~~ XIX ~~

Just A Friend
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“I thought Angels had wings and looked beautiful… I didn’t think they’d look like a snowman” Terra spoke towards the shadow creature who had been having a stare down with her for what must have been hours. At first, she was terrified when waking up and seeing the handsome ghostly boy who was trying to steal her soul, but after his expression turned into confusion, her patience had finally worn thin. She spoke her thoughts without remorse, who cared right? She was dead anyways.

“Yeah and I thought dead girls couldn’t talk” the ghostly handsome boy shot back.

“Touché” Terra nodded in agreement to his statement, and for once his cold stare had changed into what seemed like amusement. “So, I am dead?” She questioned to confirm her suspicions.

“Your time is up, but your spirit is still intact. It makes no damn sense” the ghost responded with a heavy sigh, his eyes glancing to what must have been her physical body.

“Yep, no sense at all” Terra responded, even more confused then before. Was she dead? She sure felt like it, watching her body from outside of it… That had to be death right?

“Sorry, let me explain. I’m Yoongi, the carrier of souls. Every person is born with a clock above them, it’s considered their time. It’s placed there so that carriers can ensure to capture the soul before it could wonder. Of course, things have effect on the timer, but we are generally aware of time punches, but you seem to have… You’re not paying any attention…” Yoongi scoffed when glancing back towards the female who was currently busy poking through her body, amused every time her hand passed through.

“So… I cheated death?” Terra asked when realizing the room had gone silent, a sheepish smile taking her lips and a tint of pink gathering around her cheeks.

“No” Yoongi answered and Terra noted the smirk that took his lips suddenly, as though satisfied of his next set of words “you were murdered.”

“Was I?” Terra questioned, trying to recall her last memory but only the doctor’s office came to view. The doctor wouldn’t have murdered her, that was just crazy talk. “It sounded more bad- to think I cheated death…”

“Well you didn’t.” Wow. Fun er. No remorse for the dead girl. “You were murdered.”


“Don’t go out there” Yoongi warned, Terra glancing back towards what she thought was a sleeping figure, then peering towards the long hallway once more.

“Why not, it doesn’t seem that….” ZAP ZAP ZAP “What the heck was that!?” It was painful, and the first physical thing that she had felt since coming into this world.

“Stupidity” Yoongi answered.

“Oh thanks, really you’re to kind. Why did it zap me like that?”

“You’re connected, haven’t you noticed the large chain coming from your back?” Terra blinked a few times, pondering if this was a trick… Yet was dumbfounded when seeing the golden chain that didn’t seem to connect to anything on either end. Yet it followed her every movement from right to left, and the end of it’s length was exactly where she had been zapped. Conclusion. He’s telling the truth.

“As I said, stupidity.”

“What happens if the chain breaks?” Terra asked, watching her fingers grace through the chain as it did with everything she had tried to touch so far.

“You’ll be forever lost; your soul would no longer be connected to your physical form which includes your brain and the memories it holds. You won’t belong anywhere because you wouldn’t remember where to go, and you’ll suffer for the rest of your existence. I don’t recommend it.”


“He seems sweet” Yoongi spoke after hearing Taehyung speak such kind words, his ghost eyes watching as his timer moved incredibly fast, life literally slipping through his hands. “Boyfriend?”

“No, I never had the chance…”


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Baeskouw #1
Chapter 23: I think I liked the first ending the most. Great story overall. You had me staying up all night reading this, so thank you for an amazing story ^^
Baeskouw #2
Chapter 18: Dude.. the ending of chapter 18 had me burst out in tears. Wtf xD must read on!
1301 streak #3
Chapter 22: If I have to choose an ending, I'd pick the alternate one over the other one because it makes it better if Terra woke up with nothing bad happening. I feel bad for Jin and Namjoon because they both love Terra and she chose Taehyung over them. In the other ending, I hope Terra will soon one day return Namjoon's feelings.
Honestly, I wouldn't forgive Seo so easily since her actions in wanting Taehyung did endanger Terra's life.
1301 streak #4
Chapter 15: Luckily Terra learns of Seo's lies, just hope that she is able to tell Taehyung about it.
1301 streak #5
Chapter 9: I kind of think Jin could be a potential love interest because of how kind he is and how he knows what's troubling Terra and Taehyung.
1301 streak #6
Chapter 7: The two should talk out their problems because keeping it bottled up and a secret might lead to misunderstandings.
1301 streak #7
Chapter 3: Poor Terra. Taehyung and her need better communication to understand their relationship. It's kind of typical of male friends likes Taehyung to not know that their female friend has a crush on/feelings for them.
Chapter 8: You know what I'm fine with Terra and Tae... But I'm feeling more Terra and Namjoon... So give him a shot Terra.
Seems interesting! Will sub :)