Time Heals Everything

Time Heals Everything

Thinking back on it, Jimin had been an idiot. A selfish idiot, at that, but who could really blame him. All he wanted on the last night of his stay away from home was some peace and quiet. The partnering office he had been attending the past week had been wearing him thin, between deals that weren't being closed and the amount of people not knowing how to do their job correctly, he had been working nonstop. His last night at the hotel was his time to recharge before he went back home to his boyfriend and his daughter.

Jungkook hadn't been in a particularly good mood that night to begin with when Jimin had called to check up on him. He was irritable and snippy, the dark circles under his eyes an indication that his week hadn't been going any better than Jimins had. On top of that, his daughter, or more-so their daughter now, was fussy, saying she hadn't been feeling well and had been having trouble sleeping, throwing tantrums no four-year-old should be exhibiting. Jungkook was exhausted, and Jimin could feel that through the phone, could feel it in himself every time he took a step that wasn't directed towards his hotel bed, but he made do with Jungkooks slightly annoyed tone and harsh comments about him being away for work while they told one another about their day. Their conversation was brief, not even ten minutes, before Jimin was making up something about having a late evening dinner he needed to attend, not saying goodnight to his daughter, as she was apparently already asleep. Jungkook ended the call with a vague grunt before hanging up. Jimin stood in the hotel room looking at his phone thinking the tense atmosphere would roll over in the morning and they'd both be in better moods after a nights rest. So, since he had no other people to call him for the night, Jimin shut his phone off. A decision he'd come to regret.

Around 10;24 that night, Jimin woke with a start. No particular dream tore him from his slumber but he was awake nonetheless. He glanced to the blaring red alarm clock, registering the time. It had only been a couple hours since Jungkooks and his phone call. The thought of it left a bitter taste in his mouth, but that also could have been the morning breath that came with his short amount of sleep. Still, he looked at his phone, guilt seeping into his chest. He knew Jungkook didn't mean to sound or come off the way he had, but it still hurt a little. They had only been dating a year, had only been living together for a few short months. Jungkook had excepted him into his life wholeheartedly, trusting him to treat his daughter right, claiming that she was his daughter now as well. And she had considered him as such. Ever since Jimin had met her, the two were inseparable. Jungkook knew from the fist moment that Jimin was meant to be a big part of their lives. He couldn't stand the thought of him and Jungkook not being on good terms, no matter if it was over something as stupid as petty irritation. So, Jimin mustered up his courage and his phone. He knew Jungkook was most likely asleep but he wanted to apologize to him, tell him he was sorry for not being a more loving boyfriend while he was away. What he didn't expect to see when his phone finally came to life showering him in harsh light were 10 missed calls from Jungkook, several text messages and shaky voicemails. It only took one listen from a panicked and scared Jungkook to have him flying out of the room and towards the train station.

30 minutes.

It had been 30 minutes since Jungkook had first called him and he was almost an hour away from home. The ride to their house was unbearable. Jimin couldn't sit still, couldn't help but hold his breath and bend over to hug his knees, praying to any god available to help save his family.

When the taxi finally pulled into their street Jimin's chest tightened. Two ambulances and what seemed like a dozen cop cars were lined on their street and in their driveway. Jimin didn't wait for the car to stop, forgetting to pay in the heat of the moment. All he wanted was to make sure Jungkook and his daughter were okay. His footsteps slapped heavily against the sidewalk and his heart thrummed in his head, the blaring lights of the cop cars making it even harder to focus on what was going on around him. When he rounded the ambulance that blocked his view of the driveway, he was met with a sight he'd never be able to forget. All he remembers is seeing Jungkook talking with a paramedic one second, his features a bit skewed, calm and collected like always, and the next he was doubled over on the ground, a guttural scream ripping from his throat. His hands reached for the ambulance closest to him as he tried to crawl towards the vehicle, his movements stopped by a woman holding him back. His cries and sobs filled Jimin ears and his whole body seemed to cave in on itself. He was stricken with pain and fear he hadn't known was possible to feel. He was panicked and shaking and felt like his heart was going 100 miles an hour, but he forced himself to look at the back of the ambulance, forced himself to watch has the paramedics put a sheet over the body that laid lifeless on the cot. A body with long dark hair, a round and chubby face, barely big enough to cover the length of the bed. As the paramedics closed the door Jimin was hit with the realization of the situation at hand. Their daughter was dead. Jungkooks daughter, who he had raised from the time she was born, and the little girl Jimin had come to love over the last year, was gone.

Jimin ran to his boyfriends side shooing the woman still holding him back away. He enveloped him in his arms as best as he could with the man hunched in on himself. If the anguish Jimin was feeling was this intense, then Jungkooks was ten times worse. He felt like his chest was being ripped in half, thrown and then stomped on by the cruel embodiment of fate that had let this happen. He couldn't help but shiver as the tears flowed down his face, holding Jungkook as tight as he could so he would stop trembling, stop crying, stop muffling his screams into Jimins chest as a new wave of sobs took over his body. He wanted to take all of Jungkooks pain away. He wanted to hold his little girl again. But, as fate would have it, that was something the two just couldn't have.


Thinking back on the events that had unfolded, Jimin feels intense grief. After two years had passed you would think the empty feeling would have lessened a little. The days would be easier, the nights more understanding, but as time has gone on, the hole in Jimins heart has only become bearable. It has gotten easier. He will say that. But, as the therapist him and Jungkook had went to after the accident occurred had said, grief is something insurmountable. The pain of losing a loved one is unforgiving and heart wrenching, but the pain of losing a child is something completely unearthly. Grief takes on many shapes and forms. For some, as time goes on, they are able to forgive and heal, not forgetting but coming to terms with the events that have transpired. For others, grief preys upon them, deluding their mind until they are only consumed with nothing but the one they've lost. Jimin would like to say that both him and Jungkook had become the former, moving on with their lives, starting anew and regaining what they had lost with a bond strengthened and renewed.

Sadly, that wasn't the case. Jimin has found his comfort in what had happened. He's come to terms with the fact that their daughter is gone, and that it's something that has changed his and Jungkooks relationship forever. Jungkook, on the other hand, has yet to come to this conclusion. He dwells on the issue. He became a changed man after that day. What once was a vibrant and healthy young man has become a hollow shell of himself. Jimin noticed the first week after losing her. Jungkook wouldn't eat or drink, refused to. Jimin had to force him to, resulting in a less than comforting environment between them, as if there hadn't been enough tension surrounding them. Jungkook remained silent throughout the process of her burial and the planning of the funeral. He barely spoke, only nodding his head in agreement at times, but Jimin knew he was hardly listening. The first month was excruciating. Jungkook took to sleeping in the living room, sometimes switching with Jimin and taking the bed. Jimin kept his distance with Jungkook, knew the man needed to grieve in his own ways. He didn't want to interfere with that. He wanted to help Jungkook in every way he knew how, wanted him to feel the revelation of accepting a truth you're so against. But as the months passed, and Jungkook only became more entrapped within his own head and despairing thoughts, Jimin intervened. They went t o counseling together. Grief counseling. The sessions helped Jimin in ways he didn't know he still needed help. They even managed to touch Jungkook too, to a certain degree. Jungkook might not have come out of the therapy completely healed, but he came out with a little more peace of mind. Afterwards, Jungkook was able to get back on his feet. He started working again and started becoming more aware of the way he was behaving, apologizing to Jimin he became unruly or irritable. And Jimin did the same for him. In a way, the event had made them able to be more open with each other, more attentive to the others thoughts and emotions. They no longer had a child to give their time to, so they gave it to each other. He knew there were going to be bad days, sporadic weeks thrown in there as well, but at those times they would give some time and space to the other, time for them to think to themselves. Jimin is glad Jungkook was able to pull himself out of his rut. Jimin was glad he himself was able to bounce back relatively quickly.

However, in the times they do have a bit of a relapse, he wishes he could do more for Jungkook. He knows this grief will never fully leave, knows it'll only lessen as the years go on, become a little tick at the backs of their minds every so often. So, he'll wait. He'll be patient with his boyfriend and wait for a day that they both can finally breathe a little easier. It'll take time, because even with something as insurmountable as this, time heals everything.

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