eyes get to tired. As for Yoonkwon, he was more of someone who worked besides Gikwang. While Joon and Baram were in the office, Yoonkwon was holding a file which Gikwang wanted him to photocopy. And he was the one telling them the order of today's events. Among all of them, Yoonkwon could be the "troublemaker" of the team, which she guessed with the colorful outfit he was wearing and setting of his desk. Joon, being the oldest, still had a childish side in him, which is shown through his interactions with his girlfriend. Whereas Baram was the mother figure of the team.

Third, Gikwang was someone whom they look up to. No one dared to bother him. Nor bothered to ask where he was. It could simply mean they trust in him a lot. And whatever he was doing didn't worry them. He is probably, second youngest of the team. But is like the protector of this team. Also expecting a lot from them which drive his team to work even harder.

She noticed how they were all focused on their tasks which they needed to do before the meeting in, she guessed, and hour. Enough to organize and class every details. She remembered that Yoonkwon mentioned the jammed photocopy machine, and so decided to take a look at it. She stood up and without anyone realizing she was already gone, went to the photocopy room on that floor. 

There was indeed a lot of paper jammed in the machine and after removing all of them, the machine quickly restarted printing the documents it was told to print. She was silently putting the pages in order and separating them. When she was done, she then look through what she was holding. "Terrorist act?" She asked herself, reading the title. And started flipping through the pages. 

"Was the suspect working alone or..." She read. "Around 35 people who go injured; among those, 25 got injured because of the acid and 10 because of the stabbing." She read and thought for a while. "If the suspect was working alone, there wasn't a need to do all these... but this doesn't prove if there was 2 or 1 culprit." She told herself and a voice made her jump. 

"What are you doing?" She turned and saw Gikwang, who seemed to be half-asleep. Seeing her turning around, he was more aware of what was happening.

End of 002 -My heart still beats for you.-

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Chapter 12: OMG! what a terrifying and shocking scene it must have been
Chapter 11: Poor Yoonkwon hahaha.
Chapter 10: But what duality has Gikwang, I love it ♡
Chapter 9: Gikwang and Yoona's confessions are in the least unexpected moments hahaha
Chapter 8: I'm shocked, and I'm speechless.
Chapter 7: Then the attack was for revenge.
Chapter 6: Yoona so observant, there is no doubt that she is a criminal psychologist (:
Chapter 5: It makes me laugh how they are inquiring about who is the "sister-in-law" hahaha (:
Chapter 3: This case is very interesting ... Yoona's deductions were quick.
Chapter 2: Poor Gikwang, everyone annoys him, hahaha it made me laugh.