

Melina’s pov

2 days later

The news about Gikwang beating up Kevin was already forgotten thanks to their amazing fans who supported us all along. Of course there were some who did not accept our relationship but still supported Gikwang and I.

“ Baby please forgive your dad. I know he was in the wrong but I swear I saw the pain and the love in his eyes. He has been calling us for the last 2 days.”Gikwang tells me while we are lying down in bed to go to sleep, making me snap out of my thoughts.

“ Gikwang how can I forgive him like that? It’s not going to erase this pain in my heart. Why should I forgive him?” I ask him and he hugs me and kisses my forehead.

“ Because you are Melina. The girl with a golden heart and who forgives easily.” He says and I sigh knowing I already forgave my dad but I just can’t admit it.

“ Ok ok I will call him tomorrow and ask him to have dinner with us” I say and he kisses my lips and drifts off to sleep. I can’t sleep due to this unusual pain in my heart. It used hurt from time to time but for the last two days, it’s always there. I can’t tell Gikwang because I don’t want to worry him. I should take some pain killers. I have been taking them for the last 2 days. I get up to get some water.

When I come back to bed, I watch sleeping prince Gikwang for a while. He is like an angel. His beautiful face, his thick eyebrows, thick lips which is pouted a little bit right now. I smile at his beautifulness and kiss him on the lips and cheek. I hug him tightly and his strong arms hug me back even while sleeping.

Next day in the evening

Gikwang is holding my hand tightly while we are waiting for my father to come to the restaurant. Gikwang called him to arrange to have dinner since I couldnt do oit myself. These Korean restaurants have their own private rooms for their guests to have their dinners with comfort. So in this room it will be him, Gikwang and I. I couldn’t bring myself to call him yet I am here waiting to have dinner with him. The man who caused my beautiful mother to be sad and leave this world early. The more I think about it the more my anger grows.

“ Gikwang I can’t do this.” I say and get up from the table and Gikwang pulls me back down with a strong pull.

“ Melina you are a strong girl and if you don’t face it now, it will haunt you for the rest of your life so let’s just wait for him and I am here for you ok, if it gets too hard just hold my hand under the table and squeeze it as much as you want.” He says which puts a smile on my face while I lose myself in his eyes.

“I never should’ve acted against you being with him, I can see your love in each other’s eyes.” Says the man that’s supposed to be my father while waiting front of our table. I didn’t even see him coming.

“Hi sir, please take a sit” says Gikwang with a bow and I don’t even get up. He sits down in front of me and I can’t bring myself to look at his face. I don’t think I’ll be able to control my anger or my tears.

“Hello Melina, I am very happy that you are here.” He says and I shot him a dead look.

“I just want to ask you things about my mother, don’t interpret it to anything else.” I say and he looks down. So I carry on with my words.

“I want to know exactly what happened after I came to Korea. I want to know what happened to mum and where she is now. So please so tell me without leaving any detail.” I say looking down.

“After you left us neither of us could accept the fact that you were gone. We kept arguing blaming each other for your leave. You know that she already had an operation due to the problem in the heart. Worrying about you brought the problem back. She hid it from me and….and one day she….she just collapsed and I couldn’t do anything to bring her back. She just collapsed in front of my eyes and by the time the ambulance came she was already gone. She now rests in our family cemetery. “He says and the tears roll down from his eyes as mine are rolling from my eyes. Gikwang holds my hand under the table.

“ It’s all your fault, no one else’s. You don’t even care about her! I hate you for everything!” I say and go towards the door and my father stops me holding my arm. Gikwang gets up immediately just watching us not knowing what to do.


“ I’m scared daddy, how do I leave in a world where mummy does not exist anymore? How do I cope with it? It’s my fault, if I didn’t leave so suddenly maybe she would’ve been here with us. Please forgive me.” I say while crying out loud. The pain in my heart stops me from breathing.

“My baby, you are all I have left in this world. It is not your fault; it is mine for not accepting your love for him. We now have each other and your mum is watching us and I am sure she is happy to see us together.” He says. I look at Gikwang through my dad’s shoulder while hugging him. Gikwang’s face is wet from the tears too. When he sees me looking he smiles and mimics “I love you” and I do the same.

Yoseob’s pov

“ Hyung wait I need to make a phone call” I say to our manager before heading out to the TV show that I will attend without our members.

“ Hello, Melina it’s me Yoseob. You are coming home now? YOU MADE UP WITH YOUR DAD? YYEEEEEEEEESSSS!!  I am sooooo happy!. By the way when you come home can you watch he TV show I’ll be attending tonight? I have something for you. Ok see you both at home” I say and hang up.

“ What is it that you are planning on your little head again? you better not go around causing trouble on live show” says manager hyung looking at me seriously.

“ Seriously hyung? Is this how little trust you have in us? When did we ever cause trouble to you?” I say wishing I never said anything. He laughs out sarcastically.

“ HAHAHAHAHA, when did you guys ever not cause any trouble? I don’t remember a day!” he says and we both laugh.

Gikwang’s pov

“Kiki can you put the TV on to that channel Yoseob is going to be on while I am making some tea for us.”

“ I will do baby”

After I make some tea, we cuddle up front of the TV on the floor. The show has already started and guests are talking and joking already. It is a very funny entertainment show. Yoseob is full of his cuteness as always.

“This kid needs to stop with his cuteness before someone passes out. I am a guy and I can’t even handle his cuteness so How will our fans be able to handle it?” says Gikwang giggling.

“ Kiki! You are not cheating on me with Yoseob are you?” I say jokingly while tickling him. He laughs trying to stop me.

“ Yahhh my baby is jeaouls of Yoseob? Hahaha don’t worry you are more cute.” he says.

“ Yeah as if!” I say and Yoseob starts talking on TV. Luckily I now fully understand Korean and speak it. Except that my accent is funny.

“Tonight I would like to have everyone’s attention to what I need to say and respect please. As you all know our member Gikwang is dating a beautiful lady named Melina. As behalf on them I would like to say thank you for supporting them and Beast. They are both watching us right now. Unfortunately Melina has lost her mother recently and need your support and our support more than ever….” he continues as I stiffen up in my sit and Gikwang holds my hand and puts my head on his chest and hugs me tightly. I rest my head while listening to Yoseob.

“….All I want to say is as Beast we are here to support you no matter what. Melina you are not alone. I want to dedicate this song to Melina and her mother.” He says and starts singing. My tears are already falling down while I cry in Gikwang’s chest and he hugs me more. The pain in my heart grows more and more. Yoseob carries on singing with his angelic voice. Even the crowd is crying.

….Although I can’t remember the first time I met you

I will remember you last appearance until I die

With all my heart, I love you

Mother, my mother

Why do these tears keep forming?

The most important person, beautiful than anything else

You are my mother.


My beautiful mother, I am so sorry for not being able to say good bye. As I try to breathe a sharp pain hits my heart like a knife stab which stops me from breathing completely as I jump up but everything goes dark.

“ MELINA, OPEN YOUR EYES, LOOK AT ME PLEASE!” I hear my angel’s voice but I feel too weak to open my eyes. So I let myself drift off to sleep.

“ Mummy? Is that you?” I whisper as I walk down a white foggy path. A figure appears in front of me.

“ My beautiful daughter, my baby. I am so sorry for leaving you all alone. Please forgive me” she says. I cry out loud trying to reach her but the more I get close to her, the far she moves away so I stop.

“ Mummy I am sorry for making you sad, please come back please just take my hand and come back with me, where are we? Let’s go back please.” I say crying out loud.

“It’s too late for me to come baby. I want you to listen to me carefully ok? You are a grown up beautiful lady. You are strong and just because you can’t see me that doesn’t mean I am not there anymore. I am always watching you and I am always next to you. That gentlemen you are with is a very good person so carry on loving each other and never give up on each other no matter what. I love you my sweet baby. Please tell your dad my love for him never got any less; I love him eternally.” She says and her figure starts disappearing as I scream out loud.

“ MUMMY PLEASE DON’T GO, PLEASE STAY A BIT MORE, TAKE ME WITH YOU PLEASE COME BACK!!” but she disappears anyway. I walk around the foggy path a little more not knowing where to go until I hear his voice and follow it. Gikwang’s voice becomes clearer as I move closer.

“ Melina, open your eyes please don’t leave me. I won’t live without you, you know that. Please open your eyes!” I hear Gikwang’s voice as something like an electric shock shakes my whole body and I come back to my senses as I wake up to beeping sound and some different voices.

“ She came back, her heart is beating again. Nurse JanDi check her pulse now and report to me.” I hear a male voice but I feel too tired to hear any more so I drift off to sleep again.


OMG! I dont know how but the chapters got deleted while they were fixing the site so i had to upload it again :(

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Gikwang and Melina's forever love


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Kilosky #1
Chapter 20: Amazing story
Kilosky #2
So good!!!!!!!
krodri08 #3
Please please update!!!!! I love this story
juli03843 #4
Chapter 38: omg youre back. please keepp updating!!!!!!!
anejae #5
Chapter 40: Luckiest girl in the world :-) envy with melina soooo much
krodri08 #6
Your back!!!! <3 :D i have been waiting please keep updating
anejae #7
Chapter 39: Ure back,its been so long,but its okay:-D atleast ure back to continue this story. Im so happy to read this new update,hope you can update this again:-D
jubhybom #8
this was my first story that I read on aff.
I love it
juli03843 #9
Please update I really like the story
kkemc99 #10
Chapter 29: Please write more! Yours are so good! Probably some of my favorite!