Chapter 6


Areum POV

"Do you think the guys are kinda...weird lately?" Bin asks me as we put our shoes on ready to head out to school.

"I don't think so?" I said. "I mean, they've always been weird." As Bin opens the door, the boys were standing at our gate waiting for us.

"Good morning!" Sanha shouts waving to us. Bin and I look at each other.

"Good morning." I said to him.

"No pushing today." Bin said sending him a glare and Sanha pouts.

I nudge him. "Stop it. You're scaring the poor kid. Sanha-ah, don't worry about it. It's ok."

We walk to school with no trouble today. As the bell rings, the boys all walk to class, and Bin turns back to me.

"See you at recess."

"If I feel like it." I said. "I...think I want to read alone."

Bin let out a sigh. "Ok then."

So at recess, I spent the time alone using reading as an excuse. I sat in the court yard, with a book in hand while listening to music and let my mind wonder to a certain person.

Rocky POV

Be myself. Be myself. Be myself. I chant to myself all morning.

"Where's Areum?" I ask, looking around, when recess time approaches.

"Why?" Bin asks.

"Just wondering." I reply. "It's just that you two have been together lately and then she suddenly isn't with you anymore. It's so weird."

"She said she wants to read alone."

"Oh." I said. "I guess I'm gonna head over to the dance room."

"Ok." He nods and I walk off looking for Areum. Surprisingly, I didn't have to look far. She was reading in the court yard in front of the dance room. She was staring off into space not reading at all. I approach her and she opens the book raising it to cover her face. I look at the book and break into a smile.

"The book is upside down."

"Ugh!" She put the book down. "What?"

"Nothing. I was making my way to the dance room and saw you sitting here alone. What are you reading?"

"It's none of your business."

"Oh, and here I thought you might be waiting for me."

"Why would I be waiting for you?"

"Because we need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Then why were you in front of the dance room?"

"Because I thought you might be with Binnie oppa and the others, so I came to read here."

"Reading upside down?" I laugh. "Seriously, what are you reading." I grab the book from her.

"Hey, give it back!" She shouts reaching for the book. I held it above my head. "Give it back!"

"What are you two doing?" Bin asks making me lower the book and Areum takes it from me. "Rocky, I thought you were going to the dance room."


"He was helping me. The book was stuck in the tree and he got it down for me. Plus, we are practically in front of the dance room." Areum said.

"How did the book get up there?"

"I was bored and tossed it. Honestly, I didn't think it was gonna get stuck up there. One in a million chance." She smiles. "Thank you." She said to me and walk off. Bin stares at me for awhile before following Areum.


"Areum, won't you talk to me." I said following her around in the library at lunch.

"I have nothing to say." She said pulling out books and reading the summaries in the back.

"But I do."

"Then talk." She said not sparing me a glance. She puts the book back and looks at a different one.

Crap. I should've wrote an essay. Now I don't remember what I want to say to her. So I summarize the whole speech.

"Areum, I was wrong and I'm sorry."

"Is that all?"

"Mm." I nod.

"Ok." She said. "Now leave."


"You're done, right? So you can leave now."

"Areum, why are you so mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you."

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

She sighs and stop, turning to look at me. "Two words. I'm not." She returns to reading the summaries of books. I grab the book out of her hand. "Rocky. Give it to me." I raise it above my head and she reaches for it. She leans closer and closer to me as she tries to get the book. I grab her by the back of her neck with my free hand and force a kiss on her. "Mmn." She try to push away from me but I do not let go of my grip as I continue to kiss her. She finally pushes herself away from me and wipes her lips.

"Areum." We both turn to the voice. Bin was staring at us with his cat like features. Scary. "Your lunch."

"Thank you." She said grabbing the lunch and make her way to a table forgetting about the book. Bin silently stares at me before he follows Areum.

"So, let's go hang at Bin's house today." JinJin suggests when we all sit at the library table eating our lunch.

"Sure. What are we gonna do?" Bin asks.

"We games." Sanha said. "And do...guy things."

"We can sleep over and talk all night too." MJ adds.

Areum chuckles. "You guys are going to have a sleep over party? That is such a "guy" thing to do." We glare at MJ and hit him for his suggestion.

"Hey! There is nothing wrong with guys doing what normal people do!" MJ defends himself.


I knock on the door and wait.

"It's you!" Bin's mother gasps. "Come in."

"Hello." I bow to her. "Is Bin home?"

"Of course. He told me about the sleep over. Does sleep over sound too girly. Should I call it a hang out or guys night?"

I chuckle. "Sleep over is fine."

"Binnie! Your friend is here!" She shouts up to the stairs and heads to the kitchen. I stand at the foyer awkwardly. I know she told me "come in" but, do I go to Bin's room or sit on the couch?

"JinJin!" Areum run down the stairs and stop in her tracks. "Where's JinJin?"

"They're not here yet."

She sighs and turns back to walk up the stairs. She stops and turn back to me. "You know you can go to Binnie oppa's room, right?"

"Ah, I see." I follow Areum up the stairs and she enters her room leaving me in the hallway. I make my way to Bin's room and knock.

"Hey." Bin said opening the door. "Come in." We sit in his room playing games. "Where are the others?"

"I have no idea." I answer. And on cue, we receive texts from the others.


JinJin: I can't make it. My mom is lecturing me about something. Sorry.

Eunwoo: I have some paperwork to finish up for the library. Can't come.

MJ: My stomach hurts.

Sanha: I'm sick.

Bin: Don't worry about it.

Rocky: It's cool.

"Sounds like a bunch of excuses." Bin and I said in sync.

"Binnie, Areum! Dinner time!" I hear the mom yell out. "Don't forget your friend!"

"Let's go." Bin said and we went downstairs to eat. We all sit down at the table. Areum is sitting across from me with Bin next to her.

"I have yet to officially introduce myself. I am Bin's mother. What's your name, hot stuff?"

"Mom!" Areum and Bin shouts in sync.

"What? I just wanna know his name?"

"Can't you ask him normally?" Bin and Areum cover their face in embarrassment in sync. Wow. They truly are twins.

I chuckle. "Minhyuk. Park Minhyuk. You can call me Rocky."

"You're really not Areum's boyfriend?"

"Mom!" Areum and Bin shouts in sync once again.

"What? He's cute. I want him as my son-in-law."

"Mom! We're in high school." The twins said in unison.

"So what? I married your dad when I was 17. How old are you two right now? 18." The twins look at each other then rolls their eyes with a sigh. "Why don't you try dating-"

"No." Bin cuts their mother off.

"Excuse you boy, I'm your mother."

"Dad at work again?" Areum asks changing the topic.

"Yes. Sadly." The mother said. "He's always working." She turns to look at me. "Please, eat. Help yourself." I nod and we start eating. "You're really not dating Areum?"

"Mom!" Once again, the twins are in sync. Their mother just roll her eyes and continue eating.

"Slow down on the food, Areum." Their mom said.

"Why?" She said with full and still trying to fit more in.

"That's not how a lady eats." The mom said. "Especially in front of a guest."

"Mom, I grew up with Bin. Do you really think I can eat like a normal lady?"

"It's too late for that." Bin and Areum said in sync.

"So, do you and Areum always talk in sync like that?" I ask when we are back in Bin's room.

"Most of the time." He replies. "Why? Is it annoying?"

"No." I shook my head. "Must be nice. Having a twin and all."

Bin nods. "It's pretty awesome." We sit in his room reading comic books and playing games as time continue to pass by. "You want some snacks?"

"Uh, sure." I shrug.

"I'll be back." He said and walks out. My eyes dart to the tinted dark glass separating the twin's rooms. I walk over and knock on the glass.

"Come in." She said. Do I go in? I shake my head. Better not. I knock again. "Come in." I knock again. I hear rustling and soon she opens the door. "I said come-" She stares at me. "Yes?"

"We need to talk."

"Didn't we talk at lunch?"

"No. Yes. Yes, we talked at lunch but I'm not done yet. I panicked and said the first thing that just came to my mind. I want you to hear the whole thing."

"I don't have time." She said closing the door.


Areum POV

"Wait!" Minhyuk said sticking his hand between the doors. "Ow!" He hold his hand and crouch on the floor.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't mean to!" I shout after smashing his fingers by closing the doors. "Are you ok?" I ask getting on my knees to look at his hand. "Let me see." I grab his injured hand and lightly massage it.

"Ow!" He wince at the pain.

"I'm really sorry." I said continuing to massage his hand. "C-can you move it?"

"Ah, it hurts."

"I'm so so sorry." I said. I look at his hand to see how serious the injury is, but I'm no doctor so. . I stare at his hand, for I don't know how long, but the next thing I knew, my lips were on his hand.

"Um, Areum?"

I gasp and let go of his hand, a bit too harsh, as he wince in pain. "D-don't get me wrong. T-that was m-medical treatment." I stutter out.

"Medical treatment." He repeats.

"Mm." I nod and avert my eyes.


"What are you two doing?" Bin asks as he see Rocky's hand in mid-air trying to push my hair away from my face. "Rocky, get away from my sister."

I look up at him. "Binnie oppa. I-it's my fault. I...I squished his finger with the double doors."

"Why would you do that?" He asks.

"It was an accident."

"Let me see your hand." Bin said to Minhyuk.

"Ah, hyung, it hurts." He winces again.

"You need an ice pack. Areum, go get him one. It's your fault after all."

I nod and turn coming face to face with my mother at my door. I jump in surprise and stare at her with wide eyes before remembering what I had to do. I walk past my mother to go downstairs and into the kitchen.

"You like him, don't you?" My mother said coming next to me.

"How long were you at my door?"

"Long enough to know that there's something between you two and Binnie doesn't know about it."

"There's no-"

"You can lie to Binnie, but you can't lie to me. Wait. Can you really lie to Binnie. You two are twins. Anyways, I'm a woman too. I can tell."

"Then why even ask." I said walking back upstairs. I hand Minhyuk the ice pack.

"Thank you." He said accepting the ice pack, his hand holding onto mine, longer than he should be.

"Ok." Bin said. "Go back to your room baby."

"Again, I'm sorry." I said to Minhyuk and close the double doors. I sigh turning to my bed and jump in surprise. My mother was sitting there with a smile on her face. She pats the spot next to her. I let out another sigh and sit next to her.

"So? Tell me all about it." I told my mom the whole story and she laughs. "Just accept his apology. He doesn't seem like the type to be good with words and that's why he said that to you at lunch. He told you that he wasn't done right? So, why don't you listen to the whole thing and make up with him. I want him as my son-in-law."


"Shh." She points to the double doors. "They're not that far away from us. Plus, you like him and he's super cute."


Rocky POV

"I think I'm going to head out." I said to Bin as Areum closes the double doors.

"Oh? You're not sleeping over?"

I shake my head. "The others aren't here, also," I raise my hand. "I need to get this checked with a professional. It hurts."

"I'm apologizing on my sisters behalf. Sorry."

"It's ok." I shake my head. "It was an accident." He grab my stuff and he walks me to the exit.

"Again, I'm sorry on behalf of my sister."

"It's ok. Thank you for seeing me off."

"Mm. Stay safe."

"Ok. See you tomorrow." I said and make my way to the hospital.

"You're lucky nothing is broken." My cousin said. "However, there's gonna be some ugly bruising. What did you do to your hand, huh?"

"Minah noona. Can you put a cast on it?" I ask ignoring her question.

"Why? It's not broken."

"I make someone feel guilty."

"A girl?" She asks and I break into a smile. "You bad man."


Aggressive kisses from Rocky? Yes, please!
I kinda feel bad for poor innocent Sanha but...
I love it! 
Check out Rocky's hand! 😂

I love it! Check out Rocky's hand! ð 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f59663043746e534b47436d4944673d3d2d3536333738393136322e313532373164383661356437353137383833373630333235313534362e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f79746f35454f6c5f635f676a7a673d3d2d3536333738393136322e313532373164366563626431653734643736363631353734393234312e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280

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Chapter 6: Update please!!
fartingprincessa #2
Chapter 4: Was Bin just teasing when he said, "Are you breaking up with me?" to Areum? Minhyuk must not have known her since he usually stays at the dance room to practice... Anyway, please continue! I'd like to know what will happen next! ^^
oh this story looks interesting. good job :)