You Hate Me?


Gikwang’s pov

I don’t want to talk to Kim Rian anymore. I never listened to my members when they told me that her feelings were still the same. I saw it in her eyes today. She still loved me. I go back into the room to find her alone looking out the window.

“ What did you want to talk about? I need to get home as soon as possible” I say to her coldly. I was angry because she knew I only saw her as a friend. And I did a big mistake by saying the ring belong to her. I really thought she was over me. I am now standing next to her.

She comes close to me and I try to move towards the window nowhere to escape. What the hell is she doing?

“ Gikwang saranghe” she says and kisses me all of the sudden. My brain stops at that moment, not knowing what to do. Why on earth would she kiss me? then she stops and my eyes meet Melina’s tearful eyes. She is standing at the door with a face full of pain and shock. Doojoon and Gina are both staring at us with wide eyes.

NO NO NO NO…She is going to misunderstand this. ahh Kim Rian how much I hate you right now. I walk towards Melina.

“Melina? Baby it isn’t like what you see I swear to you.” I say but Kim Rian holds my arm and I look at her as if to say REALLY DON’T YOU DARE! She lets my arm go and turn around but Melina already left the room.

“ Oppa she isn’t even your match, I love you, I always loved you, please forget her” says Kim Rian. I walk over to her and she moves as I walk. She ends up her back leaning on a wall and my face is really close to hers.

I can’t control my anger towards her; I will hit her badly for doing this. She has lost all my respect towards her.

“ Gikwangah Don’t, she is not worth it” says Doojoon who is now standing next to us.

“ Hyung get her out of my sight before I do something crazy” I say through my teeth, not breaking my gaze with her. She looks scared. GOOD!

“ Rian get out of here NOW! “ says Doojoon and she walks out angrily.

“ Gikwangah lets go after Melina, we need a lot of explanation to do.” Says Gina and I follow them. Where did she go? I have to find her to explain.

Yoseob’s pov

After the meeting I decided to walk around the river to relax a little bit. My head feels like it’s about to explode from the headache.  Maybe I should go to Gikwang’s spot to sit and relax for a while. As soon as I reach to the spot I hear a female crying. As I get closer I see Melina sitting and crying with her head between her legs.

 Why is she crying?Is she hurt? I will hurt whoever hurt her, she better tell me.

“ Melina! Are you hurt? Tell me who hurt you? I swear I will punish them myself! Tell me whats wrong please!” I ask her and she looks into my eyes and I can see the pain in hers.

“ Gikwang….he was with her…he was kissing her…Kim Rian..THEY WERE KISSING! He never liked me! he was cheating on me! he…he never liked me, NEVER!” she screams and breaks down in tears again.

What the hell now? Why on earth would he kiss that girl?

“Stop crying and tell me what happened now” I say and she tells me everything through her tears. It doesn’t make sense. Gikwang would never kiss her.

“ Mel, Gikwang would never do such a thing, I am sure there is an explanation, I know my best friend, he wouldn’t do such a thing, believe me.” I say to her.

“ Yoseobah, they were kissing right in front of my eyes and he didn’t even push her away until she stopped kissing. I WISH I NEVER CAME TO THAT CONCERT! I WISH I NEVER MET HIM! I HATE HIM!” she screams with pain and I know 0 she doesn’t mean what she says.

“ You hate me? “ I hear Gikwang’s voice at the back. We both turn around to see his face that is now covered with a painful expression. I guess he heard what she just said.



Gikwang’s Pov

I WISH I NEVER CAME TO THAT CONCERT! I WISH I NEVER MET HIM! I HATE HIM!” I hear her screams. I was looking for her and I found Yoseob and Melina sitting and talking in my place where I usually come to relax. I decide to stay back and listen to them until she screams those hurtful words.

“You hate me?” I ask while what she said sinks into my heart and breaks it into pieces.

“ I HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS TO ME, HOW COULD YOU? YOU PROMISED ME! I REALLY WISH I NEVER MET YOU!” she screams while getting up and she takes off the promise ring I gave and chucks it in front of me.

“ Melina, I swear to you, you are the only girl in my life and it will always be like that. She kissed me and I was shocked, I really didn’t know what was going on and she….”

“ Just stop talking! I don’t want to hear your lies anymore! I really hate you LEE GI KWANG!” she says it again not even letting me explain it properly. Her words cut me like a knife. How can she not trust my words? How can she even think I would do such a think? She hates me?

“ You hate me?” I ask her again while tears in my eyes start forming.

“ yes I hate you! I don’t want to see your face ever again! I wish I never met you!” she says while her tears are falling. Her words make me angry and really sad. The pain in my heart stops me from breathing.

“ ok baby, if that’s what you want I will never stand in your way. If you really hate me and you wished you never met me, I will never try to stop you, I guess you never liked me enough to believe my words, I always kept my promise, I am telling the truth and when you realise that, I will not be there. Soon you will find out the truth “  I say to her and a tear escapes from my eye, I pick up the ring she just threw and I turn around to go back to Cube building to practise.


So many relationships get damaged because of musuderstandings and because of girls like Kim Rian ahhhhhh damnnn!

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Gikwang and Melina's forever love


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Kilosky #1
Chapter 20: Amazing story
Kilosky #2
So good!!!!!!!
krodri08 #3
Please please update!!!!! I love this story
juli03843 #4
Chapter 38: omg youre back. please keepp updating!!!!!!!
anejae #5
Chapter 40: Luckiest girl in the world :-) envy with melina soooo much
krodri08 #6
Your back!!!! <3 :D i have been waiting please keep updating
anejae #7
Chapter 39: Ure back,its been so long,but its okay:-D atleast ure back to continue this story. Im so happy to read this new update,hope you can update this again:-D
jubhybom #8
this was my first story that I read on aff.
I love it
juli03843 #9
Please update I really like the story
kkemc99 #10
Chapter 29: Please write more! Yours are so good! Probably some of my favorite!