that night's glow of the fireflies


based on iu's "night letter" lyrics

astronaut jongin and student minseok are in a long long distance relationship. jongin sends texts that reach minseok years later and minseok lives his life knowing that when jongin returns, jongin will be the same age, but minseok will have aged a lot.

i've taken some liberties with space and science concepts. forgive me.



sections marked with "%%%" mean time jumps (present to past and vice versa)


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Chapter 9: There's angst on both ends. ;-; why not choose both. Have a harem.
Chapter 9: You frosty bun, bun! What are you doing!? My heart is breaking, I was rooting so hard for XiuKai but if min is really happy with Yeol I support your decision. But I was rooting so much for XiuKai, but somehow xiuyeol get married now? My world view is in a disarray. But I still support. :')
Chapter 8: is it okay to cry? let me cry. that hurts so much to read. and to be honest, this might be the best and most poetic making out//implicit scene i read in all my life. such profound beauty in it, the choice of words. i still fell like crying tho. the emotions jongin is going through, how he copes being away from minseok...
Chapter 7: Noooo. I'm so scared on who's gonna be the endgame because both chanyeol and nini have history with min now and they'll be crushed. ;-;
Chapter 7: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1345881/7'>chapter 7</a></span>
everytime i see a notif it stresses me the out becuase i don't know what to expect. i don't know who to root for anymore, but i stay with xiukai, in case i change my opinion, i make sure to tell you. but this homey feeling between xiuyeol is so soothing, but kai finally got the messages and i'm just so conflicted! and i'm so damn giddy reading the chapters.
Chapter 6: You can't do that to me, us! You can't put the cliffhanger like this! Nuuh! And I'm still rooting for XiuKai, but, but, but, but... God, this is so stressful!
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhhh. How can you make me choose between yeol and jongin. Jongin being desperate for minseok to be alive and ok and wanting to be with him makes my heart hurt. But then i can't help but smile when chsnyeol mentioning growing old togethor with min. I dont want anyone to get hurt. ;-;
Chapter 5: oh god, oh god, oh god, damn you, i wasn't prepared for the last paragraph, someone help me!
Chapter 5: Ok. I love nini, but I'm lowkey rooting for xiuyeol. Chanyeol is winning me over with how supportative and caring he is with xiumin. ;-;
Chapter 4: The last message broke me. Poor jongin. ;-;