Bitter Predictions



❝ What happens if on one eventful morning,

 you just so happen to find yourself outstretched 

on the outer circuits of a freeway you've never seen before,

in a new state,

with an unknown phone number imprinted onto your wrist.

& very detailed letters from your parents, 

whom happened to have died almost a year ago.❞


This is exactly all that had happened to 

a raven haired boy named Jeon Jungkook.



Jeon jungkook is like any other 18 year old male completing his first year of university

but what happens if that all suddenly changed

His life taking a turn for the worse

or for the better?

After he finds himself situated on the outer circuits of a freeway he's never seen before

in a new state.

& several very detailed letters from his parents

whom happened to have died almost a year ago.



⇉ Started; 210418

⇉ Ended; 000000





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