Chapter XXIII

I'll Find You [Discontinued]
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Park Jihyo

Jihyo breathed heavily, her clenched palms were digging into the ground as she tried to do so. 

It's over.

She felt her heart start to calm down as the oxygen filled her lungs, she hoped that she didn't scare Mina too much.

Apparently she didn't as she felt the Water Elite's hand on her back, soothing her.

"You're okay, everything's okay." Mina chanted. 

Slowly, she rose from her kneeling position with the girl supporting her by her side.

Mina brought her to the bench and Jihyo leaned her head against the metal wall.

"C-Can you uhh make a cup for me?" Mina asked. The President lifted her hand and did what the girl had asked for, too tired to question it.

"T-Thanks" The girl mumbled as she leaned down to pick up the mug that Jihyo had effortlessly conjured.

The panic and confusion was now gone from her mind, now she felt calm and at peace. Well except for the slight headache and fatigue that she was feeling. "What's that for?" Finally, she asked.

This always happened whenever she overexerted her powers, though it didn't happen often.

"Take it. It'll make you feel better." Mina handed her the mug, it was now filled with what Jihyo assumed was water. She stared at the liquid suspiciously before taking it into her hands.

"Is this potable?" She asked.

"Yeah. Come on, drink it." Mina commanded.

Jihyo narrowed her eyes before deciding to just trust the girl. She brought the mug to her lips and let the water flow into .

Suddenly, her headache was gone and she felt better. Much, much better.

"Woah. What?" She stated in bewilderment.

Mina smiled. 

"Feeling better?" She asked as she took a seat beside the girl who was still looking at the mug in wonder.

"Yes, much better. Thank you." Jihyo decided to not ask what she wanted to.

"So uhh can you tell me what happened?" Mina asked, her voice was calm but a hint of curiosity could be detected in her tone.

The President sighed. She wondered if she should tell Mina her secret. She's been hiding it for so long and no one knew of it.

'I guess I can trust her.'

"Okay, Mina. I'm going to tell you something that I've never told anyone about my powers. I'll be completely honest because I know that hiding it from you wouldn't do any of us any good. We should all be honest with each other for this to work." Jihyo looked her in the eyes.

The girl slowly nodded. "Okay."

"Ever since I was young, I knew that something was different about me. All the other kids had an Element, while I had two. It was thrilling to discover my powers and even more when I realized how well I could make them work together. I never told anyone about it until one day, I did. I thought that they would be thrilled about it but I was wrong." Mina listened intently.

"The friends that I grew up with suddenly hated me with passion. They called me a freak, a abomination that shouldn't have been born into this world. I hated myself for telling them, I was lonely and scared. My parents didn't care for me, they were too busy 'living their life' as they said. I was always alone at home and my friends were the only ones who accompanied me. When I told them my secret, the fantasy of always having someone with me broke and since then I always tried to do everything on my own." The bright President suddenly looked cold and... emotionless.

"They didn't deserve you, Jihyo. Just because you were different, it doesn't mean that they could just leave you." Mina spoke in anger.

"They didn't just leave me. Even in school, they continued to torture me and it made all the other kids do the same because they were popular. One day, I had enough. I borrowed a Specialty with my Mimicry from one of my classmates and I erased their memory of me having the powers." Jihyo confessed.

"Did it work? Did they stop bullying you?" Mina asked but the girl could only shake her head.

"It did work. But even if they forgot about my powers, thay still tortured me even if they didn't know why. Maybe a part of them remembered hating me and they just didn't...stop. Because of them, I had no one at school, at home, I had no one in my life. As I grew older, I realized that I didn't need other people to make me happy when I could just be happy with myself. Since then, I felt happy and contented. Until, one day I saw a classmate of mine meet her Mate."  Mina wanted to hug the girl at the moment.

"I saw how happy she was and how contented she looked. I wanted to have that too. It was then that I realized that I wasn't happy at all, I was lonely. Then came the moment I turned 15, I got accepted into the academy and I just left. I got my own apartment near here and my parents were thrilled to know that they didn't have to take care of a child anymore. All they had to do was send money even when I didn't want any of it." Jihyo chuckled sadly.

"Moving here changed my life and I gained a friend that I could trust but I knew that I had to be careful. I hid my powers from everyone and I only used my Water Element." She admitted.

"But there was a problem." Mina concluded.

"Of course, there was" Jihyo sighed.

"I hid my Earth Element so much that I stopped using it." Mina gasped.

"J-Jihyo you can't-" Mina frowned.

"I know." She sighed. 

Of course, she knew. 

An Elemental can't stop using her Element, it will be restricted and it could burst out in large waves.

"It first happened during a fight with a senior last year at the Elemental Games. He riled me up so much that the powers that I tried so hard to surpress suddenly pushed out in the surface. I stopped it in time just when the whole ground suddenly rose. Good thing, he was an Earth Elemental. Everyone thought it was him who did it. I took the opportunity and kneeled to show him that I surrendered. I wiped his memories as everyone cheered and quickly left the arena." Jihyo reminisced last year's events and Mina's eyes widened.

"So, that's what happened! I was wondering why you suddenly gave up. It looked like you could easily defeat him." Mina clapped her hands in realization.

"I went straight to my dorm room and my powers just exploded like it did awhile ago. I had to divert Jeongyeon away for 7 hours so that people could fix the room without her noticing." Jihyo smiled at the memory.

"How'd you manage to divert her for 7 hours, didn't she ask questions?" Mina scrunched her forehead.

Diverting Jeongyeon was easy, you just needed one thing.

"Food" She said.

"Of course." The Water Elite shook her head. 

"Also, I may or may not have been protecting the school from intruders..." Jihyo suddenly confessed as she lifted both her hands.

She made the ground rise and broke it into little pieces. 

"What? How?" The younger of the two asked, her eyes following the debris floating around the room.

"I used my empathy to detect malicious intent from students. I check every now and then but not always. It's a way for the school to be safe." She explained.

"Ohh" Mina replied. Jihyo really was an important person in this school.

Not just the school, but the whole world apparently.

"Though, there are some Elementals who have a strong Mind Barrier. They're the ones that are tough to crack. Like Nayeon or Jeongyeon, though I suppose it's because you're the Elites. There are others too and I'm more wary of them because I don't know if they mean good or not." Mina mindlessly nodded as she decided to join Jihyo in exerting her powers. 

She moved the water and made it circle around Jihyo's rocks.

"Now, can you tell me

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Thank you so much for all the nice comments even if I let you guys down:( Maybe one day, we'll meet again❤


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poplarbear #1
Chapter 33: One day 💗
Take your time authornimm!
Chapter 33: I just got into this fic, and it's very heart breaking but we understand authornim. Hope u find some motivation and be safe.
Wivern #4
Chapter 33: It's a very hard decision to make but thank you for keeping the story up so we can revisit our fave chapters.
You write the training duels so well that Minayeon's has been in my bookmarks since then.
Hope inspiration finds you one day. :)
Chapter 33: It's sad but we understand .. thank you for writing this amazing fic :) this will always be my fav. fanfic
Chapter 33: Thanks for making a great story, I really enjoyed every chapter :) this story will always be one of my fav ff.
Chapter 33: I was waiting for a long time so I'm kinda sad but it's okay. Stay safe and take care author :)
Chapter 33: Its ok Author-nim we understand :)

Keep safe Author-nim :D
Blur_reader #9
Chapter 33: Kinda sad but its okay :)
Chapter 33: Sad... but understandable :)