~~ I ~~

Just A Friend
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“You’re such a cheater” Terra spoke while picking up her controller once again from the ground, not surprised to see a heavily damaged car on the screen while Taehyung’s was in perfect shape, considering his controller wasn’t knocked from his hands… TWICE!

“I am not, you’re just horrible” Taehyung assured, smacking the controller from her hands yet again, giggling when her car went zooming into the guard rails, catching the vehicle on fire and rendering it completely useless. “Looks like I won, yet again” Taehyung wore a smug smirk while peeking towards the female, noting her lips were thin and her hands were crunched into tiny fist.

“I am not buying you ice cream after that cheap win” Terra spoke while crossing her arms in front of her chest, yet the boxy smile that was given to her was enough to melt away at her heart, and her anger to reside if only for the time being.

Terra couldn’t recall the first time she found herself in love with a such a beautiful smile, she just knew that it melted every fiber in her being any time it was sent within her direction. She didn’t have time to ponder the thought very long however, for soon she found her head being tucked under his arm, his hands running through her hair in a wild fashion. She could smell the perfume that clung to him, but above all was the odd scent of his bath soap, for it always was a unique combination.

“Awe don’t feel salty because I won” Taehyung hummed in a cooing taunt yet was just as alarmed when she s her arm around his waist and pegged him harshly against the ground, forcing her legs to wrap around his waist, her hands bounding both of his wrist above his head.

“I’m salty because you are a cheat Kim Taehyung” Terra spat but was silenced when Taehyung propped himself onto his elbows and instead met her lips with his own.

It was their first kiss and it sent fireworks off in a land far away, somewhere distant so that she couldn’t see them, but boy did she hear their thunderous booming. Or was that her heart? It didn’t matter, all that mattered was the fact that he didn’t pull away, and neither did she, and it only encouraged him further. It was their first kiss, first hook up, first so many things… It was the first time she realized that she held more feelings than what she admitted, she didn’t see Taehyung in the light of a friend.

She loved him.

She waited patiently for him to ask her properly to be his girlfriend after that, and though they continued to spend countless hours with one another, the question never did come into play. Sure, they kissed a lot, they pleased each other a lot, but never did he once ask her on a proper date, nor hold her hand when they were out and about. It became painfully obvious that she was just a toy to Kim Taehyung, and yet she never did not mind, because then she was at least something to him other than a friend.

If only she knew that by loving him, she would feel so alone while sleeping on the same bed they once shared, the same bed where they had both lost their ities to one another. It felt as though a piece of her was suddenly missing, as though a puzzle that couldn’t be fully complete because the piece would never truly come back to belong as one. If she had known that her efforts were temporary, and that he could toss her away with so little ease, she’d have never given him a single kiss.

‘You’ll always be my best friend’ the words echoed through her head, and at one time she would have been more than happy to simply stand beside him and consider herself a friend. Now? She wasn’t even sure if she could handle seeing him anymore, if she could smile at him while he held onto someone else. It wasn’t fair, she knew him best, she was the one who had been there for his needs, and yet like garbage, she was disposed without even a hint of notice, and worse of all, right after using her body like a rag doll.

Closing her eyes, sleep wasn’t coming easily but it must have come eventually, because she awoke th

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Baeskouw #1
Chapter 23: I think I liked the first ending the most. Great story overall. You had me staying up all night reading this, so thank you for an amazing story ^^
Baeskouw #2
Chapter 18: Dude.. the ending of chapter 18 had me burst out in tears. Wtf xD must read on!
1301 streak #3
Chapter 22: If I have to choose an ending, I'd pick the alternate one over the other one because it makes it better if Terra woke up with nothing bad happening. I feel bad for Jin and Namjoon because they both love Terra and she chose Taehyung over them. In the other ending, I hope Terra will soon one day return Namjoon's feelings.
Honestly, I wouldn't forgive Seo so easily since her actions in wanting Taehyung did endanger Terra's life.
1301 streak #4
Chapter 15: Luckily Terra learns of Seo's lies, just hope that she is able to tell Taehyung about it.
1301 streak #5
Chapter 9: I kind of think Jin could be a potential love interest because of how kind he is and how he knows what's troubling Terra and Taehyung.
1301 streak #6
Chapter 7: The two should talk out their problems because keeping it bottled up and a secret might lead to misunderstandings.
1301 streak #7
Chapter 3: Poor Terra. Taehyung and her need better communication to understand their relationship. It's kind of typical of male friends likes Taehyung to not know that their female friend has a crush on/feelings for them.
Chapter 8: You know what I'm fine with Terra and Tae... But I'm feeling more Terra and Namjoon... So give him a shot Terra.
Seems interesting! Will sub :)