Blind (DaTzu)

Stressed (and other Tzuyu one-shots)

A/N - Still looking for a JeongTzu prompt :) I got this idea from Shane Dawson’s videos with Molly Burke and I have used some of her story in here.


A nice sweet one, that I'm not that happy with, to make up for the cruel last chapter.


Blind (DaTzu)


Dahyun was a nice girl. She was energetic, fun, the life of the party. At the same time she could be deep and serious when called upon. All her friends valued her as an important member of their group. Dahyun worked as piano teacher and loved teaching kids especially. Seeing their little faces light up when they finally played a song well enough to be put in the annual recital was adorable! Dahyun was passionate about music and also a lot of other things: dancing, comedy, her friends, her family. In fact to date there was only one thing Dahyun could say that could make people view her negatively.


Dahyun hated animals.


She understood the appeal of them, some animals were cute and she couldn’t deny that. But all she ever saw were the sharp teeth and claws ready to rip her beautiful face off. When she was three she got bitten by a particularly vicious chow-chow and now dogs were her number one biggest fear. Dahyun hated them. She hated them so much that when Nayeon and Jeongyeon got their puppy she refused to go over to their house any more. Instead they would all meet up at their friend Jihyo’s cafe. She and Chaeyoung would often spend their afternoons in there after their classes at the local college let out.


That was where Dahyun was heading today. She was planning to meet her friends at their usual hang out, having waved goodbye to her classmates she made her way towards her car. Chaeyoung was waiting for her and both girls quickly got into the car. Dahyun and Chaeyoung had been friends since they were kids, they lived next door to one another. They and Chaeyoung’s cousin Jeongyeon grew up together, with Jihyo and Nayeon joining them in middle school. They were as close as could be! They all got along with Jihyo’s cafe staff as well: Sana and Momo. They both knew Mina - Chaeyoung’s girlfriend. Speaking of when the duo arrived in the cafe they waved at the Japanese pair who were behind the counter before joining their friends at the booth.


“Hey guys!” Dahyun greeted,


“Sup Dubu!” Jeongyeon responded highfiving her,


Dahyun looked around, “Quiet today.”


Jihyo nodded, “Usually is around this time, that’s why I said to come now.”


The group made light conversation and were eventually joined by Sana and Momo. The cafe was empty - uncommon as Jihyo’s cafe was very popular among students. About ten minutes later Chaeyoung excused herself to go to the bathroom and the bell for the door rang as it opened. Dahyun turned, squeaked in fear and turned back round.


“What’s up?” Sana asked,




The girls all turned, Mina was sitting at the table on the other side of the cafe with a girl none of them had seen before except Sana who stood and ran over to greet her. Like Dahyun had seen there was a large blonde Labrador curled at the girls feet, lapping up the bowl of water Sana ran to get. Dahyun was terrified, she hated dogs! Surely a dog shouldn’t be allowed in here. She looked at Jihyo who watched the dog for a moment before sighing with a shrug.


“Nothing I can do.”


“What!? You’re the owner!” Dahyun snapped,


“Come on, you’re all the way over here.” Nayeon pointed out rolling her eyes,


“I don’t care,” Dahyun scoffed, “That flea ridden thing should not be in here!”


At that moment Chaeyoung returned, “What’s flea ridden?”


“That girls dog.”


“Who? Tzuyu?” Chaeyoung asked, recognising Mina’s study buddy,


“Well someone needs to tell Chewy--”




“Whatever! That her dog is not allowed in here.”


Dahyun then stood ignoring Chaeyoung desperately telling her not to. She stormed over and Mina looked up to smile in greeting - the other girl completely ignored her presence. Dahyun couldn’t lie - the girl was beautiful but the raised, cocked head of the dog laying by her feet reminded Dahyun of

what she wanted.


“Hey!” She snapped,


The girl didn’t turn, “Who me?”


“Yeah you, you can’t be in here with that!”


“Dahyun!” Mina gasped,


“No Mina-unnie, dogs aren’t allowed so she needs to go.”


The girl chuckled, still not looking at Dahyun. Mina for her part was mortified, “Tzuyu I’m so sorry.”


“It’s alright Mina,” Tzuyu replied kindly, “Some people aren’t animal people.”


“See she understands.” Dahyun argued,


“However,” Tzuyu continued, “I do not appreciate the way you just spoke to me.”


“Why don’t you look me in the eye and say that!?”


Mina winced as Sana approached, “KIM DAHYUN! How dare you be so cruel!?”


“What!? She has eyes doesn’t she.”


The girl’s previous joking manner was gone and she sighed, “Sorry Mina, I think I should head home.”


“But you haven’t finished recording my notes.”


Dahyun kept running , “What to lazy to copy by hand? Don’t let her steal your work Mina.”


“Dahyun shut up!” Mina hissed,


Tzuyu sighed, “Thanks anyway Mina.”


She stood and Dahyun noted that she didn’t have a lead for the dog, instead she gripped on to two straps. The dog itself was wearing a high-vis jacket, the words ‘안내견’ or ‘Guide Dog’ written in large black letters. Dahyun froze, she had realised where she had messed up. The girl gave a command and the dog began leading her out of the cafe, Sana running to open the door for her - glaring at Dahyun as she did so. Dahyun sunk into the booth opposite Mina, who had her arms folded, lowering her head into her hands.


“You could have said she was blind.” Dahyun’s voice was muffled by her hands,


“You didn’t give me a chance.” Mina told her coldly,


“I’m such an .”


“Yup.” Mina replied popping the p,


At that moment their other friends joined them in an awkward silence, Nayeon having to elbow Jeongyeon to stop her laughing behind her hand.


“That was bad.” Chaeyoung told her as she slid in next to her,


“Like car crash bad.” Jeongyeon said trying and failing to keep a straight face,


“I liked Tzuyu.” Momo said sadly,

“Me too,” Sana added, “She’s a good kid.”


This only made Dahyun feel worse, “I’m a terrible person.”


Jihyo rolled her eyes, “Dahyun, you’re not a bad person you’re just an idiot. Apologise to her.”


Mina nodded, “I hate to say it but Tzuyu will forgive you if you apologise.”


“I can’t, she probably hates me and will sick her dog on me when she see……realises it’s me.”


“Well you’re going to,” Jihyo ordered, “I am not going to be the blind-prejudiced cafe - until you bring her here to apologised you’re banned.”


“WHAT!?” Dahyun’s head snapped up in horror,


“You heard me, out you go!”


True to her word Jihyo dragged Dahyun out - forbidding her from coming back until she apologised. It was fine for the first three days, but then Dahyun began to miss hanging out with her friends. Plus yelling at a blind girl ways heavily on ones conscience. She had asked Mina where she could find Tzuyu but it turned out that the girl was visiting Taiwan, where she was from, for the last few days which was why Mina had been recording her notes audibly for her. So every day Dahyun would wait around with Chaeyoung after Mina’s last lectures in hopes of seeing the familiar guide dog, a phrase she never thought she’d say. About five days into her hunt she was once again sat at the fountain outside Mina’s lecture hall next to Chaeyoung. The doors opened and a flood of students walked out, Mina was in the crowd and walked over, pecking Chaeyoung’s lips when they met. Dahyun kept watching the door and grinned when she saw a familiar face.


Tzuyu wasn’t alone, she didn’t have her guide dog which made Dahyun happier, she was standing next to another girl who was guiding her by holding her elbow. Tzuyu was also using one of those cool walking sticks with the ball on the end. Taking her chance Dahyun bounded over, making sure not to startle her. Though it is impossible to not sneak up on blind people.


“Tzuyu!” She called,


“Dahyun?” Tzuyu stopped and her friend turned her to face Dahyun,


“You remember?”


“How could she forget, you ign---” Her friend spoke up,


“Elkie can you leave us for a minute.”




“Please?” Tzuyu asked,


Elkie glared once more at Dahyun and walked away, once hearing Elkie’s footsteps go further away Tzuyu turned to face Dahyun. Dahyun sighed, “I just wanted to apologise. I should’ve been more sensitive.”


Tzuyu looked at her…well in her direction, “It’s cool.”


“I-It is?”


Tzuyu shrugged, “Sure, not like you knew I was blind.”

“I really didn’t,” Dahyun told her, “I’m just really scared of dogs.”


“Fair enough.”


“So we’re cool?”


Tzuyu nodded, “We’re cool.”


Dahyun studied the girl, she really was nice like the others said. It made Dahyun feel worse, “Want to get some food so I can make it up to you?”


“You don’t have to do that.”


“I want to,” Dahyun told her, “I still feel bad.”


“Should I bring the dog?”


“I-I-I s-sure, if you want….”


“Dahyun,” Tzuyu interrupted her babbling, “I’m kidding, let me text Elkie and we’ll go.”


“You can text?” Dahyun asked,


Tzuyu giggled, a nice sound Dahyun found, “Yeah, there’s a blind setting you can put on your phone.”


For five minutes they stood there as Tzuyu texted Elkie and let Dahyun play with the blind mode on her phone. She laughed every time they turned the speed of the voice up so that it sounded like what they were pressing was being narrated by a chipmunk. Soon Mina called them over and Dahyun began to panic about leading Tzuyu to Mina’s car. Tzuyu sensed this and smiled.


“You need to take my elbow and just make sure I don’t bump into anything.”


“Oh, o-okay.”


“If you’re not confident enough,” Tzuyu told her gently, “I can just use the stick.”


“No, no!” Dahyun yelped, “I-I can do it.”


Awkwardly Dahyun took Tzuyu’s arm and successfully lead the girl to Mina’s vehicle without causing any injury. Chaeyoung smirked at Dahyun while Mina sent her a proud smile. When they were all in the car Mina discussed their lecture with Tzuyu, telling her that she was happy to record her notes for Tzuyu to hear back for revising purposes. They pulled into the cafe parking lot and Dahyun quickly ran round to help Tzuyu out of the vehicle, Mina chuckled at the sight. This was interesting. They walked into the cafe and Jihyo beamed at them - proud of her baby Dubu for wronging her right.


“Mina and Chaeyoung go sit with the others over there,” Jihyo ordered, “Dahyun and Tzuyu sit right here.”


“After you!” Dahyun said trying to be polite,


“Erm…I don’t know where ‘here’ is.”


“OH! Right, sorry!” Dahyun realised, “I’ll lead you to your seat.”


As their friends watched them, Dahyun and Tzuyu settled in their seats in an awkward silence. Mina nearly face-palmed at their silliness. Chaeyoung laughed and signalled for Dahyun to start a conversation, Dahyun panicked - unaware of how to begin. She reminded herself that Tzuyu was a normal person so Dahyun should treat her like one, what would she usually ask?


“So,” She began, “What’s your favourite colour?”


Mina face-palmed, Chaeyoung slammed her head on the table, Jihyo dropped a plate and Momo and Sana laughed as quietly as possible. Dahyun could have slapped herself. Luckily for her, to everyone else’s surprise, Tzuyu laughed.




“Yellow?” Dahyun asked, “But….erm…you’re---”






“I wasn’t always,” Tzuyu told her, “I lost my sight when I was fourteen, yellow is the only colour I really remember.”


Dahyun looked at her surprised, “You forget colours?”


Tzuyu nodded, “I can’t remember colours or faces, it’s sad but that’s the reality. I only remember yellow because I’m not completely blind. I can see some light, like I know there’s a window next to us. I associate light with the colour yellow.”


“I can’t even imagine it,” Dahyun said wistfully, “Sight one day and virtually nothing the next.”


“No one can,” She replied, “A lot of my friends ditched me because of it.”


Once the blind elephant was out of the room both girls settled into a pleasant conversation and at some point Dahyun stopped listening to what the girl was saying. Instead she was staring at how beautiful Tzuyu was, she was so beautiful and she’d never know. That made Dahyun sad. They began meeting up more and more, Dahyun falling for the blind girl quickly. Dahyun always rushed into things without thinking, it was her nature and Tzuyu herself had begun feeling the same. Dahyun even began to get more and more confident around Tzuyu’s guide dog after it defended her from a particularly evil squirrel colony - don’t ask…and don’t tell Sana that girl shares a weird kinship with squirrels. It was one day when they were lying on a picnic blanket in the park that Tzuyu turned to Dahyun and said something surprising.


You’re beautiful,” She said honestly, “You know that?”


Dahyun stared at her for a second, “How’d you know?”


“I can’t see you,” Tzuyu explained, “So I go off of peoples personalities: I know you do yoga so I assume you’re thin, you laugh a lot so I assume you have a great smile. I like to think your eyes sparkle when you’re telling me one of your funny stories, you always over explain so that I can feel like I saw it. You’re just beautiful inside and I assume out.”


Dahyun giggled embarrassed, “I wish you could see yourself. You’re a goddess.”


“I doubt that.”


“I’m sorry to tell you Chou,” Dahyun sighed in mock sadness, “But you too are beautiful inside and out.”


Tzuyu laughed and Dahyun just watched her, how her eyes crinkled and her dimple became more prominent. Her lips spread into a large smile. Not thinking about it Dahyun leaned forward and kissed her, the girl stilling for only a moment before reciprocating. Dahyun didn’t feel sparks or any of the other cliches people talk about, she just felt Tzuyu, smelt Tzuyu, tasted Tzuyu. Everything around her was Tzuyu and that thought alone made her heart flutter.


Tzuyu pulled away and looked towards where Dahyun’s were, feeling sad for a moment that she couldn’t see them - she couldn’t get an idea of how the older girl was feeling. She could vaguely see her outline in the sunlight but she couldn’t relax until a soft hand her cheek.


“I think I’m in love with you.”






“Because I’m definitely in love with you but I wasn’t going to say it first.”


“So what you going to do about it?”


Tzuyu leaned in to attempt to capture Dahyun’s lips and got half of them, Dahyun squealed causing the guide dog to bark in protest, scaring the out of her. Tzuyu just laughed again and Dahyun sighed, if she had to put up with a dog to see that smile she’d gladly do so.


Plus she could always distract it with meat, not like Tzuyu would notice.

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I've taken down the chapters because they made me uncomfortable


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Chapter 5: This was extremely entertaining to read! Could you do another chapter that's in the same universe as this? Maybe where Dahmo and 2yeon get together. Or they all have fun together as couples (Michaeng, Dahmo, 2yeon, Satzu, GodJihyo)
Chapter 20: Why is jitzu so heartbreaking i want jitzu fluffff
Chapter 9:
Setfiretoawolf #4
Chapter 23: Damn they making babies that fast?
Empressofquietwind #5
Chapter 19: It was such a fun and cute story. Motzu(≧▽≦)
Chapter 12: I'm re-reading this for the nth time (I love it don't judge me) de I've gotta ask, why does my mind insists that there is a sequel for cougar???
PastelAlleys #7
Chapter 13: intense o.o ,, ours(mitzu)????
Chapter 16: When I tell you I got tears, I really got em. Wow, this writing is brilliantly put together. Definitely one for keeps, no kidd. I expected a painful ending, but am glad it turned out this way. Thank you, author-nim 🥺
Chapter 6: Lawd this made me holler so bad HAHAHAHAHAHA i love this!! Thank you, author-nim <3
Ayoooo where's the Predator chapter? Can you post it again please?