Dead Girl Walking (Rosé x Tzuyu)

Stressed (and other Tzuyu one-shots)

A/N - This is a prompt from kimcharmie_SNSD


Wow…was really surprised NaTzu didn’t win the poll xD


In other news: I sent some of my writing off to try and get into a masters (like an optional degree after university) and I got rejected so I don’t have a lot of faith in my writing at the moment. Not gonna stop though because if I need to improve I need to improve! Though because I don’t have faith this chapter isn’t the best.


Usual poll at the end.



Dead Girl Walking (Rosé x Tzuyu)


Rosé led a simple life.


She woke up every morning to the same alarm and made her breakfast. She’d do the sudoku in the paper, every morning without fail and then go to work. She worked in a little cafe, the only twenty four hour cafe in their town. Her friend Jisoo owned it and two girls other than Rosé worked there. Jennie, who resembled every bit of a stereotypical highschool mean girl. She wasn’t mean, just a little stand offish until you got to know her. Lisa was the opposite, social butterfly with a prank either in the works or already in motion. The duo were completely head over heels for each other but Jennie was in denial and Lisa was too oblivious. It made working there far more frustrating than it needed to be. Rosé herself was also single, she had broken up with her previous boyfriend due to boredom. Her life was great, but it was monotonous - the same thing day in and day out. She longed for adventure or excitement. Just ANYTHING that took her out of her little routine she’d been sticking to since she moved out of her parents house.


“Morning, Jen.” Rosé called as she walked in,


“Rosé.” She greeted back,


Rosé rolled her eyes at the expected curt greeting before walking round the counter and tying her apron around herself. She walked to the back and knocked on the door to Jisoo’s office to greeted her boss who could only wave due to being on the phone to the supplier. Clocking in at 11:13 (same time as yesterday….and the day before) she sighed and went back out on to the shop floor. As she took her spot next to Jennie behind the counter the door burst open and hurricane Lisa rolled in knocking down a stack of coffee cups and a man in his sixties. Again….not an unusual thing. The younger girl ran past them into the bag, nearly colliding with Jisoo who could only roll her eyes.


“You’re late!”


“Missed my bus.” Lisa and Rosé said at the same time, only Rosé’s voice had a mocking tone,



“She should start leaving her house earlier…” Jennie muttered, wiping down the bar,


“You know she wont.”


“True.” Jennie sighed,


Jennie Kim - woman of few words.


Once Lisa had run back out, apron on the wrong way which Jennie tutted and corrected, the trio spent all day rushed off their feet. Jisoo helped where she could but she was better suited to the kitchen, easily the best cook of the four. Their little cafe was the nearest to the local college and so a lot of college kids would come in regularly once their lectures let out. It was about halfway through the day when the usual anarchy started over the road. Across the road there was a butchers run by a Japanese family, every day around the same time someone would start fighting with the eldest son out front. There were rumours it was a front for a Yakuza base and to be honest, Rosé believed it. She didn’t mind though, they kept to their side of the street and it made for some entertainment in an otherwise boring day.


The man Rosé recognised at their son went flying out the door chasing a man that appeared to be a little bit older. They were in the middle of the street landing punches on each other and nearly everyone sprinted over to watch. Rosé nearly laughed, it seemed like nothing could surprise her any more. She smirked as she saw Jennie and Lisa by the window with everyone else placing bets on who’d win, again predictable. As the gaze shifted, however, she found something that did surprise her. There was a woman in the corner by the window, making it a point not to watch the fight. Rosé raised an eyebrow, she tried remembering when she had served this woman and found that she couldn’t remember taking the order.


She had a quick look at the receipts on Lisa and Jennie’s piles and found only one order matched the coffee and the uneaten slice of cake on the table in front of this woman. Jennie had taken the order so it was unsurprising that Rosé hadn’t noticed her. The woman was sat with one headphone in, on the table was a laptop and she was typing away. She had her hair scraped back into a ponytail and she was wearing a black turtle-neck, looking every bit a student. But her demeanour was different. The aura surrounding her was dark and cold, Rosé found herself staring. She was pretty, very pretty with large almost innocent doe eyes - but there was no emotion in them. There was no warmth in her at all and Rosé was fascinated!


Suddenly, as if aware she was being watched brown eyes snapped up to meet Rosé’s and the girl felt chills through her body. In a moment of panic she did the only thing she could think of - she gestured with the pot of coffee she had in her hand for refills. The woman studied her a second before giving a slight nod prompting Rosé to walk over. They kept eye contact as she approached, her heart pounding in her chest like she was prey walking straight up to a predator. Her blood turned to ice, every inch of her screaming to run. Rosé prided herself on being a good judge of character, so why she was going against her instinct was a mystery to her. It was like she was being compelled to approach this woman.


Rosé’s hand shook as she poured the coffee the spout clinking a little against the mug.


“Th-There you go!” Rosé chirped, cursing herself for stammering,


The woman nodded to her in thanks.


“Is there anything else I can get for you?” Rosé asked a little more confidently,


The woman thought for a second before looking out the window, “Why are they fighting?”


She wasn’t Korean…


“They always do,” Rosé sighed, “Like clockwork everyday that guy is hitting someone.”


“Have you ever seen a bald man walk in?”


Rosé raised her eyebrow, “Not that I can recall, why?”


“No reason.” The woman’s gaze returned to her computer which Rosé took to mean their conversation was over,


For the rest of the day Rosé watched the girl, she refilled her cup every so often but besides that they had no real conversation. She was sat there for hours, typing away at her computer and occasionally looking across the street while Rosé just observed. There was something going on that was for sure but she couldn’t begin to work out what it was. Even Jisoo, who spent the least time on the main floor, commented on her being there for a long time. It neared nine o’clock and the usual anarchy bustled through the door: Chaeyoung and Dahyun who were the night staff at the cafe. Chaeyoung grinned when she spotted Rosé.


“Chaeyoung!” She called in greeting,


“Chaeyoung!” Rosé called back,


She noticed the mystery woman side eyeing them but when she turned to catch her the gaze was settled on the screen again. The Rosé turned back to Chaeyoung who was also watching the stranger, only she had a more concerned look on her face. When she realised Rosé was looking at her, however, her lips sent her an awkward smile and she went to clock in. As Rosé’s shift came to an end the woman was watching the shop across the street also close for the night. Rosé had always found it strange for a butcher to be open so late but had never really questioned it until now. Once the shutters for the business over the road were down, the woman packed up and began getting ready to walk out. Rosé herself waited for her to leave before going to clear her table, she had five minutes before she could clock out and go home to bed.


As she lifted the cup she found something underneath it. It was a piece of paper that hadn’t been signed but who else would it be for? She picked it up and found a not that had been left for her.


If you see the bald man with a scar over his eye, send me a message.


Rosé didn’t know much but she knew what the number to a burner phone looked like, who was this woman? Her meeting with the scary woman ran through her mind over and over as she left and made way to her car. She was so distracted she dropped her keys, with a curse she bent down to pick them up…but when she stood up straight she froze and ducked behind a nearby car. She didn’t know why she did it, but it seemed the right course of action. Because walking towards the butcher shops side entrance, looking shady as hell, was a tall bald man. When he turned towards the light of the cafe Rosé noted the scar over his eye - just like mystery woman had said. Once he was inside she stayed hidden for three minutes before running to her car. She locked her doors and tried to steady her breathing before getting out her phone.


She put the number in and froze, should she really be getting involved with this….whatever it was?


Well she did say she wanted some excitement?




Bald guy just walked into the butchers, used side entrance.



When her phone buzzed in reply, she jumped.




I will be back tomorrow.


Really? Not even a thank you!?




True to her word the mystery woman was back the next day and the day after and the day after. She always sat in Rosé’s section, buying a slice of cake and refill coffee. Over the days Rosé started having more in depth conversations with the woman, she reminded her a little of Jennie. At first she appeared cold and calculated but over time she felt the woman’s aura become warmer. When on break one day she actually sat with the quiet girl, getting a glance at her computer. She had the website for the butchers shop open but Rosé didn’t get a chance to read much into it. Jennie and Lisa had been teasing her about her fixation with their new regular and Rosé knew for herself that she was developing something of a crush…not that she’d ever tell them that. One day she was on break and as usual she decided she wanted to spend it with the mysterious stranger.


“Hi.” She greeted quietly,




Silence. Rosé began eating her lunch, only today something was different.


“So if that loud short girl is to be believed - your name is Chaeyoung?” The girl asked,


Rosé chuckled, “Well that’s my Korean name, most people call me Rosé.”


“Nice name.”


It sounded sarcastic but Rosé knew that wasn’t the case, Jennie was sarcastic the mystery woman was just blunt.


“What’s yours?”


The woman hesitated a moment, “Tzuyu.”


“That’s not a common name.” Rosé commented,


“It’s Taiwanese.”


There wasn’t really much else said as mystery woman, now known as Tzuyu, continued researching the butchers shop. From that point on they began talking more and more, Tzuyu even putting away her laptop at times to focus on her. They would spend the entirety of Rosé’s break talking about anything and everything. Well mostly it was Rosé talking with Tzuyu just listening, she often questioned whether or not she was just pretending but then Tzuyu would comment on a little detail Rosé had brought up the week before which proved she truly was sinking everything in. She remembered everything Rosé told her, even the small throwaway details she had added. Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa all about her relationship with her and now Rosé had actually confided in them that she liked her. So she shouldn’t have been surprised when Lisa approached to join them, it had purely been a ruse to unnie but it didn’t go that way.


“Hey Rosé,” Lisa smirked, “Can I join you and your friend?”


“Friend?” Tzuyu asked bluntly,


The way she said it caused both other girls to recoil, it was so blunt and almost scathing that it hurt Rosé’s feelings. After an awkward few seconds she excused herself to go back to work and Lisa sent a glare to the mysterious woman. Rosé refused to look over at her for the rest of the day, that one word running through her mind over and over. She knew why it had hurt, this was the first person she had liked since she broke up with her last boyfriend two years ago. For Tzuyu to say they weren’t even friends broke her heart. Well she’d always wanted a romance like in the KDrama’s, guess she got it. Despite their argument Rosé was still disappointed at the end of her shift when she walked out to wipe the counter down and Tzuyu had gone without saying goodbye. Lisa threatened to go after the girl to Jennie when they saw how devastated their friend was but Chaeyoung, who had come in for her own shift, had told her it was for the best and left them with that ominous message as Rosé returned after clocking out.


She sad a solemn goodbye before walking out to her car. There had been a sale at the nearby mall that day so when she had arrived the only parking she could find was right at the back of the lot, doubling the length of her journey. She always hated walking in the dark alone, her ex used to have to walk her home every night. The idea of something lurking in the shadows watching her sent shivers down her spine, it always felt like she was being watched. She thought she heard footsteps behind her but tried to rationalise it, putting it down to her over-active imagination, still she sped up. Her car was insight now but the footsteps appeared to be getting quicker also. There was definitely someone behind her. She began running, trying to make it to her car before whoever it was grabbed her. It wasn’t far and Rosé used to run track so she was confident she could make it….but then a hand clapped on her shoulder and pulled her round to face her attacker.


It was Tzuyu.


Rosé thumped her arm, “You scared the crap out of me!”


“Sorry,” Tzuyu replied sheepishly, “I wanted to talk to you.”


“I got the message earlier,” Rosé snapped, “We’re not friends, it’s cool.”


Rosé turned to leave but Tzuyu gently pulled her back, “Look, I’m sorry about that. But will you hear me out?”


The shorter girl turned and folded her arms, “Five minutes.”


Tzuyu smiled gratefully, “I didn’t mean to upset you.”




“Really. I was just surprised you thought of me that way.”


The older woman’s gaze softened and her arms fell to her sides, “Of course, we’ve been hanging out everyday for weeks. I’d say that’s friendship.”


Tzuyu sighed and looked down, “I’m not a good person Rosé.”


“Don’t say that.”


“I’m not.” Tzuyu told her looking her dead in the eye, “The worst part is that I like being around you, more than I can admit to myself.”


“Why not?”




“Why can’t you admit it to yourself?”


“People like me don’t get happily ever after and I’ll leave it at that.”


“People like me do,” Rosé smiled, “I don’t care who you are or why you’re watching that butcher shop but I’m willing to try if you will.”


Tzuyu hesitated, the first time Rosé had seen her look anything but confident, “In three days you’ll see an article in the paper, if after that you still want to see where this goes we will.”


“What’s happening in three days?”


“Just get the paper.”




The next day Rosé and Tzuyu were back to flirting, only know they both knew that was what it was. All Rosé had said to her friends was that they had talked and sorted everything out between them. Obviously, she couldn’t tell them the real reason why they hadn’t got together - instead she just said that they were taking it slow and starting as friends first. It had been the day after that had bothered Rosé. She had been late that morning and so when she ran in Tzuyu was already sat in her corner only this time there were three people with her. They were speaking in hushed tones but appeared to familiar with each other. Rosé found herself glaring at one person in particular, it was a woman sitting next to Tzuyu. She was very pretty and she was clinging off of Tzuyu’s arm like an overly obsessed girlfriend. The other two women and Tzuyu ignored what she was doing but Rosé couldn’t look away. At one point she bopped the Taiwanese girl’s nose and Rosé crushed a glass in her hand.


Lisa was off that day due to a college assignment meaning that Chaeyoung had come in to cover her shift. What confused both Rosé and Jennie was that when she came in, before clocking in, she approached Tzuyu’s table and pecked on of the women on the cheek. Jennie thought back to the conversation she and Lisa had with the short girl a while back. So that was how Chaeyoung knew of Tzuyu, she was dating her….friend? Acquaintance? It concerned Jennie a little to know that Rosé was getting involved with someone who’s life was one big mystery. But she wouldn’t say anything until she knew for sure if her friend was going to be hurt. She trusted Rosé could look after herself and if Tzuyu was going to make her happy then why would Jennie be against that.


“So is that your girlfriend?” Rosé asked Chaeyoung when they had a quite few minutes behind the counter,


Chaeyoung smiled, “Yeah that’s Mina, we’ve been together two years now.”


“How does she know Tzuyu?”


Chaeyoung paused for a second, “They do…buisness together. Mina, Momo and Sana are all from different influential Japanese families.”


So the clingy one was Sana.


Stop glaring at Sana,” Chaeyoung chuckled, “She’s like that to everyone.”


“Tell her to keep her hands off.”


“Just do me a favour,” Chaeyoung sighed, “Be careful, Tzuyu’s not exactly a normal woman.”


Rosé groaned, “Who is she Chaeyoung? What’s the big secret?”


“You have to find out for yourself.”




It was the day after that Tzuyu didn’t come in.


Rather than occupy an empty space during her break Rosé had run round the corner to buy a newspaper. As she approached the stand she froze, on the front page of every single paper on the stall was the bald man with a scar over his eye. He was glaring at her in black and white, big black letters on the page said: KOREA-OPERATING YAKUZA BOSS FOUND DEAD. It was like her heart dropped down into her stomach, she bolted for the stand and bought the first copy she got her hands on. Quickly she made her way back to the cafe, completely ignoring the girls behind the counter. She sat down and read the article.


Akazawa Tadashi, a known Yakuza boss operating in Korea, was found dead in his apartment last night with a single gunshot wound to the head. The door was locked from the inside and the window was still locked leading police to believe it was the act of a professional hitman. Police are currently interviewing known Yakuza affiliated families, namely the Minatozaki’s, the Hirai’s and the Myoui’s. If anyone has any information please contact your local police station.


Rosé felt sick.


“I’m not a good person.”


She took out her phone and sent a message to Tzuyu, or at least Tzuyu’s burner phone, praying that she still had the device and hadn’t dumped it yet. The message asked Tzuyu to come over that night, she needed to know some things to decide what her next move was. Tzuyu responded later that she would be there after Rosé’s shift had ended and that she was sorry. Rosé worked the rest of her shift in silence, working as hard as she could and keeping busy. Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa watched her all day, worried, it was rare to not see their friend smile. At the end of her shift she didn’t even say goodbye, instead running out to her car and running every red light to get home. When she pulled up she saw a familiar figure sat on her doorstep, for a second Rosé stayed in her car just letting herself breathe for a moment before getting out and letting Tzuyu into her house. Tzuyu stood by the doorway to her living room as Rosé looked out the window. They hadn’t the light so only the moon allowed them to see each other.


“Did you do it?”


Rosé wasn’t sure she was ready to know the answer.


“I did.”


“So you were in the cafe?”


“The first week was to learn his routine, after that I…umm…”




Tzuyu sighed, “I went to see you.”




“How many?”




“How many people have you…y’know.”


“You don’t count,” Tzuyu confessed, “It makes it easier if you don’t know.”


“What so you just pretend they don’t exist!?” Rosé shouted finally looking at her,


“I can say I’ve never killed anyone that didn’t deserve it.” Tzuyu told her, eyes nothing but honest,


“And what did this guy do, huh?”


“He was trying to get Mina killed.” Tzuyu told her calmly, “Mina’s family left the Yakuza along with the Minatozaki’s and the Hirai’s. To get protection from police they gave away the Kobe Yakuza houses. Akazawa was tasked with getting revenge by kidnapping the youngest of the three daughters. Hirai Momo is the eldest, Minatozaki Sana is in the middle, leaving Myoui.”


“So they contacted you to kill him first?”


“Exactly.” Tzuyu stepped towards her, “If he had taken her he would have tortured her or worse before killing her, I killed him quick - he barely knew it was happening.”


Tzuyu was right in front of her now and, not knowing what to do except find comfort, Rosé hugged her waist.


“I can’t tell whether you’re in the right or wrong.”


“Neither can I.” Tzuyu sighed, “I like you Rosé, but I don’t want you to get wrapped up in this. You’re too sweet to be involved.”


She was right, Rosé could never even send her food back let alone kill someone. In fact she should be panicking over being it close contact with a contract kill, but she wasn’t. She actually felt…safe, like for the first time in her life she was protected. Plus the excitement thrilled her a little, the danger, the romance - like being in a Bond film. But at the end of the day she was still Rosé, still the same bubbly bright girl - she was scared what would happen if she were exposed to this sort of thing for an extended period of time.


“Would I have to know about it?”


Tzuyu wrapped her arms round her, “No, I may go away for weeks but if you trust me….”


“Is it scary that I do?”


“A little.” Rosé pulled her head up to look at her, “Okay.”




“I trust you,” Rosé told her, “If you promise that I don’t have to know what you do at work then okay, I’m willing to try this. I like you too, it’d be stupid to just let that go.”


Tzuyu smiled at her, leaning down to kiss her softly. Rosé’s heart pounded and she felt giddy all over. Sure, they’d have to lie to her parents about what Tzuyu did but Rosé knew they could make this work. Like Tzuyu had said sometimes she’d be gone for a few weeks at a time, but when she would come back she’d go to the cafe and sit in her usual corner. When she was back it’d be like she never left, sometimes Rosé would ask about the types of things she did but Tzuyu knew when to leave out little details and never said anything that could make Rosé a target. Sometimes Rosé would regret asking.


But at the end of the day what’s life without excitement.


A/N - Not my best but I do wanna write a sequel for it one day if anyone has an idea for it.






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I've taken down the chapters because they made me uncomfortable


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Chapter 5: This was extremely entertaining to read! Could you do another chapter that's in the same universe as this? Maybe where Dahmo and 2yeon get together. Or they all have fun together as couples (Michaeng, Dahmo, 2yeon, Satzu, GodJihyo)
Chapter 20: Why is jitzu so heartbreaking i want jitzu fluffff
Chapter 9:
Setfiretoawolf #4
Chapter 23: Damn they making babies that fast?
Empressofquietwind #5
Chapter 19: It was such a fun and cute story. Motzu(≧▽≦)
Chapter 12: I'm re-reading this for the nth time (I love it don't judge me) de I've gotta ask, why does my mind insists that there is a sequel for cougar???
PastelAlleys #7
Chapter 13: intense o.o ,, ours(mitzu)????
Chapter 16: When I tell you I got tears, I really got em. Wow, this writing is brilliantly put together. Definitely one for keeps, no kidd. I expected a painful ending, but am glad it turned out this way. Thank you, author-nim 🥺
Chapter 6: Lawd this made me holler so bad HAHAHAHAHAHA i love this!! Thank you, author-nim <3
Ayoooo where's the Predator chapter? Can you post it again please?