coffee and killing


A breathtaking plot where Jaebum the fierce gangster reveals to be a bigger monster and Lily has nowhere to go but to Jackson,but is Jackson the one she can count on? In this game of coffee and killing Lily must survive on her own.

"I always knew coffee is in my blood but I never thought about finding blood in my coffee."



Life was never that much in my favor. It was like we had a love-hate relationship. But it was consistent.

“Jackson…” my knees crumbled upon the floor and I lost all my powers to even stand. I clutched Jackson’s hoodie with my bleeding hands and begged him not to leave. But all I could see was stream of tears following the beads of blood from his head. The disbelief and tears made my eyes burn in imaginary agony.

I tried to get up but the scattered bruises all over my legs made it impossible, until I felt two hand grabbing me from the floor and compelling me away from Jackson. My eyes became heavier and suddenly everything got black as smelled his cologne.


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