
GAY7 groupchat

BamBam created "GAY7" groupchat

BamBam added "Darth Vader" to the groupchat

BamBam added "Lorenzo Choi" to the groupchat

BamBam added "the dumb one" to the groupchat

BamBam added "wangbro" to the groupchat

BamBam added "slimjb" to the groupchat

BamBam added "pikaciu" to the groupchat

Darth Vader: why did u name me Darth Vader

pikaciu: I can't believe you

pikaciu: you misspelled "pikachu"

wangbro: what's this gay

Darth Vader: don't pretend like you don't know who's gay among us

wangbro: you

wangbro: I'm bi

the dumb one: why you always bully me

slimjb: is telling the truth bullyin you?

Darth Vader: cool jb

the dumb one: YOU ARE SO MEAN

pikaciu: how do I exit from this

Lorenzo Choi: why do you want to leave

Lorenzo Choi: aren't we all friends

pikaciu: I see you every day of my life I don't need this

BamBam changed "pikaciu" name to "nobody likes you"

nobody likes you: does it look like I care

BamBam: you gays

BamBam: guys*

the dumb one: hahaha that's funny :)

Darth Vader: Yugyeom why are you so stupid ho you can possibly find "gay" funny

BamBam: I made this gc to talk all together but you have to be a pain in the like always

the dumb one: I'm not stupid

the dumb one: I was trying to be friendly

BamBam: so I'm not really funny for you

slimjb: okay but Mark is right we don't need this gc

slimjb: I want to leave too

the dumb one: okay you know what I want to leave too #StopBullyingKimYugyeom2k18

Lorenzo Choi: you don't care at all about this group

Lorenzo Choi: you aren't funny at all

Lorenzo Choi: I'm surrounded by fake friends

the dumb one: Youngjae is right

Darth Vader: stop crying

the dumb one: he's not crying how do you know that

Lorenzo Choi: you make me look dumb Yugyeom

"the dumb one" left the groupchat

nobody likes you: how did he do that

nobody likes you: add him again I need to ask how to leave

BamBam: talk to him in private

nobody likes you: no he wouldn't think I'm interested in being his friend


slimjb: okay stop chatting how do I leave

Darth Vader: stop chatting and go to sleep we have rehearsal tomorrow

wangbro: not everyone needs 24h of sleep for 2 of work

nobody likes you: do you even sleep @wangbro

wangbro: sleep is for the weak

slimjb: you prefer Jinyoung's

BamBam: I don't wanna hear ANYTHING about this

nobody likes you: me neither

wangbro: what if


BamBam changed "Darth Vader" name to "wangbroHOE

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hwang #1
Chapter 1: this is funny hahahahahha