
The Princess Diary
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“And we’re here.” Sehun declared as he slowed down the car in front of the restaurant.

Yeeun looked out the window, “This is a nice place.”

Sehun chuckled as he stepped out of the car. He walked over to Yeeun’s door and opened it.

Yeeun gave him a meek smile and stepped out of the car. She straightened up and looked at her surrounding, “I like this place already.”

“That’s good. You also look great with this dress, so have a good time and please don’t kill the mood.” Sehun smirked.

“Don’t give me that.” Yeeun hissed softly as she walked past him.

Sehun bowed with a smile before heading back to the driver side.

“This way ma’am.” The host smiled.

Yeeun gave him a small smile, “Thank you.” She followed the host, who led her through the restaurant to a room in the back of the restaurant.

The host opened the door and pushed it open revealing the table and Chunji, who was waiting for her.

“Thank you.” Yeeun gave him another smile and stepped into the room.

Chunji stood up from his seat and bowed, “Your Highness.”

“Hello.” She greeted sweetly.

“Please, have a seat.” Chunji walked around the table and pulled out her chair.

Yeeun stepped in front of her chair and Chunji helped push in the chair as she sat down.

“Thank you.” She thanked as Chunji walked back to his seat that was across from her.

“Thank you for having dinner with me tonight. I apologize for any inconvenience.” Chunji looked Yeeun in the eyes.

Yeeun gave him a small smile, “No need to apologize. I am the one who should apologize for how I acted this afternoon. I was shocked hearing the new about our marriage.”

“It’s alright.” He assured. “I’m sure you were shocked about hearing it.”

“I assume that your parents had told you about it beforehand?”

“Yes, they did.”

“Here is the menu.” The host stepped into room and placed two menus on the table. “Your waiter will be with you shortly.” The host bowed and left the room.

Chunji grabbed one of the menus and passed it over to Yeeun, who smiled and took the menu. “Please pick anything that you like.” He advised as he took the second menu for himself.

“There is a lot of food on the menu.” Yeeun stated as she scanned the menu. “I think I’ll have the seafood pasta.” She closed the menu and looked at Chunji.

“I will do the lamb chops.” Chunji closed the menu and set it on the table. He looked at Yeeun, who was looking at him. He cracked a smile, “Do I look funny?”

Yeeun shook her head, “No, you don’t.”

“You speak Korean very well.” Chunji commented.

“I hope so. I feel like I’m still a little stiff when I speak.” She let out a soft laugh.

Chunji stared at her as she laughed. He liked it when she smiled and laughed because she looked more relax.

“Are you liking South Korea so far?” He asked.

“I haven’t been here long, but I am enjoying it. It is very pretty here.” She replied.

“Better than Genovia?” Chunji raised a brow.

Yeeun let out a small laugh, “No, of course not. Genovia is a beautiful country. You should come and visit.”

“I did once before when I was younger, but I’m sure I will since we’re going to be married.”

“You’re right. I will give you a tour of my country when the time comes. Your parents did mention that they had brought you along when you were younger. It was our first meeting then.”

“My parents did tell me about that, but unfortunately, I don’t recall much about the visit.”

“I did not either.”

Chunji chuckled, “My father told me that you went shopping in our shopping center today.”

“I did.” Yeeun nodded slowly, “It is a very big shopping center.”

“If you wouldn’t mind, I could give you a more thorough tour.”

Yeeun giggled softly, “I must kindly reject that offer because if I do then I will buy everything I see in sight.”

Chunji chuckled hearing that, “You’re a shopaholic, am I right?”

“No, I’m not one, I promise.”

“It doesn’t seem that way to me though.”

“You can believe that you want to. I won’t force you to believe me.”

“You’re a smart woman, aren’t you?”

Yeeun smirked, “A princess has to stand her ground and not be wavered by everything around her.”

“Wise words from a smart woman.”

“What can I say?” Yeeun let out a soft laugh, “It’s only right for a woman to stand her ground, am I right?”

“You’re right.” Chunji smiled.

The waiter comes into the room with two glasses and a bottle of wine. He set the two glasses on the table and started opening the bottle of wine.

Yeeun looked up at the waiter, “We didn’t order wine.”

Chunji chuckled, “I ordered that before you came. I hope you like red wine.”

Yeeun looked at the glass of wine that was now in front of her. She observed the glass as the waiter pouted wine into Chunji’s glass. “Red is good.” She smiled.

“Are you two ready to oroder?” The waiter asked straightening up.

Yeeun lifted her gaze, “Yes, I’ll have the seafood pasta.”

“And I’ll have the lamb shops.” Chunji ordered.

“I’ll put in your order. Thank you.” The waiter grabbed the menus and left the room leaving Chunji and Yeeun in silence.

“Let’s make a toast.” Chunji smiled breaking the silence as he grabbed his glass of wine.

Yeeun picked up her own glass, “A toast to?”

“A toast to getting to know each other and to a good marriage.” Chunji lifted his glass as did Yeeun.

The two clicked glasses and took a sip of wine before setting their glasses down onto the table.

“I was told that I shouldn’t scare you off before the wedding.” Yeeun laughed softly as she straightened her back.

Chunji raised a brow, “Really?”

“My bodyguard likes to joke around, so that’s what he told me.” Yeeun smiled. “But you don’t have to worry about anything. I’m like most women e

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Chapter 43: Omg i hope yeeun is fine !! I cant wait for nxt chapter
Chapter 42: When is the next chapter pls update i like the story !!
The plot sounds interesting! I'll be sure to check it out :)