Chapter 5


My apologies. I swore I posted this like a month ago. But I actually didn't publish it for y'all to read. I'm sorry! 😣

I'll update another chapter in a lil' bit.


Rocky POV

Bin texts me to meet him at his place cause he has something to give me. I follow the gps on my phone to his house. I ring the doorbell and a female in her late 40s, must be Bin's mom, opens the door.

"Hello." I bow politely. "Is-"

"Areum your boyfriend's here!" She shouts into the house. Areum? Which Areum?

"What? I don't have a boy-" Areum stops mid-sentence. We both look at each other with wide eyes and she slams the door in my face. Why is Moon Areum here? I look at Bin's text and the gps. This is Bin's house, right?

The door opens again. "My apologies. If you're not Areum's boyfriend then you be Bin's boyfriend."

"No! We're just regular friends!" I shout panicked.

The lady laughs. "I'm playing with you. Please come in." She lets me into the house. "Binnie isn't ready yet. Have a seat. I'll go fetch him."

I look around the living room where there are multiple family photos. The biggest photo in the center hanging above the TV is Bin's mother holding a newborn wrapped in blue cloth while the father is holding a newborn in pink cloth. I look at a different frame which holds multiple photos. It was photos of different phases during the children's growth during their childhood. There was one where Bin's arm is leaning on Areum's head and Areum is reaching up, both obviously measuring the other's height. The last one is Bin and Areum standing back to back with arms crossed and smiling at the camera.

Their mother place a cup of water in front of me making me turn my attention away from the photos. "Um, Bin and Areum are...."

"Twins." Their mother finish my sentence.

"Must be nice." I said.

"Yeah. Those two are really close with each other. Bin always have this twin sense going on. At first we really didn't believe him. But when she's in a bad mood or in trouble he would always say 'my twin senses is tingling' and sure enough, Areum is in trouble." Their mother laughs. "So, are you really not Areum's boyfriend? Is Binnie stopping you from dating his sister?"

"Rocky." Bin said coming down the stairs.

"Hey." I turn to him.

"Here." He said handing me a wrapped gift. "I thought of you when I saw this."

"Thanks." I said taking his gift. "But um...where should I put this? You're gonna make me take this to an arcade?"

"Right. Sorry. We'll leave it here and pick it up later then." Bin said taking it back to his room. "Mom, I'll be going."


"You...didn't tell me you have a twin sister." I said.

"Oh, you mean Areum?" Bin laughs. "Yeah, well, she doesn't want people in school to know. The only reason why the others know is they bumped into us when we were together and mistook her for my girlfriend."

"Oh, I see."

"Cute, right? My sister." Bin asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"You can't date her." Bin immediately states. "I don't want my friends dating her." That's when everything clicks. No wonder the others didn't want me to mention Areum in front of Bin. And they're always so jumpy when I bring Areum up. And her dancing style being so similar to his. . Will Bin kill me if he knows that I kissed her and have been meeting her for a few months?

When we arrive at the arcade, JinJin scoffs.

"You're actually here." He said. "I thought you would bail since you have a girlfriend and all."

"I said I would be, besides we broke up three days ago. She was getting too clingy."

"Why did you and Bin come together?" MJ asks.

"Ah, I had to give him something but he'll have to get it later since we're still going to hang out here." Bin explains.

"Well, since we're all here let's play." Sanha said. They all turn to leave for the games.

"JinJin hyung." I call out to him which he totally ignored. I let out a sigh. Today is gonna be a long day.

"You all knew." I said when we all decided to go to the mall. We're at the food court while Bin is shopping on his own for Areum. "You all knew that they were twins."

"Congratulations. Now you know the reason why I hit you." JinJin said. "How can you hurt Areum like that?"

"I didn't know. I saw Areum and Bin together. I thought she was dating him behind my back or something." I explain myself. "So myself a girlfriend."

"She was crying, Rocky." Eunwoo said.

"Why would she-"

"Because she likes you!" Sanha shouts.

"She likes me?"

"Have you always been this stupid?" MJ asks.

"You hurt her so bad. If Bin knows that you were the one who made her cry...good luck." JinJin said.

"Honestly, we were all ready to support you." Sanha spoke out.

"We kept him away from you and that dance room so you and Areum could be together, but you ruined it by getting a girlfriend." Eunwoo said.

"And you only kept her for two weeks. Idiot." MJ nags. "What was all our hard work for?"

"Can you guys...give me your support again?" I ask. "I think, no, I am going to court her again." The guys look at each other.

"I don't know." JinJin said. "You hurt Areum. I honestly don't know if she'll accept you after that you pulled."

"Please. I'm begging you. I'll get on my knees if I have to." I said getting ready to do it.

"I'll help you!" Sanha and MJ said stopping me from getting on my knees to beg. I look at Eunwoo.

"I'm in." He said. We all look at JinJin.

"Fine." He sighs. "But if you pull that again, I'm telling Bin and we're both kicking your ."

I nod with a laugh. "Ok."


"You wanna come in?" Bin asks. "You've never been to my room before, right? Heck, you've never been in my house until today. C'mon." He leads me to his room. "Sit wherever you like. I'll get us drinks." I sit on the ground next to the door of his bed and look around. "Here." He hands me a drink.

"Is that your personal restroom?" I ask pointing to the double door across from his bed. The door is a glass sliding door with handles in the middle to slide it to each end and is tinted black  for privacy.

"Ah. That door is connected to Areum's room." He said casually, sitting down next to me. "So? What's up with you? I haven't seen you for a few months."

"Uh...I don't know what to say. I...hurt the girl I like." I said. "I've been seeing my crush, but because of my own misunderstanding, I dated a girl I didn't even like and hurt her. I hate myself. I bet she hates me."

Bin laughs. "I think that you should try to talk to her about it. It was just a misunderstanding. I think she'll understand."

"I don't know. She won't talk to me. She's indifferent when I'm around."

"Well, if she really liked you, her feelings won't fade that easily. It's only been two weeks. I bet she still likes you."

"I hope so."

"I'm going to the restroom. I'll be back." He said leaving the room. I look around his room and see a glass case which hold his awards with a photo of him and Areum together in the middle of it all. 

There was a knock on the glass door and it suddenly slides open.

"Binnie!" Areum shouts with a smile which fades as soon as she sees me.

"Uh...he went to the restroom." Without saying anything, she was about to shut the door when Bin returns.

"Oh, Areum! Come here. Let me introduce you two." She enters Bin's room. "Areum this is my best friend Park Minhyuk. We call him Rocky. Rocky, this is my younger twin sister, Moon Areum."

"Hi." She said reluctantly.


"Can I...go back to my room now?"

"Didn't you want something from me?"

"I'll come back later." She said closing the door behind her.


"Operation: Help Rocky obtain Areum's heart." Sanha said in front of a white board. He turns to the others. "What should we do?"

"Oooh." The other three sigh out.

"We thought you had a plan." MJ said.

"I just got the title. I don't have a method yet."

"Mm. Oh! How about..." JinJin whispers to the others. They look at each other and nod.

"Operation: Help Rocky obtain Areum's heart. In progress!" They shout.


Areum POV

"What are you guys doing?" I ask when I see JinJin and the others all huddled together.

"Bin! Areum!" They all shout turning to look at me. "What's up?" Bin and look at each other confused.

"I need to show you something." Eunwoo said pulling Bin away.

"Why are you all huddled in front of the school gates?" I ask again. They all smile and move to the side revealing Rocky with a bouquet of flowers.

"For you." He hands me the flowers.

"Give it to your girlfriend." I said pushing his hand away and make my way to class.

"Areum! Bin!" The others run up to us during recess.

"What are you two doing?" Eunwoo asks.

"Eating snacks, duh." Bin states.

"Bin, share with me." MJ said.

"I don't have anymore."

"Then let's go buy some!" MJ drags Bin away.

"For you." JinJin said handing me flowers.

"Thank you." I accept the flowers with a big smile.

"From Rocky." Sanha adds and I push it towards Eunwoo.

"For you." I said and walk off. Hmph. Why would he buy me flowers? And have JinJin give it to me. Really? I click my tongue annoyed. Where is he anyways?

"Noona!" Sanha shouts running up to me. "Won't you eat lunch with us? I have a boxed lunch for you!" He hands me a bento box. I look at the box then to Sanha then to Bin and to Rocky, who was standing next to Bin.

I let out a sigh. "Thank you." I accept the box. I sit down to eat lunch with the boys.

"Binnie." I turn to Bin. "Ah." I start feeding Bin the contents from the lunch box Sanha gave me.

"Wait, aren't you gonna eat?" Bin asks me.

"Ah, I...don't feel hungry."

"No can do. You have to eat." Bin said.

"Then...can you share yours with me?" I ask.

"Why aren't you eating the one Sanha gave you?"

I look down at the lunch box. "Ah, because I want to feed you. It will look weird to feed you the food from your lunch box. Makes me look stingy."

"Ok." Bin accepts my explanation. "Then here." He feeds me the food from his lunch box.

We make our way back to class when the bell rings. I turn to Rocky and push the lunch box into his hands.

"Returning it." I said and walk off.


"Operation: Help Rocky obtain Areum's heart. Fail!" Sanha shouts.

"Seriously. What should we do then?" MJ asks.

"I have an idea." Sanha states proudly. "Come here." He whispers in our ears.

"Sounds good!" We all shout.

"Operation: Help Rocky obtain Areum's heart part 2! In progress!"


"Why are you all here?" Bin asks.

"We want to walk to school together!" Sanha replies.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why not? Areum, you're finally talking to us at school." JinJin said. And with that we all walk to school together, with me being sandwiched between Bin and Rocky. Bin has his arm around my shoulder while we walk to school and Sanha pops in between us.

"I want to walk next to Areum noona too." He pipes.

"Hey!" Bin shouts.

"Me too." MJ said pushing Sanha away.

"What about me?!" JinJin yells. "She loves me."

"I don't mind walking next to Areum." Eunwoo said. They all start pushing each other trying to walk next to me.

"Waaah!" I scream as I fall into the street and a car is coming right at me. Rocky pulls me towards him and we both fall rolling on the floor. It ends with Rocky on top of me and we just stare into each other's face.

"Areum!" Bin shouts pushing Rocky off me. "Are you ok?"

"I'm ok too." Rocky said. "Swag."

"Pfft." I bury my face in my knees trying not to laugh out loud.

"Areum, baby. Are you ok?" Bin asks again. After collecting myself, I nod. "It's all your fault!" Bin accuses the others. "You all started shoving and pushed Areum into the street."

"Bin!" I hold onto his arm.

"You were the one who shoved us the hardest!" MJ shouts.

"You started this!" Bin points his finger at Sanha.

"Bin!" I shout again.

"I'm sorry, noona." Sanha pouts.

"It's ok." I said pulling his sleeve and he bends down to my height so I can ruffle his hair. "I'm ok. After all...Min-uh Rocky, saved me." I turn to him. "Thank you." I avert my eyes.

"Rocky swag." He said.

I suppress my smile and continue heading to school.


"Areeeeuuuumm~" Bin shouts running towards me at lunch. I also run towards his direction. When we got close enough, I duck under Bin's arms and run pass him.

"JinJin!" I shout hugging him. "I missed you."

"Yah. Your brother is right here." Bin said pointing to himself.

"I know." I said clinging onto JinJin's arm. Bin starts pouting and I laugh. "I'm just playing! I miss you too." I said hugging Bin. We all went to eat in the dance room.

"You want some snacks don't you. Let's go, Bin." JinJin said without waiting for my answer dragging Bin off.

"I should go check out the library." Eunwoo said.

"We have to uh..." MJ trails off.

"Do something." Sanha finishes. "Bye~"

Rocky and I are left alone. We stare at everything but each other.

"Um," Rocky starts. "How are you?"

"Ok." I said. "What about you?"

"I'm doing fine too."

"You're not with your girlfriend. Won't she be mad at you for not hanging out with her?" I ask.

"We broke up."

"Ah, sorry."

"It's fine. It's not like I liked her or anything."

I furrow my brows. "Yah, do you date anyone who asks you out?"

Rocky just smiles. "Why? Are you jealous? Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Don't joke around." I said.

"I'm not-"

"We're back!" Bin shouts. "Here baby." Bin hands me a bag of snacks.

"Thank you. Waah~ These are my favorite! My oppa knows me best."

"Of course. We're twins after all."

"Areum, do you want to play with us after school?" JinJin asks. I look at Bin and he nods.

"Sure." I smile.

The boys wait for me at the gate after school. We all make our way to the arcade.

"What do you want to play, baby?" Bin asks.

"Mm. I don't know yet. We have to go to the arcade first." I laugh.


Rocky POV

We make our way to the arcade. On our way, we talk about random things. Sanha discreetly nods at us and MJ cracks a joke. Sanha bursts out laughing and "accidentally" pushes Areum a bit too hard. She loses her balance and I was going to catch her but she fell on top of Eunwoo instead. I glare at Sanha and he shrugs.

"I'm sorry noona." Sanha quickly apologizes.

"It's ok. It was an accident." She said getting off of Eunwoo. "Sorry Eunwoo. Thank you for catching me."

"No problem." Eunwoo said and nudge Sanha, for messing up, when the others aren't looking.

Inside the arcade, we walk around the packed place. I turn around and Sanha points to Areum who is a few feet from me. Sanha was going to push her but someone else did his job and she loses her balance starting to fall. I run to catch her, but unfortunately JinJin got to her first.

"Thanks JinJin." She smiles at him. "You're the best." We all look at each other and face palm.


"Operation: Help Rocky obtain Areum's heart part 2. Fail!" Sanha shouts.

"Why did you catch Areum?!" MJ shouts.

"Yah! Areum is my friend too. Someone else pushed her. What should I do? Let her fall on her face?" JinJin defends himself.

"You should've let Rocky catch her." MJ states.

"He was too far away! He's not a male lead in a drama where he will romantically catch her in time!" JinJin retorts.

"JinJin hyung isn't wrong." Eunwoo said.

"What should we do now?" I ask.

"I have a plan." Eunwoo said. "But it's very different from the other two."

"What is it?" We all ask curious.

"I think that, Rocky, you should just be yourself."

Damn boy! Stay in your lane!

====================================Damn boy! Stay in your lane!

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Chapter 6: Update please!!
fartingprincessa #2
Chapter 4: Was Bin just teasing when he said, "Are you breaking up with me?" to Areum? Minhyuk must not have known her since he usually stays at the dance room to practice... Anyway, please continue! I'd like to know what will happen next! ^^
oh this story looks interesting. good job :)