Prince's first Valentine's


Jihoon wanted to make sure that this was the best gift he could ever give his Cheolie hyung. 


This is part three of the brother stealer series. Hope you enjoy!


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Chapter 1: SO CUTE---GAAAHHHH ♡♡♡♡ JIHOONIE IS ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLY UNDENIABLE SUPER CUUUTTTTEEE! Who on earth can ever reject his gifts?! I would totally love to receive it! So jealous of Seungcheol rn!

But wait----SEUNGCHEOL HAS A DATE?! AND HE DIDN'T EVEN MIND GETTING LATE TO HIS DATE FOR JIHOONIE?! Well, that was really saying something!

Thank you so much for this, author-nim! I'll be looking forward for more of this! Mwah!